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Everything posted by calkid75

  1. I have a fishcat 13 two man pontoon boat and have a Minnkota 55lbs with maximized purchased last year at costco in the spring. It is great for the boat and I have even used it on a couple aluminum row boats and it really goes good, much better than rowing Real good deal, I do not remember the price but even with a rebate from other local stores was much better priced. I have not been out on it all day so I cannot tell you to much about batteries. I have a sealed one and it cost a lot and has a high capacity but off hand I do not have the details and have not used it long enough continuously to give much of a recommendation. If you have a fishcat 13 they are great on the bow, I have really enjoyed mine. hope this helps a little.
  2. I have seen a lot of recommendations on here about viewing Henrik Mortensen's Casting DVD's. I have been to his web site and the trailers look excellent. Can anyone point my in the right direction in how I may find these DVD's? All help is appreciated, Guy -Just waiting to get down to the show this weekend!
  3. Most definately a liberal. There are very few conservatives left in this country, especially in politics. It makes me very sad how left our pliticians think they most move to get votes.
  4. I have the boat you posted. Actually a little different as it is Sportsman Wharehouse branded. Only real differences are that the pontoons are forest Green and Oars are Yellow. (It saved me a bunch buying it in Montana)(??-$1299) I have added a Standing platform for the Oarsman($100), Two Rod holders($8 each), Two Seat Caddies($10 each), Two seat saddle bags(??-$30 each), Motor Mount (??-$60), Electric Pump ($100), Manual Pump ($30). The Accessories start to add up. I really enjoy it, it is super stable, easy to row. Just floated Glenmore to Fishcreek on Saturday. You should know it is fairly large so assembly takes some time. I have started to leave it together when using is and just strap it to a utility trailer I have. Makes launching so much quicker. But I like the option of breaking it down to take it inside a different vehicle. I don't think that even apart it would fit well in any car, but a truck/SUV/Van works well. Inflated it is about 13' by 5'. Floats in a maybe 3-4" of water. If you have other more specific questions feel free to ask and I will try to answer them best i can. Guy
  5. I just installed a system last spring and I purchased everything at Regency Irrigation Ltd. 103, 90 Freeport Blvd, NE, Calgary, AB CANADA T3J 5J9 (Deerfoot and Country hills Blvd) (403) 250-2685 They were great to deal with. Hope this helps, Guy
  6. Quick question. I have never fished Police Lake, is it good shore fishing or should one bring a pontoon boat. Any information is appreciated. thanks, Guy
  7. I am looking for a little advise. I just purchased a tent trailer for the family and am looking to get out in the next few weeks to give it a try. I would really like the opportunity to fish while we camp. Can anyone suggest a nice place to camp and fish, preferably in southern part of province as I think it has a better chance of being warmer. I had heard that cypress hills has nice camping but I am unsure on the fishing. I hear Police Outpost in nice fishing, but information I find does not show much about camping. Any suggestions on these or any others would be appreciated. We are a family of three with one child of three years old. It will be our first time, I camped many years ago in college but not since. thanks for your help in advance, Guy
  8. I have a preference for windows smartphones. Take a look at the HTC Touch, 620 or 720. I currently have the HTC 621 from Rogers and really like it. Isimilarly don't really use email, most just the pda fuctions and phone. It is handy to sync doc's that have info you want handy. Before this phone I had a touch screen and it was good, but I found it heavy and then I dropped it breaking my first mobile phone ever. I also had an audiovox smartphone in the candybar style and it was nice but I missed the full keypad when entering data, the 720 looks real nice, I probably would have bought it if Rogers had it or if it was cheaper on ebay Hope this helps, Guy
  9. Hey I don't know a lot about this but the little I have read concerns me. Just figured all the people on here may want to view this information and then take action that supports their views. Here is a cut and paste of the email for those who have not received the email. Federal Parliament Vote Friday Is Critical For Anglers Join Us for a National Anglers "Phone Your MP" Day A vote scheduled for Friday in the House of Commons on federal animal cruelty legislation (Bill S 203) will be critical for people who fish and hunt. S-203 protects anglers and hunters and other traditional animal uses while significantly increasing fines and penalties for wanton animal abuses. The US based animal rights groups like the International Fund for Animal Welfare and others are mounting a full scale effort against this legislation. For ten years they have aggressively supported alternative legislation (C-373) which would make it a crime to kill a fish or a deer, even if the animal dies immediately. Extensive legal opinion obtained by the CSIA from the firm of Lang Michener confirms these threats to our traditional outdoor heritage activities. A fishing license affords no legal protection for killing a fish. In recent days the animal rights groups have mounted a last minute 'blitz' in the press and in Ottawa against S-203, and against legal protection for fishing and hunting. These are the same groups who led the campaign to ban spring bear hunting in Ontario and they are out to make it a crime to take your kids fishing. Federal Members of Parliament need to hear TODAY from all of us who value our right to fish. Call your MP's office right now and tell them you vote, and you want them to vote IN FAVOR of Bill S-203. Stand up for our freedom to fish along with the other eight million Canadians who enjoy a day on the water - before the animal rights people make it a crime. Find Out More The Bill to support is called S-203, and is available online to review. http://www2.parl.gc.ca/content/Senate/Bill...-203_text-e.htm The Threat Some animal rights groups want a different bill supported - one that would make it a crime to kill a fish. To see the activitists' preferred legislation http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/P...ge=e&Mode=1
  10. Glenbow your pm box is full. Tried to send PM, will try later. thanks
  11. I had tracked our usage of all utilities for over a year before I signed up last spring. I signed up at 7cents and do not regret it. I used previous usage number and compared both enmax and direct energy on these contracts and was going to save dramatically with enmax in comparison with our families usage. I did not compare to what I had paid as I did not keep all my bills just usage. So it may have been better to stay with they two seperate but I do not know. From what I could find at the time 7 cents was super cheap comparing to anything I could find in Canada and the USA but their is not a lot of numbers I could find. I heat my garage with electric to keep eveything from freezing and so that I can do some woodworking when I want to. I don't feel it as bad at the 7cents and I think electric will go up as companies try to pay for the needed expansion as we use more electricity in this province. Just MHO. Hope this help, Guy
  12. I did get a 2 man pontoon. It was late in the year so I didn't really get it out. It should give my time to get it all setup. I ended up getting a Outcast Fishcat 13.0 but branded under sportman wharehouse in Montana. Only diff I can see is the pontoons are green and it has their logo on it. I was looking at the creek company boat boat looking at them side by side in the store made the decision easy as the creek company boat looked a little like a toy next to the Outcast. I look forward to getting out both on the rivers and a couple lakes with it next year.
  13. The tailing material is pheasant tail. I did trim the tail (as rusty noted) after though as it looked a touch long. It also spead a little more than I wanted but I will try to fix that on the next one.
  14. I have been lurking for a while. I have learned a lot from everyone that contributes. Thank you all for helping a newbie like me. So today I finally attempted to tie my first fly. Here is a picture ... Bead head Hares Ear.
  15. So I went to pick up the creek company 1220 and setup next to it was a Sportsman Warehouse 13 (Outcast Fishcat 13) and I ended up with the Fishcat. Side by side they did not look even comparable so I purchased the fishcat for $1399. I am looking forward to setting this boat up. Even though it was 400 more I think I will be happier with it as you could really see a lot of difference between them. Larger frame diameter, larger pontoon diameter, more padding on seats. A lot of little things. I guess now I just have to outfit it! It should be fun. Guy
  16. That's a nice setup. I may have to borrow some of those ideas. thanks for the link Guy
  17. Hi, I am just wondering what modifications people have made to their pontoon boats. I am picking up an Creek Company ODC 1220 2 man pontoon boat this weekend. I figured with the long winter coming, it would be a great time to outfit the boat. I have found a few modifications on other groups online but wondered what people around here find the most useful. Maybe even a description or pic of what you did if it is something you would like to share with others. I know I am definitely going to have to add some rod holders for different setups and add an electric trolling motor for flat water use. I think I am also going to add the second standing platform. I hope others find this interesting and I look forward to hearing what others have found useful, Guy
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