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Spinn last won the day on October 3 2018

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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. Thanks for all your efforts Neil. As a relatively new stillwater fly fisher, your posts have been extremely helpful and was a great starting point for me to explore new lakes.
  2. Fish Cat released a newer light weight model. The fishin hole has them in stock online actually. https://thefishinhole.com/index.cfm?action=product&kw=/OUTCAST/FISH-CAT-RISE-NAVY/&se=33881 Hope this helps!
  3. My experience this year has been the same as others. Lots of little guys around the 6-8 inch mark and the odd 16 incher here and there. The bigger ones have been caught in the deeper water / pools.
  4. Thanks for the awesome feedback guys! Silver, your flies are amazing. The picture looks like it could have come out of a fly tying book. Hopefully some day mine can compare. I'm looking to tie most of the common flies for the bow / southern Alberta (EHC, BWO, Adams, PMDs, stimulators, etc). So I think I'll go the neck route for the hackles. Also willing to spend a little more up front for the hackle since in the past I've had a tendency to buy cheap then upgrade a short time later. I've been tying all my nymphs and some of my dry flies since I began and it's definitely more rewarding catching a fish with your own tie. I'm thinking of investing in quality 3 or 4 necks to start my foundation for dry flies. A brown, grizzly, dun and cream colour. Do you guys think that is a good start or are there any other recommendations?
  5. Hi everyone, I started fly tying last year and am looking to purchase some decent dry fly hackle. My starter kit came with a grizzly and a brown half cape but the quality is terrible. The smaller feathers (size 14 or smaller) are so tiny, they are basically unusable. Just wondering where you all like to buy your dry fly hackle? Thanks!
  6. Don, thanks for your feedback! I am new to the fly fishing game but it's still great to hear about positive changes to our fisheries.
  7. I had the same experience as TroutPanther. I started fly fishing/tying this year and bought mustads C49 as the price was good. I managed to hook into a nice sized trout that peeled my fly line right away and got me into the backing. Unfortunately after a couple minutes, the hook bent out. I probably won't use them in a size 16 or smaller anymore.
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