After going through it, my quick thoughts.
I am in favor of removing fish retention out of the Elbow, however it is a noted spawning stream for brown trout and rainbow trout, and therefore should not be open year round. This blanket approach is not appropriate for the stream.
Time to get working on out-of-province guides or at least a day system in places like the Oldman and tribs (Livingstone, etc). Numerous guides are coming across from BC or Montana and utilizing our rivers with zero return for Alberta. There has been a significant change in BC management with the change to 'draws' for rivers adjacent to ES1 streams, therefore continuing to increase the demand on our rivers that are adjacent to the border (Crowsnest, Oldman, Livingstone, Waterton, Castle, etc). There has been a noted requirement in BC for resident-priority, which has not been seen in Alberta. Time for that to change.
Guide use has continued to increase, with zero regulations, into more areas across ES1. Self-designated groups like AOGAA have limited to zero ability to discipline members at this time, and is strictly a voluntary group.