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Farewell To A Friend

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I spent all day yesterday and this morning with my fishing buddy (or I guess I should say one of my fishing buddies). This was meaningful to me as this was his last weekend in Canada as he is moving to Paris, in fact is on the plane now. He started fly fishing last year, with almost no fishing knowledge in general. Yesterday he caught his first cuttie on the dry. 11 of them in fact, up ot 16" or so. I would like to take credit for teaching him, as all his fishing has been with me. The reality is this board, or people I have met through this board, taught him even though he has never read it. Everything I know (which admittedly is a work in progress) is through here. So thank you all. I would list everyone, but it would take too damn long.


Anyway, I'll miss my friend. I know I"ll make more, but it is always a bit sad when they go. But I take pride in the fact that I helped create a new fisherman. And his young son may be more addicted than my friend. Hope they can find someplace in France to fish. Thanks again everyone!



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My son and nephew just got back from an afternoon on the river. I recommended they travel south outside the city to avoid the weekend crowds. This was Ben's first fishing trip on his own since he started driving, and my nephews second trip ever. Several phone calls for directions yielded in him finally finding the correct road and river. I called him after he had been there for an hour to hear "I'm fighting a 18" rainbow. Call you back." So Ben and my nephew ended up with 8 fish in a couple of hours, all rainbows, with my nephew catching a couple as well. When we called them and said "come home for dinner" as we had family over he replied "but the water is boiling!" The only complaint was from my nephew who said he would prefer a place where he can backcast!


Anyway, I fished all day yesterday for 4 cutties and this morning for no fish at all. But between my buddy having a great day yesterday and my son and nephew doing it on their own made this maybe my best fishing weekend ever!



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Salmon and sea trout are showing up in the Seine at Paris for the first time in about 100 years. I was there in March and the night manager and I spent several hours showing each other our fish pictures. The is apparantly a really good Pike spot on the river just downstream of the "Touristy area". I didn't bring a rod along and my daughter had a large list of things she wanted to see while we were there, so there was no fishing for me. Next time.....Normandy and spring creeks!!

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Rick, you should have called me, Deb and I would have come for dinner!! LoL


Great stories!




My son and nephew just got back from an afternoon on the river. I recommended they travel south outside the city to avoid the weekend crowds. This was Ben's first fishing trip on his own since he started driving, and my nephews second trip ever. Several phone calls for directions yielded in him finally finding the correct road and river. I called him after he had been there for an hour to hear "I'm fighting a 18" rainbow. Call you back." So Ben and my nephew ended up with 8 fish in a couple of hours, all rainbows, with my nephew catching a couple as well. When we called them and said "come home for dinner" as we had family over he replied "but the water is boiling!" The only complaint was from my nephew who said he would prefer a place where he can backcast!


Anyway, I fished all day yesterday for 4 cutties and this morning for no fish at all. But between my buddy having a great day yesterday and my son and nephew doing it on their own made this maybe my best fishing weekend ever!


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You are obviously a great teacher Rick!


That first morning we all fished together would indicate this. While you and me, unable to catch anything, watched in envy as 3 large trout were landed by your protege.



That boy also possesses some serious skillz!


Hope he finds a way to continue his new talents across the big pond.



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