NormanMcLean Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Check out the 5:00 minute mark. Disturbing that fly-fishers can be so careless. Ridiculous. Jason Quote
birchy Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Posted on YouTube by "Strando111".. hmmm, I have a feeling this thread could get interesting. Quote
flyfishfairwx Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 just quadders who fish with a fly, think I will throw up now!!!!! Quote
SupremeLeader Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Quading; about the lowest form of transportation. These guys are just like their choice of vehicle; low-ends. Ban ATV's........keep the wild free from low-ends, disrespecting pricks, bad style, and laziness. Quote
bhurt Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Jason, This vid just goes to show that even Flyfishermen can be idoits too, does that make every fly fisher an idoit now? If not then why not the same for the people that use ORV, it seems to me that people just go out and look for the bad in everything and not see that there are some people out there that repect and follow the rules. It burns me when I see people make comments about ORV's and generalize everyone that uses one as beeing lower then them!!!!! I do agree that there is a problem but to generalize everyone that uses a ORV as dirt bags, low life, hillbillies, lazy, etc... is totally unfair ( to me calling people these names is just as bad as beeing a rasit, however it does not have to do with a race but with a group of people), do we really have to resort to name calling to get the point across. If it was me and someone was calling me names I would just ignore them, or worst get into a argument, thus the issuse at hand does not get solved. Just like the random camping *hit show there are some people that respect the laws and there are some people that do not, and this can go with anything. I for one am getting pretty sick and tired that every other post is about some complaining about random camping or ORV's, I think we all get the point, now my question is what are you doing to stop this. I wrote a note to a good friend of the family, which just happened to be a MLA expressing my concerns and I also called Fish and Wildlife and asked them what they are doing about these issuse? Once again what are you doing about it or are you just using the forum to vent out your fustrations? Quote
SupremeLeader Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 bhurt said: Jason, This vid just goes to show that even Flyfishermen can be idoits too, does that make every fly fisher an idoit now? If not then why not the same for the people that use ORV, it seems to me that people just go out and look for the bad in everything and not see that there are some people out there that repect and follow the rules. It burns me when I see people make comments about ORV's and generalize everyone that uses one as beeing lower then them!!!!! I do agree that there is a problem but to generalize everyone that uses a ORV as dirt bags, low life, hillbillies, lazy, etc... is totally unfair ( to me calling people these names is just as bad as beeing a rasit, however it does not have to do with a race but with a group of people), do we really have to resort to name calling to get the point across. If it was me and someone was calling me names I would just ignore them, or worst get into a argument, thus the issuse at hand does not get solved. Just like the random camping *hit show there are some people that respect the laws and there are some people that do not, and this can go with anything. I for one am getting pretty sick and tired that every other post is about some complaining about random camping or ORV's, I think we all get the point, now my question is what are you doing to stop this. I wrote a note to a good friend of the family, which just happened to be a MLA expressing my concerns and I also called Fish and Wildlife and asked them what they are doing about these issuse? Once again what are you doing about it or are you just using the forum to vent out your fustrations? Bhurt, The damage that ORV’s cause by the noise they create is enough of a reason that to ban them; not to mention the visible damage. People that use these vehicles don't care about the damage they cause; they turn a blind eye as they reach deeper into the wilderness with their rancid disrespect. People who use ORV's may respect the laws, however, they don't respect the wilderness; if they did they wouldn't use these vehicles to access the back country. I do agree that calling your MLA is the best method to counter these forms of ‘recreation’; however, a spike belt would likely be more effective. And judging by our governments recent plans I think the ORV problem is only going to get worse. Read: Regards, SL Quote
bhurt Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 SupremeLeader said: Bhurt, The damage that ORV’s cause by the noise they create is enough of a reason that to ban them; not to mention the visible damage. I guess you might as well start walking out to your favorite streams, as the car you drive creates alot of populition and does no good for the enviorment. People that use these vehicles don't care about the damage they cause; they turn a blind eye as they reach deeper into the wilderness with their rancid disrespect. How do you know this do you see every single person that goes deep into the woods, I know lots of people including family members that do not do this. People who use ORV's may respect the laws, however, they don't respect the wilderness; if they did they wouldn't use these vehicles to access the back country. I take peronal offence to this as lots of my family mebers own ORV's and respect the wildress, your generalization about this is totally rediculious and unfair to the people that respect the laws, and what about you walking into the backcountry destroying untouched wilderness with your boot tracks, when you go into the back country do you piss in a bottle cause otherwise you are leaving a human scent in a untouched area. I do agree that calling your MLA is the best method to counter these forms of ‘recreation’; however, a spike belt would likely be more effective. How is a spike belt going to solve anything but make someone madder and even more destructive to the area, as they then need to bring out another ORV and either fix the damage bike there leaving god knows what or have to drag it out. I have never been for damaging other peoples property and no way shape or forum back it up. And judging by our governments recent plans I think the ORV problem is only going to get worse. I disagree with you on this, giving them a place to go and use their recronation vechiles on pathways that are made is far better then allowing them to destroy areas that do not have pathways. Read: Regards, SL Quote
fisher26 Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Quote Bhurt, The damage that ORV’s cause by the noise they create is enough of a reason that to ban them; not to mention the visible damage. People that use these vehicles don't care about the damage they cause; they turn a blind eye as they reach deeper into the wilderness with their rancid disrespect. People who use ORV's may respect the laws, however, they don't respect the wilderness; if they did they wouldn't use these vehicles to access the back country. I do agree that calling your MLA is the best method to counter these forms of ‘recreation’; however, a spike belt would likely be more effective. And judging by our governments recent plans I think the ORV problem is only going to get worse. Read: Regards, SL ^ Right on Quote
SupremeLeader Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Bhurt, You can play with my words all you want; and twist them all you want. I don't take my car off-road; I limit my impact. The purpose of ORV's is to venture off-road; to areas where regular road vehicles can't go. You said "How do you know this do you see every single person that goes deep into the woods, I know lots of people including family members that do not do this." Why would you purchase on ORV....... to drive down regular roads? You wrote "I take peronal offence to this as lots of my family mebers own ORV's and respect the wildress, your generalization about this is totally rediculious and unfair to the people that respect the laws, and what about you walking into the backcountry destroying untouched wilderness with your boot tracks, when you go into the back country do you piss in a bottle cause otherwise you are leaving a human scent in a untouched area." My boot tracks and piss do little damage compared to ORV's. As I said before, the noise alone disturbs vast areas.....entire valleys in fact. Furthermore, the tracks of destruction these vehicles leave in their wake are much worse that a walking trail or path. Why do you think you can't use these modes of transportation in a national park? "How is a spike belt going to solve anything but make someone madder and even more destructive to the area, as they then need to bring out another ORV and either fix the damage bike there leaving god knows what or have to drag it out. I have never been for damaging other peoples property and no way shape or forum back it up." The spike belt comment was in jest..........., it's called 'rhetoric'; look it up in the dictionary. "I disagree with you on this, giving them a place to go and use their recronation vechiles on pathways that are made is far better then allowing them to destroy areas that do not have pathways." You must have missed the part in the article that states that areas for ORV's would be used at "those more remote campgrounds where [perhaps] you could exit out the back of the campsite and on to trails". The plan is to open up more remote areas to ORV's. I understand I am drastic in my opinions, but your arguments are weak. It is also obvious you are an off-road enthusiast. ORV's are a plague, a mold infecting the back country. Why don't you tell me what good they do for the back country, instead of what some ORV users don't do? Quote
bhurt Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 SupremeLeader said: Bhurt, You can play with my words all you want; and twist them all you want. I don't take my car off-road; I limit my impact. The purpose of ORV's is to venture off-road; to areas where regular road vehicles can't go. Still cause pollution and noise regardless to weather it is used off road or not and many people have big trucks that they do use for off roading, why aren't you complaining about those people or better yet why aren't you asking for these trucks to be banned also, and dirt bikes that are used on man made tracks, and so forth. You said "How do you know this do you see every single person that goes deep into the woods, I know lots of people including family members that do not do this." Why would you purchase on ORV....... to drive down regular roads? Why would someone buy one, its simple for recrational use or for work, for example my aunt and uncle have a cattle ranch and they use there ORV to check on the herds on their land, also for going to places on THEIR land that is not accessable by a vechicle. Lots of people use ORV for work, like mentioned before their is law enforcement that uses ORV. You wrote "I take peronal offence to this as lots of my family mebers own ORV's and respect the wildress, your generalization about this is totally rediculious and unfair to the people that respect the laws, and what about you walking into the backcountry destroying untouched wilderness with your boot tracks, when you go into the back country do you piss in a bottle cause otherwise you are leaving a human scent in a untouched area." My boot tracks and piss do little damage compared to ORV's. As I said before, the noise alone disturbs vast areas.....entire valleys in fact. Furthermore, the tracks of destruction these vehicles leave in their wake are much worse that a walking trail or path. Why do you think you can't use these modes of transportation in a national park? Still is doing damage regardless to how bad, is it okay to do a little bit of damage as long as it is not on a large scale? And we are not taking about using them in National Parks, now who is playing on words, you want a complete band but yet you do some damage yourself, regardless to how bad it is, and if a million people all pissed in the woods I am sure there would be a impact not as bad as ORV beeing misused but their is still damage beeing done. "How is a spike belt going to solve anything but make someone madder and even more destructive to the area, as they then need to bring out another ORV and either fix the damage bike there leaving god knows what or have to drag it out. I have never been for damaging other peoples property and no way shape or forum back it up." The spike belt comment was in jest..........., it's called 'rhetoric'; look it up in the dictionary. Your militant comments and firm stand point on banning ORV gives the impression that you were seriouse about this, and in no way in your post is there anything to suggest that you are beeing rhetorical "I disagree with you on this, giving them a place to go and use their recronation vechiles on pathways that are made is far better then allowing them to destroy areas that do not have pathways." You must have missed the part in the article that states that areas for ORV's would be used at "those more remote campgrounds where [perhaps] you could exit out the back of the campsite and on to trails". The plan is to open up more remote areas to ORV's. I understand I am drastic in my opinions, but your arguments are weak. It is also obvious you are an off-road enthusiast. How wrong you are, I just respect everyone and don't Classifie, Steryotype, anyone, and I also look at everything from all diffrent sides infact I do not even own a ORV and I do agree that there are problems with it, but instead of coming onto a internet forum where I can talk big behind my keyboard I actually wrote a letter and called Fish and Wildlife and asked them what they are doing about it. As I see it if some people are abusing it then why should everyone be banned, its kind of like saying there is a problem with poaching all it does is kill the fish so maybe we should outright ban fishing cause it is putting serious strains on the fish in the rivers, creeks, streams, and lakes. ORV's are a plague, a mold infecting the back country. Why don't you tell me what good they do for the back country, instead of what some ORV users don't do? In this world we live in there are lots of things that are done that are not good for the enviroment in fact you could come up with a problem for everything, for example, fly fishing, alot of people use lead in their flies or by flies that have lead in it, and it is well knowen that the use of lead in flies is very toxic in the rivers, or howabout the stress you put on the fish when you catch it, all of these things are problems but do we bann it, HELL NO. I try to reduce the amount of damage I do and educate people i come across in what they are doing and hopefully it cause some people to take a second look at what they are doing. In addition I call and write letters and try to come up with some solutions that meet booth sides, ORV are NEVER going to be banned regardless to what you say, there are much more pressing issuses such as the oilsands and what is happening up north and the logging in BC that is much more seriouse and needs to be regulated much more. In the end regulations and ules need to be put in place not an out right bann, that is just plain ignorance. Quote
gizmofisher Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 I see both sides of the story here, but if i walk in to lake on foot iam damgaing these areas as well???? Might as well shoot all the animals their as they walk around and piss and it will destroy the area. Non sense. Writing to your MLA is a waste of time as they have there own agenda and legacy to leave behind. I have wriiten to many government bodies about certain areas that they should be concerned about and recieve nothing, nada as a reply. This issue gets under peoples skin and yes they share there thoughts on forums, isnt that what there here for? Its an interesting topic with many different questions and answers that not everyone will like. Quote
SupremeLeader Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 gizmofisher said: I see both sides of the story here, but if i walk in to lake on foot iam damgaing these areas as well???? Might as well shoot all the animals their as they walk around and piss and it will destroy the area. Non sense. Writing to your MLA is a waste of time as they have there own agenda and legacy to leave behind. I have wriiten to many government bodies about certain areas that they should be concerned about and recieve nothing, nada as a reply. This issue gets under peoples skin and yes they share there thoughts on forums, isnt that what there here for? Its an interesting topic with many different questions and answers that not everyone will like. Indeed, but some people (bhurt) believe foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic? They also believe in the government. And then there is the other other issues with ORV's Quote
ÜberFly Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 So why are the ligitimate atv'ers not pissed off more about the illigitimate offenders... I think this issue (like mountain biking, skateboarders, etc.) needs to include (if not be lead by) ligitimate users that are getting a bad name from all the a$$holes... My original post from the Castle was about what I saw and expereinced first hand. I saw very little, if any respectful use where I was, so I based my comments/opinions on what I saw... I am an avid mtn. biker and I always comment positively when I see horse back riders and or other mtn. bikers respecting eachother on the trails (mtn. biker getting off and passing on the low side of the trail, for example). Also, I get out (regularly) with someone that owns a jet boat on the Bow and do so b/c he lets drift boats go first down a run and looks to see if there are drift boats coming down before he moves spots... If I see an ATVer acting responsibly, I will comment postitively to them directly... I just haven't seen it! *Edit* I also give other backpakers $hit for disrespecting pristene mtn. environments I see them abusing, as well... P Quote
bhurt Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 SupremeLeader said: Indeed, but some people (bhurt) who believe foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic? They also believe in the government. And then there is the other other issues with ORV's First of all where did I say foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic, what I said was it does cause some damage, not as much as misuse of ORV's, please in the future do not misquote me. Second your rebuttle to me on my last post was very weak, what is that all you can say? Third, your link you added has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Point A, obviously this is BAD PARENTING for letting such a young child on a ORV regardless to the protections she was wearing she was way to young to be on it. And the second part was about a man that was on a legal highway that went into a ditch and was throwen from it. Both of these accidents could of happened in any type of vechicle, I see people going up the hill into parkland at the access point to fish creek all the time, so even people in cars do stupid things. What I want to know is how is this artical to do with causing damage to our wildress? Infact it has nothing to do with it cause netiher of these accidents where in the wildress or the deep backcountry. You say they are dangerous and can kill people, well how many diffrent type of vechiles are there out there that can kill someone if misused, once again WEAK. I also would like to see some sentific proof that backs up all your claims about ORV, please note I am not the one challenging the issuse your the one that is asking for complete bann so it is up to you to present the facts, just saying it does this with nothing to back it up is WEAK. Quote
SupremeLeader Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 bhurt said: First of all where did I say foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic, what I said was it does cause some damage, not as much as misuse of ORV's, please in the future do not misquote me. Second your rebuttle to me on my last post was very weak, what is that all you can say? Third, your link you added has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Point A, obviously this is BAD PARENTING for letting such a young child on a ORV regardless to the protections she was wearing she was way to young to be on it. And the second part was about a man that was on a legal highway that went into a ditch and was throwen from it. Both of these accidents could of happened in any type of vechicle, I see people going up the hill into parkland at the access point to fish creek all the time, so even people in cars do stupid things. What I want to know is how is this artical to do with causing damage to our wildress? Infact it has nothing to do with it cause netiher of these accidents where in the wildress or the deep backcountry. You say they are dangerous and can kill people, well how many diffrent type of vechiles are there out there that can kill someone if misused, once again WEAK. I also would like to see some sentific proof that backs up all your claims about ORV, please note I am not the one challenging the issuse your the one that is asking for complete bann so it is up to you to present the facts, just saying it does this with nothing to back it up is WEAK. Keep digging yourself in a hole. your spelling. Quote
SupremeLeader Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 "First of all where did I say foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic, what I said was it does cause some damage, not as much as misuse of ORV's, please in the future do not misquote me." You said it here; "I take peronal offence to this as lots of my family mebers own ORV's and respect the wildress, your generalization about this is totally rediculious and unfair to the people that respect the laws, and what about you walking into the backcountry destroying untouched wilderness with your boot tracks, when you go into the back country do you piss in a bottle cause otherwise you are leaving a human scent in a untouched area." Dude, stop digging... Quote
bhurt Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 SupremeLeader said: "First of all where did I say foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic, what I said was it does cause some damage, not as much as misuse of ORV's, please in the future do not misquote me." You said it here; "I take peronal offence to this as lots of my family mebers own ORV's and respect the wildress, your generalization about this is totally rediculious and unfair to the people that respect the laws, and what about you walking into the backcountry destroying untouched wilderness with your boot tracks, when you go into the back country do you piss in a bottle cause otherwise you are leaving a human scent in a untouched area." Dude, stop digging... How is that comparing anything to the traffic in the wildress by ORV's and Foot Traffic, all it compares is that some damage is done, now if you countine to read my post and not to try and spin words around you would of read the following. Now you asked me the following: My boot tracks and piss do little damage compared to ORV's Now here was my replie: Still is doing damage regardless to how bad, is it okay to do a little bit of damage as long as it is not on a large scale? Now that is comparing the two togather, but note I do not say that they do the same amount of damage. You say stop digging yourself into a hole, how so I have numerous times agreed that their is a problem but have stated that an all outright ban is ridiculous. Also it shows your mutrity when all you can say back is that my arguements is Weak like my spelling, what does that have to do with anything other then tring to make yourself feel better. Most people that are in a debate such as this that has lost or has no replie often uses the all and mighty spelling to make it like they are more superiory then the other, when in fact it is just covering their inability to answer or replie back to what someone has stated. Its funny how alot of the questions I have asked you, there is no replie back but I have come up with intelligent arguements to your replies (okay my spelling is horrible but everyone knows what is beeing said) remeber it was you that started with saying my arguments were weak with nothing to back it up, at least I can back up everything I say with an intelligent argument. Quote
AndyW Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Does anyone know if in a designated OHV area if it is illegal to drive through the rivers, muskeg, etc? Quote
Hawgstoppah Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 off roading of any type is desturctive, not just ATV's. Ban them ALL. and yes... that means the people driving into random camping spots with their big 4x4 and 5th wheelers too. It's ruining the whole area on the L'stone, Oldman, Castle, Carbondale, there everywhere, and everywhere I look I see frikkin MUD now instead of green valleys, and instead of deer and elk I see jackasses. :$*%&: Quote
Hawgstoppah Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 and before someone posts about how will I fish them, yes I mean banning any type of off roading including driving over feilds to access rivers. Park besdie the road and do some walking, folks. :$*%&: Quote
SupremeLeader Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 bhurt said: How is that comparing anything to the traffic in the wildress by ORV's and Foot Traffic, all it compares is that some damage is done, now if you countine to read my post and not to try and spin words around you would of read the following. Now you asked me the following: My boot tracks and piss do little damage compared to ORV's Now here was my replie: Still is doing damage regardless to how bad, is it okay to do a little bit of damage as long as it is not on a large scale? Now that is comparing the two togather, but note I do not say that they do the same amount of damage. You say stop digging yourself into a hole, how so I have numerous times agreed that their is a problem but have stated that an all outright ban is ridiculous. Also it shows your mutrity when all you can say back is that my arguements is Weak like my spelling, what does that have to do with anything other then tring to make yourself feel better. Most people that are in a debate such as this that has lost or has no replie often uses the all and mighty spelling to make it like they are more superiory then the other, when in fact it is just covering their inability to answer or replie back to what someone has stated. Its funny how alot of the questions I have asked you, there is no replie back but I have come up with intelligent arguements to your replies (okay my spelling is horrible but everyone knows what is beeing said) remeber it was you that started with saying my arguments were weak with nothing to back it up, at least I can back up everything I say with an intelligent argument. wtf? lol (at you) Quote
SupremeLeader Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 Hawgstoppah said: and before someone posts about how will I fish them, yes I mean banning any type of off roading including driving over feilds to access rivers. Park besdie the road and do some walking, folks. :$*%&: (thumb's up) Quote
SanJuanWorm Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 I like quadding. But only in mclean where they are allowed. Once ATV's are outlaw'd it'd take no time at all for the land to reclaim. Anyway its just another hobby such as fishing. I'd never cross a river with one though. That is all. Carry on. Quote
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