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Free Perch

Guest Sundancefisher

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Guest Sundancefisher

Hi all.


Lake Sundance in Calgary is going to pull nets again on Wednesday. I am hoping to see a number of volunteers out to help pull fyke nets, bonk perch and most importantly take all the perch home. Even perch as small at 5 inches are cleanable.


Don't hesitate...hope to see you out! post a link if you can make it.


There is "lots" of posts on the details surrounding this perch problem.


Lake Sundance still is a private lake but I am able to get my fellow fishermen some access to help try and catch as many as possible. F&W are fully aware of our attempts to manage the perch problem through netting etc. I am looking at a 6:30 pm Wednesday to start the netting.


You need to bring large bags and buckets to take perch away. I need volunteers to help pull nets and to bonk perch on the head (bring a perch bonking stick!). All perch must be killed quickly and no live perch will be transported away. Transportation of live perch is a punishable offense.


Perch as small as 5 inches can be easily cleaned using the 10 second cleaning method. Anything smaller can also be cleaned or gutted and baked or barbequed whole and eaten. A quick filleting job can also produce boneless fillets. Perch sells for about $15/lb cleaned or $5 - 6 lb whole. I would love not to "waste" any in a landfill so an alternative to there is fertilizer in your garden or under a tree. Fish fertilizer has been around for a long time. Provides lots of nitrogen and helps promote worm numbers.


10 second method


Lake Sundance Perch information.




Hope this helps!





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Guest Sundancefisher



Perch netting today at 6:30 pm


Bring bonker and container to take perch home in!

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Guest Sundancefisher

Hi all.


If you are interested we had a great turn out. Some cubs and scouts came to help out. We ended up getting 3,473 perch total.


Pretty huge pile of perch...and they keep coming...and coming...and coming...


I wanna call them the energizer perch.


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Guest Sundancefisher
Holy crap 3500 perch... damn that should make an impact eh?


You would think but they keep coming. I estimate about 1 million perch over 2 inches in the lake. Hopefully the trout will eat the new small ones and over time we can make an impact. We are currently seeing net numbers increasing rather than decreasing.





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You would think but they keep coming. I estimate about 1 million perch over 2 inches in the lake. Hopefully the trout will eat the new small ones and over time we can make an impact. We are currently seeing net numbers increasing rather than decreasing.






Just out of curiosity, but did the netting system (I will admit that I know very little when it comes down to netting) catch any other species of fish.


I had the priviliage of fishing there last sunday and you have something really nice going on there, and those brute stock tht where added in has sure made fishin nice, I really thought I was going to break my 6wt 9' 6" on a big piggy I caught.


BTW how the hell did perch get into the lake? I have lived in Lake Bonavista since 88' and I have never seen the problem you are having, however Lake Bonavista does dwaerf your lake in size but I don;t think that would matter too too much.


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Some kids brought a bucket full to the lake over 10 years ago. Since then it has been a breeding bonanza


bhurt, the big fish really do put a strain on the rod. I believe they are triploids so the females will stay chrome next spring. Sundancefisher and I have been educating them for a month now. Great fun to catch fish shaped like rugby balls.




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Guest Sundancefisher
Some kids brought a bucket full to the lake over 10 years ago. Since then it has been a breeding bonanza


bhurt, the big fish really do put a strain on the rod. I believe they are triploids so the females will stay chrome next spring. Sundancefisher and I have been educating them for a month now. Great fun to catch fish shaped like rugby balls.


One just has to be very careful and deliberate when reviving these large bruts before letting them go. Some are floating to the bottom and dying.

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Some kids brought a bucket full to the lake over 10 years ago. Since then it has been a breeding bonanza


bhurt, the big fish really do put a strain on the rod. I believe they are triploids so the females will stay chrome next spring. Sundancefisher and I have been educating them for a month now. Great fun to catch fish shaped like rugby balls.


After the first piggy I caught I knew how to play the trout so I wouldn't break my rod, I just didn't expect them to be so piggy.


They are very simlair in size to the ones that are stocked in Lake Bonavista and I know those ones are without a doubt triploids.


When you guys stock the lake do you close it down for a month, it has been awhile since I have been to Lake Bonavista, but I remeber as a kid they use to always close the lake (water area) down for a month when they stocked, that and they were doing something with the weeds, I belive just trimming them back, Dune is a bit older then me so he might be able to recall what they did, not to sure they do it anymore.


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I did notice when I was there some floating, I think it has more to do with uneducated people handling the trout. Mine released fairly easy and after 20 mins I didn't see it come back up so I think it was released safely.

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It might have something to do with guys netting them, rolling them in the boat for a while, taking a picture of their trophy and tossing them back in. I guess the fish just can't hold their breath for 3-4 minutes. Hopefully folks will learn over time as they see their fish belly up. We need educated folks like yourself bhurt to offer suggestions to the less experienced on the best way to release swimming pigs.

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Guest Sundancefisher
It might have something to do with guys netting them, rolling them in the boat for a while, taking a picture of their trophy and tossing them back in. I guess the fish just can't hold their breath for 3-4 minutes. Hopefully folks will learn over time as they see their fish belly up. We need educated folks like yourself bhurt to offer suggestions to the less experienced on the best way to release swimming pigs.


Yup...best way is for us more experienced anglers to help educate and point out helpful benefits of not killing the big one also. We should be dropping the hint all the time that putting the big ones back makes for more fun and also hopefully they will eat the small perch!

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Yup...best way is for us more experienced anglers to help educate and point out helpful benefits of not killing the big one also. We should be dropping the hint all the time that putting the big ones back makes for more fun and also hopefully they will eat the small perch!


I agree with you, but as per your community lake rules you are allowed to keep one, so in that they can take whatever they want, when reading your fishin rules I saw nothing about size, maybe it is time to set a size limit?


I always educate people while on the river the proper way to release a fish, when I see mishandling (alot of time it just that people do not know and all they see is the horrific fishin shows on t.v of the supposeive expert just tossing them back in) I TRY and show them the proper way but you know always have a jackass somewhere.


Ever though of making up some signs and hanging them around the dock section? Lamination would protect it some from the elements but prolong exposers to sun, rain, snow, etc... would make it last not very long.


In the end I was just a guest at your lake so I do not pay community fees there so in turn don;t really have much of a voice to say or do anything.

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Guest Sundancefisher
I agree with you, but as per your community lake rules you are allowed to keep one, so in that they can take whatever they want, when reading your fishin rules I saw nothing about size, maybe it is time to set a size limit?


I always educate people while on the river the proper way to release a fish, when I see mishandling (alot of time it just that people do not know and all they see is the horrific fishin shows on t.v of the supposeive expert just tossing them back in) I TRY and show them the proper way but you know always have a jackass somewhere.


Ever though of making up some signs and hanging them around the dock section? Lamination would protect it some from the elements but prolong exposers to sun, rain, snow, etc... would make it last not very long.


In the end I was just a guest at your lake so I do not pay community fees there so in turn don;t really have much of a voice to say or do anything.


No perch collection this weekend most likely due to weather :-(

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