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American Fox News Insults Canadian Military

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It is great to hear Americans expressing outrage as well and coming to Canada's defense. It was clearly wrong and the guy now realizes it and is back peddling...albiet poorly.


Funny how some have found it amazing something like this actually galvanized many Canadians in the same way. Nice to see some Canadians actually standing up for ourselves and showing some patriotic and respectful spirit as to what sacrifices are occuring.


He's backpedalling poorly because he is an idiot.


It is great to see you guys galvanized, you could use more of it. You have a proud history of military service.


But what do I know, I'm just another banjo picker (and there are lots of banjo pickers with kids in the military too).


Hopefully my final comment on the subject is that Canadians direct their ire in the direction it needs to be directed in, ie the twits on Fox, and Fox in general for allowing it to air. There are some in Canada who use any insult from anyone in America as justification for slamming Americans in general. Don't believe me, read some of the blogs on this subject. Just because some asses disrespected your country doesn't give you moral justification to disrespect theirs.




And you are right on. This issue is used as an excuse for some(with other agendas) to crap on Americans in general, that is just as bogus as the four idiots, maybe even worse, because it seems to be ongoing. The four idiots, at least, are in a position to be publicly and vehemently spanked.


I, personally, have "dual citizenship", born and served in Canada's Naval Air Wing and also served proudly as an officer in the USMC(MAG-12) for two tours of "Fun in the Sun", back in the day. And maybe that's why I will not "tolerate" the slights, insults or mocking of any serving combat personnel, period.


Whether our governments are "right" or "wrong", matters little, combat personnel have "written a cheque, payable to the nation they serve", voluntarily, "in the amount of their lives", and they deserve the utmost respect at all times.

  jack said:
"Canadians should lighten up" ? Stop being "sensitive" ? I don't think so. The line was crossed, I don't give a rat's butt what time this program airs or how many banjo pickin' viewers it has. Make jokes about our weather and igloos, pull our legs aboot how we talk, point and laugh at our funny money and we'll laugh with you. Make fun of the Mounties and we'll have one taser you, but it will be all in fun. But(and here is the line, if you can't see it for yourself), don't ever poke fun at our(or anyone's) troops on the ground, in a war. Especially your war, the one your government forgot for 6 bloody years. Wars and the people in it are not sources of comedy or amusement, period. To mock any military personnel who are actively involved in combat, is outrageous and the height of arrogance. Telling Canadians to "lighten up" is just as arrogant as the four idiots on Fox. That indicates that it is somehow our "fault" for being outraged! The outrage is justified and anyone with "time in" on either side of any border, will tell you the same damn thing.





Guest Sundancefisher



Everyone is in agreement with you. Not all Americans are being blamed on this board. I agree on other sites some people are going off the deep end on all Americans but this board is not.


Nobody blames you for anything except global warming... <--poke--<

  Sundancefisher said:


Everyone is in agreement with you. Not all Americans are being blamed on this board. I agree on other sites some people are going off the deep end on all Americans but this board is not.


Nobody blames you for anything except global warming... <--poke--<

Hah, so you agree there is global warming. I knew it!


Sorry for the thin skin. I get a bit tired of hearing how effed up my country is. Maybe the only thing I don't like about living here sometimes.



This thread has given me the best laugh I've had in quite some time.


Humans express anger and frustration when confronted with things that they secretly fear to be true. If Mr. Gutfeld's statements bothered you, it is a reflection of your own insecurity. The more anger you felt, the less secure you are. I'm not sure how great our military is, but when it comes to anxiety and insecurity, no country can compete with Canada.


Definately in poor taste... but coming from a bunch of twits that sound like pop radio DJs, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I don't think we should raze their whitehouse again. <--poke--<

  rickr said:
And if my Prime Minister was Stephen Harper, don't know that I'd go casting stones......



What? Do you really think that?


Lets see....Stephen almost toppled his own government in an i'll advised move and pissed off his own country....George has the Katrina disaster, suspended habeas corpus, started two wars, has a million deaths or more on his watch and presided over the biggest economic redistribution of wealth ever....there is more (lots) but I think you get my point.


I've got to say that of all the Americans I've met the best of them were in uniform.



+1 for Jack


One war (the one you guys are currently fighting, so I would hope your country thinks it is worthy) was brought to him. You have to put it in context of the time. The events of 9/11 demanded a response. I think it was the correct response, followed by a total loss of sight if the goal


Iraq was a lie. I bought in at the time like everyone else. My personal belief is so did bush (though its a hard position to defend because some in his administration certainly knew there were no wmd's), but once the reality set in, policy should have changed. It didn't, and that's on his administration.


I lived a big hunk of my life in New Orleans. While bushs response was weak almost beyond belief, it wouldn't have mattered. Once that hurricane hit the city, the die was cast. Few want to believe that, but 40 yrs of not preparing for the inevitable was not bush's fault.


To know how Harper would respond, you would have to project him into the same circumstances. His personality type does not lead me to believe his actions would have been much better. But I wouldn't wish that set of circumstances on anyone.


I've met great Canadians both in and out of uniform. Americans too.

Jack does have one up on me, he served in both countries, myself only in one.


Edit: actually, jack served in a combat it sounds like (Desert Storm?), so no comparison btwn his service and mine.


My opinion is simple. Anyone who regularly watches Fox news, or takes anything they have to say as actual fact is not worth my time worrying about what they think about Canada.


Oh, and I wouldn't doubt if Stephen Harper watches Fox new. :beating:

  orvisonly said:
If Mr. Gutfeld's statements bothered you, it is a reflection of your own insecurity.


Orvisonly, I think you are a pompus *hole.


I hope that doesn't bother you. <--poke--<


  Kungfool said:
My opinion is simple. Anyone who regularly watches Fox news, or takes anything they have to say as actual fact is not worth my time worrying about what they think about Canada.


Oh, and I wouldn't doubt if Stephen Harper watches Fox new. :beating:



Agree " Fully Completely"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


like dave said sticks and stones baby sticks and stones.


the issue, inmdfo, is that in the US they don't really get that it was the americans that started the war in afghanistan (or had to start and yes the taliban were bad and pretty much the whole world agreed they deserved what they got) then promptly dropped the ball and moved onto iraq leaving afghanistan in a mess and other countries to try and clean it up. now of course the taliban is all over afghanistan again flexing their muscle.


the US didn't do things properly in afghanistan and pretty much dropped the ball to topple hussein for cheney's own personal reasons/vendetta......



  brndawg said:
like dave said sticks and stones baby sticks and stones.


the issue, inmdfo, is that in the US they don't really get that it was the americans that started the war in afghanistan (or had to start and yes the taliban were bad and pretty much the whole world agreed they deserved what they got) then promptly dropped the ball .


You should get the less than 3000 Canadian forces in Afghanistan to tell the roughly 20000 US troops, that they need to do more.


I won't use profanity here, because that is the sign on a frustrated and weak mind trying to express itself.

  orvisonly said:
You should get the less than 3000 Canadian forces in Afghanistan to tell the roughly 20000 US troops, that they need to do more.


I won't use profanity here, because that is the sign on a frustrated and weak mind trying to express itself.


*hit man, you're short by 9820 US (roughly). But who's counting. :P




The Taliban had better be watching out for Austria and Georgia.



Casuatlies in Afghanistan by country:



In the last few years, roughly 3 to 1 US casualties to Canada. So propotionally more Canadians as a measure of total # of troops.


But in a thread that is accusing (and rightly) a show of belittling the Canadian contribution, it is a bit of bad form to belittle the US contribution. Whether you agree with Iraq or not (and I could make a very strong case that when all this is said and done, Iraq will be a more stable place than it ever would have been under Hussein) it's not like the US has abandoned Afghanistan. I agree completely that we lost sight of the goal, but we are still there in the greatest numbers.



  brndawg said:
doesn't matter if they have 100,000 troops there if they're not taking care of biz. the US started up something in afghanistan that they didn't finish properly and left the whole country in a big schmazzle. they should have completed the job in afghanistan and not gone gallivanting off to iraq for no legal, moral or legitimate reason.....


The russians originally as far as I understand, started the who mess in Afganistan when they tried to invade and the USA came in and helped trained and help put in the tailban, now it is their resposability to clean it up, but isn't this a UN santion war which would mean every member in the UN would have to help out?


Could be wrong but that is how I see it.


Also I hear alot of canadains make fun of americans, how is this any diffrent? I do agree that the subject was not the right subject but I see canadains and canada shows making fun of americans ALL the time, but as soon as an american makes fun of a canadain it is not right, how is this any diffrent.


Just like to point out that I do not agree with what RED EYE did and agree that it was a embaressment to the USA media but at the same time, can't do one thing then get mad at someone else for doing the samething.




Just a question for you.


When Saddam mustard gassed 5,000 kerds in a attempt to whip them out that was okay? The gulf war was nothing but a prelude to the current war. To say there was no moral, legal or leginamete reason is kind of going a bit too far cause there were alot of reasons, its just the one that was supplied to the white house and the one that they sold to congress was false.


I do agree that the USA went to war with saddam over false information, but I think we should be blamming the military leadership (the real people that provide the white house with the intel that they make their decision over) and not the country.


Also I think it was the responsability of the USA to go to war with Iraq since they were the ones that put saddam in power and it was a mistake that they had to clean up, just like the tailban.


And I think you missed oboma talking about how he is going to focus on the war in Afganistan and removing troops from Iraq and sending them to Afganistan, sounds like they haven't forgotten about anything.




there's no question that saddam was a bad guy and did a lot of bad things to his own people - and no personally i don't believe it's ok for governments to purposely kill their own citizens. however, the original gulf war was because iraq invaded an independent soverign nation without provocation - kuwait. it had nuttin' to do with the kurds being massacred by saddam. and there are plenty of examples of situations where gov'ts around the world are killing their citizens - saddam had no monopoly on that.


in the current iraq war it's not a question of the us military/intelligence giving wrong intel to the white house. it's the white house ignoring the real evidence and fabricating its own evidence to support their desire to take out saddam.


the us chose to invade an independent sovereign nation without provocation. don't see why it's not ok for iraq to invade kuwait but it's ok for the us to invade iraq. the us really had no business invading iraq. or rather for some it was good business sense to invade iraq - there's a lot of people getting rich off that war. but not the ~100,000 dead iraq civilians or the 4,262 dead US soldiers or 179 dead UK soldiers.


in one of the posts i deleted i did note that obama's recent announcements may bode well for the afghanistan situation so hopefully the situation will improve there for the Canadian (and coalition) troops and the afghan people.

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