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Pike On The Fly

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My favorite shot is around the 3min 26sec point in the vid- a nice tight shot of the fly on top of the water,

as a big, ugly pike face materializes out of the tea-colored water and engulfs the fly...wicked awesome!!!

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CDock and I are heading southeast to the Lake Newell area for pike on the fly this weekend. Going to be doing an overnighter, so I'm pulling my camper trailer down with us.


Does anyone know if it's okay to park the trailer in an open area around the lake somewhere for just one night? Is there any crown land around there so I can do some "random camping"? <--poke--<


Or maybe I'll just leave it hooked to the truck and park on the side of the road somewhere out of the way?

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CDock and I are heading southeast to the Lake Newell area for pike on the fly this weekend. Going to be doing an overnighter, so I'm pulling my camper trailer down with us.


Does anyone know if it's okay to park the trailer in an open area around the lake somewhere for just one night? Is there any crown land around there so I can do some "random camping"? <--poke--<


Or maybe I'll just leave it hooked to the truck and park on the side of the road somewhere out of the way?



I don't believe it's cool to camp wherever overnight on EID land. There's a campground at Kinbrook Island though, but I have no idea if it's open. I think they frown upon camping wherever because of the threat of fire.

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I think its sort of a funny thing with that, like sleeping in the backseat of your vehicle with no intention to drive will still get you a DUI.. I could be way off mind you. The EID is also, I believe, by legal definiton, private land, and places are posted "No Trespassing".

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Just camp. Really, worse things can happen than getting busted for sleeping in your camper on the side of the road in the all mighty, all knowing "Eastern Irrigation District". I mean, its not like you are driving without a seat belt, or pushing the speed limit. Jokes, I just wouldn't honestly be too worried about it if you are not leaving a real impact. I don't appreciate the yahoos wrecking the castle/livingstone areas, but the baldass prairie shoulder shouldn't be too much of an issue

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Hopefully my last post doesn't ruffle any feathers, no offense intended, i'm sure there are some who figure otherwise, I just get so into fishin that I tend to lose my brain and do what is necessary to get myself onto the water quickly.

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Just camp. Really, worse things can happen than getting busted for sleeping in your camper on the side of the road in the all mighty, all knowing "Eastern Irrigation District". I mean, its not like you are driving without a seat belt, or pushing the speed limit. Jokes, I just wouldn't honestly be too worried about it if you are not leaving a real impact. I don't appreciate the yahoos wrecking the castle/livingstone areas, but the baldass prairie shoulder shouldn't be too much of an issue


My thoughts exactly. I'm kind of comparing it in my head to pulling off the side of the road to sleep when you're on a long road trip and getting too tired..


One night shouldn't be an issue. If we were setting up the trailer on the side of the road for a week.. probably different.




That being said.. first trip for pike on the fly and we can't wait!! woohoo!

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Road allowance, may be ok (Doubtful). Wheeled up to the water, outside a campground, not ok. I have a friend that works there, (EID land use) and they will punt you, CO's or otherwise. Just FYI. But I realize that "it's not the Castle/Livingstone" so hey, whatever...

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I'll look into the campground..


By "random camping", I just meant, sleeping in the travel trailer overnight..


I don't think things have changed too much over the years and I have never heard of no trespassing on Newell...unless that is somewhere I am not familiar with.

I have drove my motorhome right down beside the Lake many, many times and have never had anyone ever question it. That would really p me off if they started that bs at Newell. Try the south end of the lake around the Rainier draws..that's where you'll find some monster pike this time of the year or Greenwald at the North End or even try Rolling Hills resevoir at the South end ...it's all good and have fun!!!

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Road allowance, may be ok (Doubtful). Wheeled up to the water, outside a campground, not ok. I have a friend that works there, (EID land use) and they will punt you, CO's or otherwise. Just FYI. But I realize that "it's not the Castle/Livingstone" so hey, whatever...


I don't think your friend has the "authority" to "punt" anyone off of Newell. Who is your friend?

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Out of curiosity, I called to see what the deal is with overnight camping outside the campgrounds. She said that it is not allowed. That is the main reason Rolling Hills Reservoir campground was set up. (She's a land administrator for the EID) She can deny Encana well service access, so I suppose she has some stroke. I can give you her name and number if you want. What anyone on this board does, personally, I could give a damn less. But the subject came up, and as a bit of advice I passed on what I know. I personally don't fish Newell much, except in summer from a boat, deep, for walleye. I've lived in the general area (county) for almost my entire life, and I haven't seen random camping allowed in many years. She said in extreme cases they have had to involve the RC's. (though I doubt Birchy would be alot of trouble) I know if I was going to travel a ways to fish the weekend, I'd want to know a bit about where I was headed to avoid problems. There may be a good chance nothing would happen, but it is May long weekend and I'm sure the CO's, etc, will be out in full force.

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Here's a good reason why. Guys just have to see how buried they can get their trucks after a good rain. I was out taking pictures of a storm one evening and came across a guy driving a Hummer through this spot. Buried to the axles. I drove right on by, in my 4 WD Diesel, tow ropes securely under the back seat. I did give him a wave for good measure, but just the fact he was driving a Hummer was enough for me to figure out he was a pompous ***hole..


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