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So What Do We Think Happened To This Guy?

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well i forgot too add.......shorlty after recieving mega deep cutts from maxmima tippet.......what if the head skipped off the rock with maybe 1 foot of water in a moderate too fast currant dropped frmo a iceshelve 5-6feet high by a man 5 foot8 persay........ :lol::P


I guess it would depend on the arc of the parabola with which it fell Factors effecting this would be angle of incidence of the fish's path to the water (as the height from the water has been established by the 5'8" man and 5.5 ft ice shelf) , the velocity of the fish at release, and the abrasiveness of the surface the fish struck. Oh, and the # test of the tippet.


So assuming the cut started with the maxima and was ripped off on impact with the bottom following rapid release, I could see how this injury could result.


Or it could be an Osprey.

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My guess is while the person was fighting the fish it swam into the underside of a rock. I watched this happen to a fish I was reeling in once. It was not that big a wound but it was severe. My second guess would be a mink.


Beavers will eat dead flesh? I thought they were strictly herbavores.

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Dave was out kissing fish again.



Maybe it was placed on a rock for a photo or a jet boat ran over him???



LMFAO...dammit chris...stop fishin' online and get out more... :D on a side note, it was probably a combination of all three :lol: ...

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Grabbed from Ed's post:




Looks like he got grabbed by an otter or weasel or something to me. Not sure if we have those out here.. but something with sharp front teeth. And then struggled and managed to get away sans the top of his head! Ouch!


Not sure what did the damage, but I can tell you he's still goin' strong 8 days later... ;)

I caught him yesterday, removed a BARBED SJW from his tail, & he swam away perfectly fine.


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Not sure what did the damage, but I can tell you he's still goin' strong 8 days later... ;)

I caught him yesterday, removed a BARBED SJW from his tail, & he swam away perfectly fine.



Hey Rev,

Now we know where Brad is fishing!! I owe you a picture from yesterday. I'll send it this evening.

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