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Elbow Below Glemore?

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Hi all this is my first post on FFC. First off, i want to to say how awesome it is to have come across this site. It's amazing how much knowledge I've gained in only a few short weeks since first finding this site.


I was going through the regs and noticed that the Elbow below the dam is open until march 31. Since i live within walking distance to the dam, I thought i might try my luck. As well i have noticed that most of the ice has moved out of this part of the river. My question is whether or not the elbow is worth fishing this time of year.


I am new to fly fishing and enjoy the Elbow :rolleyes: because it isn't quite as intimidating as the Bow :blink: . Any advice would be sweet.

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I find the elbow a lot tougher to fish than the bow as there are not many fish in there, but it can be OK later in the year (as in a couple of fish in an evening is great). Never thought to try it in the winter.

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Thanks for the help, I've tried the pool at the bottom of the dam and all I've found were a couple average sized pike that fought like a sack of doorknobs. I think I might have to wait until summer to find trout in the Elbow.


Can someone tell me why the Elbow shuts down for two months in the spring and again in the fall. Is it because the rainbows are spawning in the spring and the browns are spawning in the fall?

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Guest bigbadbrent

They shut the elbow for the pike spawn (dum, they spawn in march and april, so you'd assume they'd shut it from march on...just retardation) during the spring (rainbows head south to the highwood) and the close in the fall for the browns

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Guest bigbadbrent

ask some biologists, the rainbows spawn in the highwood, sheep, threepoint creek, and very rarely in Fish Creek. You might find the very very very rare one that is spawning in the elbow, but the elbow is a brown trout spawning river, not a rainbow one. Why would they only close it till may 31st, instead of all the other spawning grounds that are shut till june 16th?

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Guest bigbadbrent

Have you ever caught a rainbow in the elbow?



I can't think of me ever catching one..



So i dunno, i just say what the biologists have told me, and what i've read in the science papers. I can't find the one that Trevor Rhodes wrote on the spawning of the rainbows, stupid alberta government got ahold of it and have it hidden on their site somewhere

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Have you ever caught a rainbow in the elbow?

Yup, caught lots albeit 20 plus years ago, historically Bows did spawn in the Elbow and many tribs (i.e Jumping Pound) north of the city so i can see the mentality of closing it down during the spring.



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