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The Nothing Box

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I disagree with the fishing analogy, but he's got it pretty darn close.



except that part about women remembering everything...mine always chooses to forget when i tell her about a fishing trip weeks in advance and then i get the surprised look and the guilt trip when it arrives claiming that i never told her...so i can't agree with that part but the rest is pretty good...

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DBT, she doesnt remember because she doesnt care... if she cared she would have an emotion, if she had an emotion then she would have a feeling attatched to it which would cause her to remember, but since it is just fishing... she doesnt care.


not my opinion but i can see where this would fall through the cracks for most women. the only way they would remember that you were going fishing is if later it turns out you ended up doing something else rather than fishing, then they would remember just to give you *hit.


sound about right?

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