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Ffc & The Local Market


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Well SJW, I think Ladystrange probably thinks you have an appropriate board name right about now also... :P



thank you Greg.



ouch. that wasnt very nice worm, i mean Dave, :( i'm going to go cuddle my rod and reel. LOL


i'm just excited. and i want to go fishing, when it's not -15 in 30km wind.



Brent, you just get the benefit of my sunday morning bed head and half closed eyes. sorry kid, not getting all gussied up on a sunday morning to buy tying supplies just to go back home and tie.



:P :P :P to all of you except Greg :D. i'd send a kiss if there was a kiss emo thing

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Ladystrange...............your board name is fitting.


This from a guy who, in past, inferred that he would like to, or has even, slept with one of his motorcycles. Pot - meet kettle.




I gotta agree here. For Christmas I'm gonna ask Santa to bring LS a warm body - that of a man. So she doesn't have to sleep with fiberglass and steel. Cuz no matter how you cut it, it just ain't right. :lol:


Uh oh...the train just derailed on this one now.

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I dropped by a local flyshop this week to grab some line and I had an exchange with the staff which I found pretty interesting. I asked the folks there if they had witnessed a recent influx in interest about spey rods & lines. The answer was uniformly yes and it was felt that this trend was directly driven by FFC. That I was even standing there was direct proof of this given that I had my first access to lessons on the two hander arranged directly through FFC.


Speaking from personal experience, local market influence from a community online forum is quite rare. In fact people spend millions of dollars to create these types of forums in the hope that they will produce just what FFC has - direct, measurable impact on peoples buying habits. What is even more impressive (and perhaps as rare) is that all of this is driven by a community which operates, in the main, with an understated harmony and a very limited amount of rancor (fishhead notwhistanding).




OK, back on topic folks....next.

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