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  DonAndersen said:


The really unfortunate thing about the demise of Streamwatch is who is NOW going to do enforcement on the Eastern Slopes. One has to only look @ the reason for the birth of Streamwatch to see that the Alberta Govt. is still completely incapable of policing our fisheries.

Let the poaching begin.

But Streamwatch did for 12 years provide about the only source of enforcement. Further, it repaired some areas of Quad damage [ which lasted days til the idiots tore the stream up again]


The people who put Streamwatch together, raised the funds and over-saw the program should be thanked by all fishermen because w/o their efforts, illegal activities would have been much greater.










Hi guys.

As the guy who started SW with Barry, I have a couple of things to say. I apologize if I ruffle some feathers or put my foot in my mouth here. Niether would be a first for me, but my intentions are genuine.

Just want to touch on a couple of things:

Streamwatch was NOT started with an eye to be a gov program. Nor did I come to the table hoping it would be all about enforcement. The education and grass roots, angler initiated angle of the program was lost once gov got seriously involved. SW was started to have eyes on the waters, with hopes of garnering attention to poaching by gov enforcement officers. From there, it was hoped that education would occur through an individual hired through the program talking to people. Remember that the original hires were NOT gov employees and NO funds were funnelled through the gov. It evolved that nobody really wanted to take on the staffing & liability issues of such a program and that the gov was the most likely organization to be able to handle this as that's what governments do.

HOWEVER, and I have an email from Barry that he specifically wrote to me to tell me that I got to tell him "I told you so" - the organizations that you deal with and give way to and allow to have a foot in your door by asking them to take you on where you need help, they slowly start to creep in and control things. I quit involvement in SW because as this evolved past Barry & I - in the small group of us that then advanced SW - I was the only one that wanted foundational guiding principles to be established. The stuff that establishes process, who / what we are and why we are, the decision making process, etc. I quit because Barry wasn't interested in getting to that level and the other fellow was simply dismissive of the idea. Barry knew that it would eventually come back to bite the original idea of SW in the ass because he knew that by not addressing this stuff like I wanted, the orginal concept and ways would be compromised. And they sure got that. The differing ideas and values of gov and TU and others that got to be involved certainly steered the ship to differing agendas and interests. And now this...

Why bring his all up now? To gloat and posture? NO!

If you go back and see what the intention of SW was, it was anglers trying to get gov to listen, to try to get gov to take action. Along the way, this clearly went the wayside. How can I say that? Well, SW being shut down because of gov re-org / re-grouping tells you the tail is wagging the dog that was the original intent of this program. The original system was an employee and funding being done through TU. It could easily be done through AFGA or some other org. You don't need TU specifically, you don't need gov specifically to funnel the $ or the admin. You simply need an org that wants to see this get done.

If you get back to the original intent, this whole SW concept - signs, eyes, and discussion to acheive education and compliance - can easily be accomplished with a WILLING org. Do you need an officer with full powers of authority? NO! Just get your hired hands a sat phone and force the gov to get out to investigate. If the gov doesn't get an officer on site, in the field, start to inquire and make a stink about why not and address the issues of funding, staffing, etc in the gov. From there, education could be done through pamphlets or a hockey card (fish id pic on one side and a short write up of why cutts and bulls are fragile on the other), as well as the website and social media campaign. It goes from there.

Barry & I started this thing very simply and it could be very easily handled. Just get it out of the gov, get it away from an org that wants 50% of all fund raised $ to go to their org, and get back to the basics of what the program was & is about. This isn't a shot at gov or TU, it's asking what is best for the future of SW based on what it is - if someone should step up. Also, a re-org of SW is what sounds like needs to happen - if it continues. Clearly define what it is, who's involved and who needs to be involved, develop a strategy as to how to acheive the plan and purpose, and develop fundraising plans, and have a well versed person that can talk to who needs to be talked to. But, given how bastardized it became, I suspect a new org, autonomous from gov would have to be started, and there are few that do this kind of thing, and it's difficult to get energies back on track after having one effort cut at the knees.

For FFC to give up on SW and go to another org, that's unfortunate. I would very much encourage one last exploration of how FFC could do a grass roots SW as was originally set up. Once FFC goes to another org, it will be very difficult to say no to that new org and go back to supporting SW. And by no means am I saying not to support PHW, it's wonderful. Finally, the above all said, while we originally designed SW to keep fish in the rivers, we very much saw what we were doing as people management - without our intrusions fish would do very well on their own. But since SW is a people actions management, if FFC went the route of supporting PHW, which helps deserving people enjoy our fisheries, why woulnd't anyone want to support that funding? SW or PHW, I hope the FFC community keeps stepping up.




So why not start a new organization called "Streamwatch"? Volunteer board of directors, create mission statement and goals. Do some fundraising and all money raised goes toward the mission and goals. Sounds like this was all nearly in place before gov't got involved. Easier said than done apparently?


I would imagine it is a pretty substantial undertaking. Raising enough money to fund anyone is easier said than done. This auction raised in the 5K range or so every year. I'd have to go back, but I think the first couple of years Greg did it, he was around 8K. The total slipped every year. Some of this would be due to economic conditions, ability of the auctioneer to gather donations, and frankly burnout. While this site has a load of members, it was a pretty small portion who donated items. And the portion of people bidding was only a fraction of the entire population of the board itself. In all honestly, many of the items went for fractions of what they were worth (interestingly, trips seem to go for much closer to market value than say a rod. I don't know why that would be). The fact of the matter is that people just won't spend close to retail in these types of auctions. I'm in no way trying to knock anyone here. I do the same thing at an auction, ie, try to get it as cheap as I can.


So while this site can raise a good hunk of money, you need many multiples to be able to fund a program such as streamwatch. I don't remember what the numbers were that they used to publish, but I think the program was around 60K per year? That is a tall order to get funded via donation on a year by year basis. Not saying it is in any way impossible, just difficult. And would take a LOT of effort from a small group of people and I'm not even going into the administration of the project, just the fundraising aspect.


I agree with everything Dave said above. My one caveat is that to make something like that work, whoever is in charge has to be a force of nature. Committees and groups are great, but the guy in charge has to be committed, willing to step on toes, and do it all for free. Not a lot of those guys hanging around.




  PGK said:
It's called stream watch for a reason. Not stock-my-pet-lake-with-invasive-pellet-fed-rats watch


almost spit my coffee on my good apple com screen after reading that post


I have read Dave's comments and agree with much he has said........However, a couple of points:

1) The ONLY reason for StreamWatch is the dismal state of enforcement by SRD......We badly need to lobby government to protect our F&W resources......NO ad hoc, volunteer program can do this........And while having some resources out on our most vulnerable drainages might help identify problems, without the ability to ticket offenders what good would they really do?.......Hence the involvement of government and yes, it's a double edged sword.......

2) I know that the SRD officers who had one will very much miss having the support of a S W officer this summer.......Maybe that "void" can be used as a catalyst to get the politicians to do something......

3) Through ACA and with the stroke of the Ministers pen, a $5 check off on all fishing and hunting licenses could fund ALL that SW was trying to do and more.......And if anglers and hunters knew this check-off would be used only for enforcement (government could call it education if they like) there would not be any complaints........ALL outdoors men and women know we need to better protect our resource.......We all need to help government see that....

Finally, good for FFC and all of you for wanting to continue to support a cause.......No problem supporting PHW but the need for enforcement on our streams continues and I hope members will write the minister SRD, the premier or their MLA and let them know how we feel.......

  • 1 month later...

I obviously regret the loss of SW but I am glad to see a suggestion which is realistic and within the capacity of FFC such as supporting HW being suggested.


It is quite coincidental, I had an opportunity to buy some vintage stock items this week from a friend who's father owned a sports shop that closed in Banff 30 years ago - this fella had a closet full of new-old-stock that was never sold and had been squirreled away since Mac's Sporting Goods shut down - I bought a bunch Len Thonpson Lures still on the display cards (twelve per card) if you remember each of the twelve lures on those cards came with a different fishing tip hidden behind the lure. As I looked them over my first thought was these could make an interesting collectors item for the streamwatch auction this year. (Johnny remembers Len Thompson delivering them himself out of the trunk of his car when he was a kid growing up in Banff - before he passed in 79) Anyway the lures are in pristine condition and maybe owning a bit of local western history might raise a few bucks from a member here.


Rick, just to keep the ball rolling on your and Greg's commendable efforts I will committ to donate at least I card of lures whether you decide to support HW or start a new project like a family fishing pond. I'll leave it to your good judgment to resolve where the money raised is best spent


That's awesome Rob, thanks. I'll start on trying to get donations together in the next couple of weeks and start the auction when I get back from Mexico in April.




Let's occupy the Peace bridge openning, wearing waders, vests and carrying rods to protest.


Seriously, I would be willing to donate some flies for this auction. I have a bunch of dry flies and some other stuff that was sourced from Springbrook, and my store has gotten out of the bulk fly business, so I bought them.




Thanks guys! I'm waiting on some replies from PHW to get started.


Dave, I think I would need to speak to that lodge owner in person. on a boat, somewhere near his lodge to get a true feel for the item!!



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