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Need Some Web Design Help


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This job should only take 30 minutes or so. We just need to slap the FFC logo on the top, place some pictures about the page willy-nilly with some text and place the sponsors logos at the bottom. To make it easy, I can write the text and supply pictures and logos. You just have to lay it out on the page. It will look similar to this but with more pictures and less text: http://www.tucanada.org/NP_Palgrave.shtml


Any takers? Should only take 30-60 minutes max. PM me if interested. Otherwise it'll take me a few hours to get re-acquainted with Frontpage/Dreamweaver. Your help is much appreciated.



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real easy to use web page template and designs at www.tripod.com..


It only costs 5.99 US / month for an add free page. I actually ran (and I think it's still on that) the entire bowcrow web site when I was the owner of Bowcrow Fishing Adventures.... and had many comments on how people liked the design and flow of the pages. If you want I could do this for you... all I'd need is the text and pics you'd want in. Lemme know if ya need me to do it... (you'd have to open the tripod account though).


Brian ;)

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Thanks for the offers! Actually, this page will be for the FFC site. I've asked admins for this and they seem keen on it. It might be a standing section on the main FFC site for 'Events' or some such thing. It would have events such as this catalogued. Hopefully if this turns to an annual event, then people can scroll through years past and relive the times.


I'll PM you kungfool with the details!

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