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Last Little While


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I haven't posted much for pics and such lately. Likely because I haven't had much luck fishing!


My landing rate, until a recent trip to the Liv was 0 for everything. Getting a fair bit frustrated, until I managed to land a wicked nice brown trout last night on the Bow!


Here's some pics from the last little while.



Buddy with a Livingstone Cutty



Hike to the river



Livingstone Cutt



Another Cutt



Underwater release



Bow River Caddis



Why I love Fly Fishing





Just farting around with the camera. Thought it would make a cool B&W picture



Pig of a Brown I hauled in last night on a sz 16 ECH. What a way to end a skunk!



During my last trip to the Livingstone, I had a big ol' bully dart out from under the rock I was standing on and absolutely smashed the 8" cutty I had on an Adams. Actually netted the brute, with the cutty still in its mouth! Too bad he spit out the fish and leaped out of the net to safety. lol THAT was going to make a hell of a pic!

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