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Everything posted by Brad29

  1. Thanks for the info. guys!
  2. How many guys on here use a wading staff and what brand would you recomend?
  3. Does anyone know whats up with Crowsnest Angler website, it hasn't been updated since Dec.1/12.
  4. No streams but a few stocked ponds, blood indian is about 15min south of there.
  5. What about submerged trees that someones legs could get entangled in. Get pulled under and game over.
  6. The reel I have is a #5 and the foot is straight.
  7. Bought this reel on facebook and I was wondering what it is worth.
  8. Thanks Lornce, I will have to give that a try.
  9. What would be the process for making the woven abdomen or can you buy this pre-made. Also wanting to know of a Canadian website that might sell this fly.
  10. What type of hackle would one use to put a collar on a nymph such as a prince.
  11. Got some gift cards from Bass Pro, the lamson konic caught my eye. Anybody have experience with this reel.
  12. NICE!
  13. Rafters annoy me more than drift boats. Sreaming, yelling, and splashing through the run that you are fishing. I don't even fish the city section during the summer months.
  14. Not good, the company I work for is trying to win a bid for work in Mexico.
  15. Brad29


    Great pics, nice feesh!
  16. Drove past the sign for this place a couple of times in the last six months. Anybody been in there? Going to stop in next time I'm out that way.
  17. 19", caught on the worm, somewhere on the Bow.
  18. I read on here that someone has modified the palomar knot for adding nymphs to your san juan worm. I use the palomar knot on my worm (as the point fly) all the time.
  19. Brad29

    Winter Rainbow

    Nice fish. I had one of those measureing tapes that attached to your net and it fell appart after a couple of trips.
  20. I saw the hyde powerdrifter that wetduck has, it was a pretty sweet looking boat. Send him a pm.
  21. Those are some nice cutties.
  22. Brad29

    Whatsa Pro?

    I think Pseudo thinks he is a pro with his strong opinions in the long line indicator nymphing post.
  23. Stimulators, elk hair caddis, bwo, pmd, parachute, chernobyl ant, grasshopper. Various colours and styles of each. After you use a variety you will probablely pick your favourites as have I.
  24. I too researched those fish quite a bit when I first heard about them, any fish that size that will hit a dryfly is awesome. I believe they are a salmonid. I would give my left nut to go on a trip for those big bastards.
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