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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. some girth for ya guys... \ mclovin, that brown is amazing...is it a bow river fish?
  2. theres no trout in MB...
  3. Sorry guys, fish4trout is my brothers account. Forgot to log him out..oops
  4. Just wondering if anyone has any good reccomendations for breeders. Specfically looking for a black lab, with good hunting lines. I'm in Calgary but willing to travel pretty much anywhere in the province. Thanks!
  5. 45-70 shooting the 405 grainers by remington, its the guide gun 18.5 inch barrel...They didnt make the 450 in the shorter barrel. Have you seen the new 1895 SBL (stainless big loop)...it is amazing, although I've heard they have been having problems with the extractor.
  6. Whats pepper spray?
  7. Kyle


    too bad he didnt have a winch, could of gotten out of that one no problem
  8. not a very good decision to charge me..
  9. Looking to get one for between 2-3 hundred, thinking of going with pioneer or alpine(I've heard they are the best). I really only need cd/ipod hookup, no satellite radio or junk like that. Anybody got any models they would recommend? Thanks!
  10. meh, pike on the fly is fun in there own aspect..but a skinny gross looking pike after ice off isnt what im looking for...girth x girth x girth before the spawn
  11. hopefully one day i will be as good as you
  12. oh ya!!!! 40+ inch pike thru the ice beats the hell out of flyfishing anyday
  13. there are no predators in the lake to keep perch #'s down, they are starting to stunt. Soon it will be a 4 inch perch fest in there, with skinny 12 inch rainbows. That aint no fun...
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