I just came back from floating the Kitimat this past weekend. No chrome on the swing but a friend was getting good action on his center pin. Not my style of fishing but he was the hero on that float. water was very low this year, don't think the fishes were moving when I was up there. Even the Skeena was low
I was there the first week of April 2017. Some days it was cold and rainy, and some it was T-shirt weather, and it can vary throughout the day. I used a Taxi shuttle from the bridge to the City on my float trip. Not a lot of fish but not a lot of people around either.
Just a FYI,
My friend parked his car at the Glenmore launch parking lot on Sunday from 10am-4pm for a float. His passenger window was smashed in and gym bag stolen.
Don't leave things out in the open
Floated this Sat and reported 3 groups of poachers. The morning guy (glenmore) I called in got caught using bait was a repeated offender, the 2nd guy (southland) got fined for over limit on white fish. Funny thing was the 2nd guy I called in early got 5-6 trouts and quickly left but came back in the afternoon with a group of people. Have video footage/evidence. We need stiffer fines/bylaws. I am pretty tempted to just take videos and confiscate their gear and do a citizens arrest until the RAP gets there. Just wondering if this is possible?