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Posts posted by hydropsyche

  1. I suppose I do it because I kinda have to. Since I can't brag to my father any more, you folks get the dubious pleasure of letting me ramble on. And I thank you all.


    I agree that you are one of the most entertaining and toughtful posters on this site. I've often wonder why you take so much time composing these excellent posts for a bunch of (sometimes) undeserving bums. You're proving that fishing is not just about the fish.


    And you're making me think about my dad, John. I miss him too.

  2. here's my first animation


    Wow. Very impressive. Is there a website that shows the general process? Is it still done "freehand"?


    My "passions" come and go. I try a lot of things but fishing seems to be the only thing thats stuck longer then just a couple of years. Outdoor pursuits too (hiking, canoe, just plain old camping but they always include fishing). I'm trying to learn guitar, so that is my most recent other "passion".

  3. I'm at a loss however as to what to do with Hydro. Since he donated to another team member, should I include him in the raffle?


    Damn. I would have ignored the fact you hate me if I would have known there was a chance at such a sweet rod.


    If you don't include me, I'm telling your boss.


    bwt, that looks like a really, really sweet rod. Giving that baby up is very generous of you. Your dad would be proud.


  4. Doctork, this font is for you. I want to stand out too.


    I'd like to hear arguments why they shouldn't. The fact they've been paying taxes all their life doesn't cut it for me. They've also been consuming public services all their life too (and leaving the next generation with huge debts). Maybe someone can argue they are usually on fixed incomes and can't afford it, and I buy that argument. However, there are people of all ages that "can't afford it". Someone's gotta give me a more valid reason.


    Edit: Vets should get free licenses.

  5. There is a rumour floating around that AHS office staff were able to get the vaccine without going through the big line-ups?


    Any truth to this?


    The healthcare system is like a clock. If one cog does down, the system is affected. Even isolated office staff contribute to frontline support. If there was a 30-40% absenteeism in "support staff", there would be a negative impact.


    Sometimes, the right decisions are made for the right reasons, even if they may not be obvious to everyone.

  6. the whole sad thing story is thats it's not about the fish , or the crowding , it's as everything these days ''the MONEY''


    I wonder where I heard this before.....oh ya....the SEK. But too many people, on this board, agree with the SEK with their myopic view of it being for the fishing experience. No harm. Everyone can afford it. I doesn't affect me. The money is going to a good cause? etc.


    Now BC special interest groups have learned from the experience. Some people will bitch and moan. Write letters. Threaten legal action. Boycott. Be ridiculed. But give it a year or two and they will be opening their wallets. The lucky few anyway. As long as they can afford to pay as much as all the rich people from other parts of the world. Whatever the market will bear (I wonder how many of you enraged steelheaders have forked over to fish the SEK.)


    You wonder why there isn't more indignation. Where are the crowds of people carrying torches and pitchforks? I'll tell you why I'm not carrying one. I feel beaten. It causes tension between me and some of my fellow Albertan anglers if I voice my principled stand. But I'm not dead. I will continue to boycott because the only damage we can inflict is economic damage. The fact my drop of damage is immediately replaced by gallons of $ support from fellow Albertans is discouraging but I have to continue to fight the good fight. I will send my emails and butt heads with those who think this AMP is just. I do it for my childrens' children.


    A couple of closing thoughts:


    I told you so. Believe me, the Skeena is not the end of it.




    If you have *ever* paid to fish the SEK, then you are partly to blame for what you are seeing unfold before you.


    As Dr. Phil says "they do it because it works".


  7. I occasionally get abdomen pain. I had an ultrasound and hida scan done to find the cause and medical science couldn't tell me what was wrong. Years later I described it during a routine visit to my chiropractor, he told me what my problem was, gave me some pills, and now when I feel it coming on, I take a couple and voila. I think he nailed it. My respect for chiro's went way up.


    ps. Got my shot the first day it was available.

  8. Reports are that some of the millions CRTC collects from cable companies is to go for local television.


    I was listening to qr77 and a representative said that fund is for producing canadian content (ie: Corner Gas, etc.) and it doesn't go to local stations. Stations are told, by the CRTC, to air Canadian Content (which is why they exist). He said local stations don't get any money from the CRTC.


    All I know if that I want local stations and I don't want to pay extra for something I'm already watching.


  9. Rickr. No problem bud. I knew it wasn't directed at me. On yahoos. They're in both camps. Sometimes I'm too lazy to type out the obvious.


    Couple comments. I still have and sometimes use my spin gear. Heck. I'll even use bait if the regs allow it. I do not consider myself an elitest.


    I'm with headscan. If the weight of the lure pulls your line out, you're spin casting. If the weight of the line pulls your lure out, your fly fishing. I'll even go so far as to say that if you can reel in while a fish is pulling your line out, you're not flyfishing.

  10. Anytime this subject comes up, there seems to be an assumption of intent. I think that in the majority of cases, there is no evil intent, just lack of knowledge.


    Lack of knowledge is what I was alluding to. Evolution from a Yahoo to someone who respects the fish more. Since the evolution is usually from spin to fly, the knowledge gained during that evolution results in less flyfishers free falling fish. That has been my observation (and most CO's from what I understand). I'm not slamming spin casters. Spin casters and flyfishers have members that respect and disrespect the fish (obviously) but one group has more yahoos then the other.


    Spin casters, as a whole, are probably getting a bad rap because its easier then fly fishing and is the choice of the majority of yahoos.

  11. Looking in from the outside we are percieved as a bunch of holier than thou`s and a thread like this propagates the stereotype.


    Lets put it this way....I've never seen a flyfisher throw away all of his gear and take up hardware chucking exclusely. The evolution is usually the other way around. :goodvsevil():


    Maybe one day, I'll be like Orvisonly.

  12. The studies stated that even with the increased handling time, there was no change in mortality for any hook type -single or treble barbed vs barbed.


    I've fished both (like most of you, I assume) and I believe that it might not kill them more but it sure does damage them more. Maybe fish are more resilent then we give them credit for.


    I've often wondered how they do those studies. Do the same people remove both types of hooks and then put the fish in a controlled environment or do they follow the yahoo's around to see how delicate they are removing that treble with their needle nose before the fish free falls back into the water?


    I'm probably going to get flamed for profiling but I'm not slamming yahoos. I used to be one. I'm just questioning the accuracy of these studies because of what I've seen (and done).

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