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Posts posted by hydropsyche

  1. but there are some out there that 3 grand is pennies in thier pocket


    I don't think people who think 3 grand is pennies are the ones who are bonking fish for food but I agree there should be more then just finacial penalties. Fishing Community services come to mind. They could be forced to tie up my next batch of flies!


  2. What everyone else said (webby, less wraps, shorter hackle, etc.). What I do is tie the hackle in by the tip at the front of the hook. Wrap back towards the tail and then wrap wire over it from back to front and tie off (adds durability). If you want less, stip one side off the hackle before wrapping back.


    And then I give it a good srub with a dubbing brush to pull the underbody out to blend everything.


    Bonus on the 18incher. Feels good, don't it.

  3. I'm with you rickr. I love this place, warts and all. If someone wants to leave, for whatever reason, I say good ridance. They're not happy and therefore are probably the ones that make it less happy to those around them who are happy to be here. In a way, I feel sorry for them.


    I remember when I first moved to Calgary (almost 25yrs ago, where does the time go?) I experienced a bit of culture shock. So there must be "culture" here. It took a bit of adjustment on my part but eventually, the culture sunk in and felt good.


    btw, everyone says the west is full of rednecks but I can say without a doubt, Ont has way, way more rednecks then the west (but BC is running close second) but I guess it all comes down to how you define redneck.

  4. I'm one of those stupid people who carries about a dozen fly boxes with me where ever I go but only 4 or so are "active". The rest sit in my pack and I comb through them when desperate. And sometimes, those desperate flies work and my buddies ask if I have any more. Then, the obscure fly goes into my active boxes for the next time. If they don't produce again, then fall from grace.


    As I move through my fishing career, the cream rises to the top, but not always. What was cream last year doesn't do a thing for me this year. They go back into the pack but still within reach. I guess that is why I will always have a dozen boxes with me. For those slow days where pattern appears to be more important then presentation.


    Some guys say all they need is 3 patterns and I'm slowly figuring out which 3. But really, 3 flies takes some of the fun out of fly fishing.

  5. I hear 26 billion people will be watching. :saycheeze:


    At the risk of hijacking this thread (apologies in advance), I just don't get it. Maybe 2 goals scored in an average game. The rest is just a bunch of people kicking a ball back and forth.


    But hey, the riots are fun to watch.


    Ps. I have a RAM DVD recorder (rewriteable). Best $150 I ever spent.


  6. why do every one compare the price of golf, sking, and now a nhl game to fishing , something that is a part of the public trust ? how about a fee for hiking , mountan biking , hores riding on public lands as well , lets see how that would fly ?


    12 post, only 2 of which I just read, and I already like you!!!!


    Damn right, Flypan. Many things we assume were reserved for the general public enjoyment are slowly being claimed by special interest groups and auctioned off to the highest bidder and no one seems to notice or care.

  7. I'm wondering if I'm looking to deep into hackle colors and I could get away with using this cape for most of these?


    My experience has been that the colour of hackle doesn't make that much of a difference (especially for drys). Its more about getting the right size/shape (body color being a little more important). But feel free to discover otherwise. I could be totally out to lunch. That's the beauty of rolling your own. You can tie some up both ways and see if there's a difference.


    Welcome to the addiction.

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