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Posts posted by hydropsyche

  1. When you find the leak, I HIGHLY recommend thinning the Aquaseal or Goop with toluene. I will never do it any other way again. When you use it full strength, you always have to worry about it running, it takes 8 hrs to dry, it look globby and its just a general pain. When you thin it, about 2 parts aquaseal to one part toluene, you can brush it on and it will soak right in and dry to tacky in about an hour. Sometimes, it soaks in so much, you can't tell where you put it but you know its there, because you just put it there. Deep penetration. You then add another coat or two.


    You have to make sure, like mixing epoxy, that you mix it very well. I have small cups for mixing epoxy when making rods and those worked perfect. When it dries, you can peel the aqualseal off and use it over.


    I picked up a huge can of toluene at Home Depot. I wish they sold it in smaller quantity. Its harmful, so wear a mask. When you smell it, you will recognize it. Smells like Head cement. Cheap small bushes, also picked up a Home Depot.


    This year, I turned my waders inside out (always do it inside out, looks better) and covered all the seams in the booties, including the ring around the leg where it joins (powder it or make darn sure its really dry before turning back in because it will stick together). It took about two tubes of Aquaseal but those puppies are bone dry now. Well worth the effort.

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  2. Obviously, I can't tell if they are rich because they owned a Hummer. I take that back. My point being that fines as a deterrent are relative. Jail time is not. I would say the fine was not a detterent because.....they did it anyway!!!


    If they made over 100K over the years, they consider it a cost of doing business and worth the risk. It probably cost the taxpayer a lot to investigate and prosecute these scum, so we can consider the 100k cost recovery. I do think this was a missed opportunity to send a real message. Martin Sharren thinks the same, so I'm glad I'm not alone.


    Snuffy, I'm curious about your phrasing "criminally infringing on our interests". Do you think this is just a special interest group concern?

  3. They should have got jail time. Fines are nothing to the rich. Some will pay 50K for legal trophy hunting. 100K is a not a deterrent to people who can afford Hummers. A few months shacked up with "buba" is. The real message sent was "we could send you to jail but we never would".

  4. If money was no object and the main consideration was durability, what would everyone recommend? Booted or bootie? I've heard Wardel's are very good. Anyone have any experience with Snobee's? I hear they have a poly formed bootie with no seams and that appeals to me because waders always seem to leak at the bootie seams.

  5. meaning the strings were close to the neck and easier to play.


    When you are just starting out, *that* is the most important thing to consider. You won't be performing live or recording anytime soon, so sound is secondary. They all sound good enough.


    After 5 yrs I was convinced it wasn't a passing fancy so I decided to pick up a good one and found a Martin OMC-1E at a pawn shop. I love it. Before that, cheap plywood hand-me-downs.


  6. I did *not* vote for Neshi and for some nagging sub-conscious reason, I think those of you that did will regret it. I really hope I'm wrong. But I look at it this way, if I'm right, I can say I didn't put him in and I can complain all I want. I guess that is the upside of not having "my guy" win.


    That Druh has nine lives, eh? It boogles the mind.

  7. When you test the knot, are you just pulling or snapping it. I just pull, never snap. Snapping it, with the shock force created, could be weakening it? If I pull, and it holds, I don't need to test it any further.


    I, too, use the improved clinch (5 turns) and I can't remember the last time I busted off on a fish.


    I take that back. The 40lb King I accidentally hooked into last week forced me to have to put the brakes on.

  8. If you're a criminal and you want to break into my house you're in for a bad day. <------ just had to say it.


    You can't use it if you can't get to it and if I were you, I wouldn't post this on a public forum.


    We all know the gubment is keeping all the information safely squared away from the criminal element. But still, I have to wonder if the rash of home invasions we are seeing has anything to do with the registry. We assume the target they are after are drugs/money.

  9. This is making its way around the inter-mail. I wonder if its true. I also heard the other word came from "Fornication Upon Consent of the King".


    Manure... An interesting fact


    In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before the invention of commercial fertilizers, so large shipments of manure were quite common.


    It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, not only did it become heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by product is methane gas of course. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen.

    Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM!


    Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening


    After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the instruction ' Stow high in transit ' on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.


    Thus evolved the term ' S.H.I.T ' , (Stow High In Transit) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day.


    You probably did not know the true history of this word.


    Neither did I.


    I had always thought it was a golf term.

  10. I can get the WJ's for under $200 bucks and they sell in Calgary for $350, so I figured it would be a good deal.


    I bought some "Guide" waders from Cabella's thinking they were a deal and after exchange, shipping, tarriff's, etc. they were still cheaper, but not by much.


    However, I had to return them because they didn't fit ($32). Then after 3 mo they started leaking. Return ($). New pair started leaking after 3 months.


    Lesson learned. Don't buy waders from the states. Buy local. You can try them on before you purchase. If you have any real problems, they're local. The shop's taxes support our infrastructure, etc.


    ps. I got a couple shirts at the same time and they're quality.


  11. We were fishing a lake and one guy is pulling them in pretty good (but so where others) when I hear someone (who wasn't doing as well) ask him what he was using.


    "A size 2 chronie!"


    The guy who asked was someone in his fishing party <_< and no, I don't beleive he ever told his friend what he was using (its not that big of a lake). I know this guy from other outings and that was typical of him. I guess he likes people worshipping at his feat of greatness.

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