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Everything posted by Weedy1

  1. It really is red. It's actually the camera I was using, for some reason all reds are showing up pinkish. I'm using the same setup I always have, fluorescent light intended for digital photos, same white balance, etc. I think the sensor may have a problem. I tried adjusting it in photoshop elements but no go.
  2. I bet a ribbed version would look great! (Flavored latex isn't allowed on our streams by the way, except the Bow.)
  3. Here's a link with some news footage. Apparently yesterday the pretzel was going for 2 million. http://www.kval.com/news/15893037.html
  4. Benny, I'll do that interview, Hinn. Sigh. Peter, what the hell is that in my ear, Popoff. Sigh. Jim, am I a homosexual, Bakker. Sigh. Now just how couldn't you love them all? By the way I'm having a sale this week on Holy Flies. $25 a piece. Just send me your visa number.
  5. It was on our local news tonight. Ya Edmonton's a real exciting place in the middle of winter, so much we get this *hit for news.
  6. WTF? http://cgi.ebay.com/Virgin-Mary-Pretzel_W0...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Here's one of my latest to try this spring.
  8. Edit -.
  9. Calgary is more centralized? Centralized to what? Calgary? You sure you didn't mean Calgarians are more centralized, as in centralized on themselves? The province is approximately 1224 long, Calgary is 230km from the southern border. Edmontonians control your destiny.
  10. I thought we already were, or had at least started. Never did like this auction and figured one day it would lead to crap like open spaces. They even sold it at an American auction. The Americanization of Canada at its best. http://www.srd.gov.ab.ca/whatsnew/interestbighornsheep.aspx
  11. Today wasn't a good day for me photography wise. First I had an eye exam and found out what I thought, time to start wearing glasses for anything short distanced. Then I went out to shoot the eclipse, what happens, batteries run out. Put some fresh ones in, they run out. Finally get some batteries in the camera, take a few shots, take the SD card out and put it in my machine -#$%%,, @$%%%<, @$#$, $# #@$%$ - Damn card reader isn't being recognized. Oh well, they're probably blurry anyways. Looking forward to you shot Clive.
  12. And then it was established Tako was in fact BCboy. I only have to assume he's a Canuck fan now.
  13. I thought something was up. Notice how he never shows his face in the pics he posts? You should put a hold on his rifle sale. Even better put it up for bids in the streamwatch auction.
  14. So Tako is BCBoy?
  15. Or you could get married.
  16. Is that why your selling your rifle? So you can afford to fish in BC this summer?
  17. Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum. http://www.crowsnestpassrealestate.com/cro...iver-ranch.html
  18. Ice cleats, studded boots, Korker cleats all usually help on the ice. I think Lee Valley had some on sale earlier this month.
  19. Sure Tako, we all know you're talking about your blow up doll collection.
  20. As far as Canadian records go, BC has it wrapped. How would you have liked to shovel yourself out of Revelstoke in 1971? 2,446.5 cm, that's 80 feet of snow. # Greatest average annual snowfall: Mt. Fidelity, Glacier National Park, 1,433.0 cm; # Greatest snowfall-one season: Revelstoke, 2,446.5 cm, 1971-72; # Greatest snowfall-five-day period: Kitimat, 246.2 cm on 14- January 18, 1974; # Greatest snowfall-24 hours: Tahtsa Lake, 145 cm on February 11, 1999; # Greatest snow on the ground any month: Whistler Roundhouse, 450 cm; from: http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/alma...04/alm04nov.htm
  21. $11.99 for 183 grams of Turtles. That's $27.50 a pound. No commercialization there now is there?
  22. http://mytelus.yellowpages.ca/search/si/1/fishing/calgary Try any of the stores listed for Calgary. Click on Map & Directions for a map.
  23. That's quite the flick Gary. It got me to wondering if God put Clive and ADC here to test our faith.
  24. http://www.simplysuperfly.com/
  25. How about your wife? Mine does it all the time. I'm chipped I know it!
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