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KingSalmon last won the day on February 1 2013

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About KingSalmon

  • Birthday 11/01/1985

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  • Location
    Edmonton, AB

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  1. Yes Jet fuel is pretty much the same as diesel...give or take a couple of additives so that's what a "flammable liquid similar to diesel" would be for sure.
  2. Thank you very much Chris! Sent you an email. Tried to PM you on here too, but your inbox is full. Hopefully email is good enough lol...
  3. Any word on a winner? This event is tomorrow lol...
  4. Sweet, sounds like my kind of festival lol
  5. Actually I recall the article in one of Alberta's travel magazines and Ralph Klein himself said that he enjoys taking his belly boat on the Bow! lol I can't find a link to the article but it was a little comical to say the least!
  6. Yea, they definitely have that market covered, but those rods cast like a dream! I was really surprised how good it was when it came.
  7. There is a company called Elkhorn from Colorado that produce some fine fly rods, and they have some that are customized for women. I bought my fiancee a 9'0" 5 wt a couple of years ago and she loves it! I have been known to cast it from time to time too because they are really great rods...yea I know its a chick colour lol. Casts close in comparison to my GLX StreamDance rod.
  8. Those chips are no BS either...here is a tv commercial for it already!
  9. The Rio Aqualux clear intermediate line is one that I swear by! Had mine for 6 or 7 years now, and am finally going to replace it with a new one!
  10. Good choice Rick! I've been finding a lot of situations where the 10' is nice. The Wind Warrior has been great so far
  11. Had DUDE beer a couple times last summer, as my brother and I got bored and started trying every type of cheap beer. I didn't like it much, but have to say the worst beer I've ever had is AGD (Alberta Genuine Draft)...yuck. We got on a kick near the end of my vacation where we started drinking Black Label Supreme (8%)...now that was good cheap beer! Whoever mentioned Black Label before, it is the king of the cheap beers in my opinion too. Oh yea, had Bud Light Lime last week, and it tastes more like a cooler than a beer. It didn't taste bad, but you can get the same effect by adding some lime juice to a beer if you want...
  12. I figured I should add the central/northern AB report so far lol: Like brunsie, I have been trying out the new 10' 6wt 4pc Wind Warrior and it has been nothing short of fantastic! I have just been fishing lakes lately, but have found that even with a head-on wind, the rod performs a lot better than past 6 wts I have owned (even from "high end" brands). It handles well, is capable of some extra distance, and has enough backbone, but also a sensitive enough tip section to play the big trout on light/long leaders. Still plenty of situations to put it through, but it has performed admirably so far. I didn't know what to expect before trying it, but within the first few minutes, I found myself giggling like a little kid at how well it performed.
  13. Congrats Dave! Now Darren, when is your's poppin out?
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