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  1. I have one maybe lol I have that style adapter but I’m not 100 percent sure it is for a water skeeter but if your in the s.e you can come by and get it.Im guessing it would work but no garantee but I have adapted them before with a dremal.What I can remember there’s two kinds of the same adapter

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    2. fishonjon


      My aunt can come get it tomorrow after lunch sometime what address should I send her to? And this is much appreciated i tried to Dremel my other one and still didn't work so I'm at a loss right now 

    3. Vitalshok


      Yes for sure I’m in the ogden area and could leave it in the mailbox or whatever just let me know when they would like to come.sure thing I hope it’s good for you it might be from a dave scadden boat maybe I could text or email you a picture so we don’t waste her time

    4. fishonjon


      Sure 14038928478

  2. A Palmer fish forsure I have seen the actual photo from a guy I work with!!
  3. Bullshead holds some pretty nice trout not sure how the weeds are there this time of year but definitely a fun lake
  4. Mcquillan 2 years ago fished awesome just after ice off we were catching all kinds of fish all around the 17 to 19 in range and since then havent caught a thing there and put in more than my fair share of trips but same as mcvinnie tons of choronmid shucks and boatman everywhere so maybe the lake just has to warm a bit??
  5. Ya was very slow out there today and it must have been the new pontoon that the singular fish wanted to see cause they didnt want to look and my old blue creek company pontoon would have went hungry tonight...
  6. Anyone been out to this little place since ice off?? Thinking of heading there this afternoon
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