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Posts posted by snuffy

  1. Note also that government debt is unique because our currency is based on it. It is literally true that if there was no government debt, there would not be a single Canadian dollar in circulation. What matters is not the total debt, but the debt to GDP ratio. It does not work like a credit card, though you wouldn`t be able to tell from all the wrong-headed conservative scare mongering.

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    If your dog consistently obeys sit, come, stay, heel, etc. he/she is adequately controlled and you are not in violation of the by-laws.

    Consistent isn't good enough - should read without exception regardless of circumstance. Some owners have that level of control and it is very impressive, but they are a tiny minority.


    Scel - I apologize if my posts have been overly pugnacious and if you can get your dog to the level described above, I don't mind meeting him on the river. That said, I would caution that most all owners believe they have that level of control, yet dog attacks kill 2-3 Albertans every year, maim 20-30 beyond recognition, and send another 1000+ to the ER. By way of contrast, we average ~1 bear attack and 0 cougar attacks, yet we all carry bear spray and and Cypress Hills is plastered with signs espousing cougar awareness.....

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  3. As someone who until recently put 20k+km/year on a bike, I've been attacked by a lot of dogs (many, like scel's are fond of attacking cyclists). Some had their tails up and wagging, some had their tails level, some held their tails low, some barked, some growled,and others were silent. The one thing they all had in common was an owner utterly convinced that their little darling would never hurt a fly, or that if they did our was the fly 's fault, regardless of the dog's often lengthy rap sheet.


    Also had to pull and even use my bear spray on aggressive, illegally off leash dogs on the river, most egregiously in k country where they are strictly forbidden. Something about the outfit freaks them out and otherwise same dogs often get crazy territorial in the backcountry.


    I won't be taking any chances.

  4. Just google "social media shaming" and you'll find a ton of articles about how quickly it can spiral out of control. Just look at the recent example from Stampede.


    Only relevant if you hold their humanity in any regard or believe they have something positive to contribute to the world. Can't say that I do.

  5. If you can beg, borrow, or steal a chain measuring tool, take it with you. If the chain is very worn out, chances are that the drivetrain is too, in which case you need to tag on another $2-300 to replace it. If is isn't worn, test all the gears on your test ride by stomping on the pedals in each of them. If it skips, again, the drivetrain is worn.

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