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About wheels

  • Birthday 10/10/1983

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. You can't see it in the photo but there is a solar panel and satellite dish on the side.
  2. Here is a photo of it if anyone is interested
  3. According to the map on page 50 of this document: https://bit.ly/2nvgq5x the Rocking P. chunk is the only privately owned piece along the river. The cabin I found was on the East side of the road and further North than the Rocking P. chunk, so it must be something else.
  4. Does anyone have any details about an a-frame cabin that sits next to the Liv? I was fishing in the valley the other day and stumbled across the cabin which is surrounded by a fence - sure looks like private property to me. I thought that entire valley was public land other than the Blue Bronna camp?
  5. I've been fly fishing for about 10 years now. I've had a lot of success. Most rivers in southern Alberta I have figured out, but the Bow continues to puzzle me. A few days last year I had a ton of success on dries, but other than that it sends me home skunked more often than not. Recently I've been thinking of paying a pro for a 2 hour session on what I need to do differently to have success on the Bow. My questions are: is spending the money worth it, or can I just read what I need online? And if I am going to pay, who would you recommend and how much would they charge?
  6. With a shorter rig, I'm guessing you do not get a lot of false bumps on the indicator (when it hits a rock or bottom), and instead when the indicator moves it's typically a fish?
  7. Thanks for all the replies everyone! I can't wait to get out again to try some of the suggestions. At the end of the day, I'd rather catch 5 whitefish and no trout than catch nothing at all.
  8. Actually my fly of choice is usually the prince. I typically use that or a pheasant tail. We had tried most of the usual flies throughout the morning. My sister switched to a worm and caught a whitefish, so I switched to one as well just so I could possibly catch something
  9. So generally speaking, whitefish and trout do not feed in the same section of water?
  10. I've been trying to learn how to successfully nymph for a few years now, and I've gotten to the point where I can usually catch fish, but all I ever seem to catch are whitefish. It doesn't really matter which water body I'm fishing, it's usually whitefish that I end up hooking. Just wondering if I might be doing something wrong or different that would cause me to avoid trout so consistently? Are whitefish just more forgiving to bad technique, or do they hang out closer to the bottom?
  11. Weird request, but I'm wondering if anyone in Calgary and area might own a mid-nineties 4.0 l Ford Ranger with the A4LD transmission? I have the 94 XLT 4x4 model and I recently had the tranny rebuilt. I swear that after the rebuild I have way weaker acceleration and require higher rpms just to get going at a normal speed. The tranny shop says everything is normal, but I'd love to test drive a similar truck to see if there is any difference. Can anyone help me out? I would exchange some beer for a quick test drive
  12. So are the Highwood tribs closed? I was at Cataract this weekend and advised two fly fisherman to stop fishing because all the tribs were included in the closure. Based on the map it says the entire watershed, but based on the listing it looks like the river only.
  13. I'm reading the regs and trying to get a grasp on what exactly is considered an "obstacle". As the regs say: Fishing is prohibited by any method within 23 metres downstream of the lower entrance of any fishway, canal, obstacle or leap. Weirs and dams are considered obstacles. Are you permitted to fish at the base of a waterfall? What about a fallen tree? I've seen a few natural waterfalls that look nearly identical to a weir. Thoughts? Has anyone asked a CO about this regulation?
  14. Stuff like this combined with the ever-increasing ATV streambed cruises makes me wonder if we will even have fishing opportunities 10 years from now. I imagine we will always have our stocked ponds and lakes, but it seems like the possibilities for plentiful stream and river fishing are becoming worse and worse each year. It makes me feel stick to my stomach.
  15. First result on Google. I found this and it helped immensely: http://howtoflyfish.orvis.com/video-lessons/chapter-four-basics-of-stream-fishing/308-quartering-downstream Thanks!
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