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Everything posted by FlyingDutchman68

  1. Do not even bother with abacal. We've sent various projects to them over the years and their quality is pathetic. Nasty runs, dust and debris stuck in the paint, wrong color, and completely missing areas.
  2. If a rotary vise isn't necessary and you don't want to spend a lot I got a good life hack for you. Back in December I was wanting a new vise. I was learning how to spin deer hair at the time and had a problem with my rotary vise not holding the hook good enough so I could really reef on it. What I ended up doing was taking a pair of small needle nose vise grips and grinding down the tip a bit so it would provide better access to smaller hooks when tying. Next I welded a piece of 1/2" round bar to the vise grips and for a base I welded it to a piece of 6"x6"x3/8" flat bar. I call it the redneck vise. It holds hooks great to the point you will bend a hook before it comes unseated one bit. The flat part at the end of the jaws works great for small hooks and the grooves parts of the jaws work great for larger hooks. If you want to save a cpl bucks use mastercraft instead. Just don't cheap out and use princess auto garbage. If anyone wants to see it I can post pics later or pm me
  3. One of the sad truths to people doing this is that they generally believe they are doing good by cleaning off their toys so when they're driving on pavement there isn't rocks and mud flying off hitting bikers or peoples vehicles. Stupid logic I know. Just repeating what was said to me by people that do this.
  4. Q: Why does ISIS bury their dead 20' under? A: Because deep down they're good people.
  5. I picked up some up last summer and fell in love with it right away. Eventually you will get used to hearing the line sing. I read somewhere that because of the texture of the line apparently the "scales" will wear out your guides quicker than a normal line would. I don't know if there is any truth to that.
  6. Grinr, Thank you kindly for the input.
  7. This sounds like an awesome idea!
  8. Hello folks, I'm gearing up to do some salmon and steelhead fishing this year and now I just need some advice on a good line to use. I'm hoping to learn how to do some single hand spey casting. The rod I will be using is a g.loomis 10' 8wt NRX. I'm wondering if I should put on the airflo 40+ or the rio steelhead/salmon. Here is the links to the lines. http://www.rioproducts.com/fly-lines/freshwater/specialty/steelhead-atlantic-salmon/ http://www.airflofishing.com/airflo-fly-lines-forty-plus-floating-forty-plus.cfm Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I have only been tying for about a year now and a few moths back I came across Davies youtube channel. I found his videos to be great and definately very helpful.
  10. I have a Madison ll and love it. I have never had any issues with it. Works great and looks great whats not to like?
  11. Greetings everyone, Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year.
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