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DRock last won the day on September 16 2013

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Mayfly (4/10)



  1. I use a 12 lb mushroom anchor for my scadden toon For the pump I use an electric one that can be plugged into cig lighter of car. It works great. I don't use a pressure gauge as I just test with my finger. If I push on the bladder with one finger I'm looking for the bladder to give about a half inch to an inch. I monitor the pressure the same way throughout the day as the temperature increases from the sun so does the air inside the bladder and I let some air out. I also take a manual pump with me on the float just in case.
  2. Winston b3x. I have 4,5,6,8 wt b3x and the 4 wt paired with hardy ultralite dd is by far my fav. I have tried a few 4 wts and always go back to the b3x
  3. hoppers
  4. i have the g4z as well, they are great! i also have the simms g3 guide waders and pretty much the same as the g4z minus the upper part. i will stand by simms and will always only buy simms gear especially waders. i have had my g4z for two seasons now and have over 100 outings on it with hiking and what not and still have yet to have a problem. i prefer to wear my g4z over my g3 guides. they are so damn comfortable. i even wore my g4z on +30 days on the water and remarkably they were not that hot at all.
  5. try fish creek park. anywhere south of harvey passage is fishy
  6. what do you guys think. i think it was a great move. hopefully new players will bring to the canucks what was lacking before. plus luongo cost me alot of money during his epic fail during the playoff run lol
  7. I swear u posted something like this a while back but to answer your question: sjw and small bh pt work. Try midges. Or you can try reading the threads in this forum. You can use the search function (the icon that looks like a magnifying glass) and type a couple of key words such as winter flies or something. There have been countless threads on winter fishing and flies to use.
  8. They are sitting in faster currents. Not the slow slack deep wintering holes that you'd find rainbows during winter
  9. With all this nice weather I haven't been able to head out fishing so I'm not posting pics of fish but of my newborn lol She loves simms like her dad
  10. This is why I never shop at WHOLESALE SPORTS. There I let the cat out of the bag. Funny thing is I've ran into the wss employees at fish tales
  11. Policeman flat is not a hole. Go anywhere below the weir on the bow Where it's not frozen over. As for location of holes. There are lots everywhere. Just read the water
  12. Aquaseal. I would also look at this other product called "never wet". they sell it at home depot and i think would be a easy and fast solution!
  13. try the bow river. try it with hoppers, if that doesn't work try a hopper dropper
  14. Yes I called them over and over and left messages for them to call me back. But they never responded or picked up my calls. I tried. Too bad for them they snooze they lose.
  15. They are terrible to deal with. I ordered mine at last years fly expo from the scadden reps and I finally got it 3 months later After over 10 calls and after about 3 packages (u shaped bladder, frame and pump). The upside is they were so disorganized that the day after I got my final package I had another delivery at my door and it was another brand new whole outlaw x5 pontoon!
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