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Posts posted by CDone

  1. Had a chance to cast some CND rods at a get together on the Squamish in the spring, most of their lines were 85' +, takes a little getting used to but once you get the timing down you can really blast out a cast. I have a couple Trion's in trout size and I find them to be great reels for the price.



  2. I like to toss a Greys 13' 8/9wt Greyflex on the big rivers, and i've got my Beulah 10'6 7/8wt switch for smaller waters. Will be building a Meiser 12'6 4wt specifically for the Bow as well as an 11'6 Beulah 5/6/7. Never enough rods or enough time.



  3. I've used mine for Coho and Pinks off the beach. Ussualy an over head cast or a snap T / circle C cast works well, gets the fly out to where the fish are. With the popularity of 'switch' rods I've started casting a Beulah 10'6 7wt, works well over head (matched with a Rio Outbound 10wt floating line) and also as a small river spey rod (Hardy mach 2 salmon line). i always give all my gear a good rinsing afterwards.



  4. Hi Guy's,

    I will be in Calgary doing a speycasting school in September, if anybody wants to join in , please send me a PM, i will be in Calgary for four days which will include a weekend.

    I will be also bringing over some of the Spey wading staff's the same as Silver Doctor now has, as well as the latest Spey stuff from the UK

    Thanks Gordon.

    Hey Gordon, I was talking with Courtney O the other day but he wasn't sure of anything coming up, if you've got something arranged thats great, I can see about getting some Snowbee and Beulah rods lined up for it if you're interested as I think Courtney's doing something in Ontario at that time.


    If you cruise around on the You-Tube link above theres a really nice slide presentation put together from Gordon's last get together on the Fraser River.



  5. I'm excited to hear about spey rods on the Bow. When I took up 2 handed casting a few years ago I immediately thought "wow wish I could do this when I lived in Calgary". Now that I'm moving back (2 days) I'm looking forward to swinging some flies with the 2 hander. I'm also trying to set up a Pro Staffing gig with a couple suppliers that specialize in 2 handed rods and blanks, which will hopefully lead to another spey get together on the Bow (this fall or next spring depending on how things work out). if anyone wants to get together and cast a big stick drop me an e-mail or PM.




  6. As kids we used to walk down to the bridge by the ranch, catch grasshoppers and thread a hook through them and cast them out and get lots of trout, of course this was before I started casting with a fly rod. Also remember watching guys bowhunt for white suckers in there.



  7. Its a pretty simple repair, you'd lose the 8-10 inches of rod above the break (most in-line repairs would be too bulky on that part of the tip section) so the action would change a bit. Most guys would just glue on a new tip-top and maybe add a few wraps of thread to match the guides. Rod will be fishable for sure.

    If I was in town and set up I could do it for you no problem, definitely give Fishtales a call.



  8. Pine Creek RV Campground is right on Hwy 2, about 3 minutes south of 22X. We've stayed there a number of times, and would highly recommend it. It's clean, well-managed, and the sites are large. Terry

    Thanks, we'll have to check that one out when we get there. Currently booked into Calgary West for the first 2 weeks (15 day max stay :( ). With baby and dog in tow its going to be an interesting couple of weeks, hopefully house here sells quick so we can put an offer on a house and mov in before the snow flies.



  9. Cdone:


    With a dog named Chilko I'm wondering if you are able to add anything to my post here:



    Wish I could, never fished it though. Spend a lot of time in the Chilcotin and have seen the Chilko River, as far as fish I would expect some decent bow and bull fishing. Most of the rivers up there hold decent amounts of fish and are rarely fished. Exception to that being the Chilcotin, as steelhead numbers have dwindled over the last decade.



  10. Okay, with our imminent move to Calgary (movers come on the 26th!!) and the fact that we haven't secured a place of residence yet (waiting for our house to sell in Parksville). can anyone recommend a campground in the south end of the city. Wife is working downtown at The Palliser, I'm still looking (not for long I hope) and the little one has daycare in Prestwick so it would be nice to be able to drop her off on the way downtown. We currently have 2 weeks booked at Calgary West but that is their max stay.


    If anyone has any suggestions we sure would appreciate it.




  11. Rather than highjack Brent's thread, Here goes:


    Pressure in Alberta is realtively mild compared to alot of places guys, Ive fished rivers from coast to coast and depending on the species your targeting it gets WAY worst than anything ive ever seen in Ab. but that beening said a little common courtsy goes a long way when it comes to angling. If push comes to shove, nobody owns the river, pool, run or otherwise and one can only hope that people govern themselves with proper etiquette, but this is not always the case..When it comes to trout, they can be found anywhere (of course some spots are better than others)..but certain "run" fish, such as Some species of trout, Salmon and Steelhead, must be targeted in most cases to catch fish..and this creates alot of frustration to all anglers involved..the best thing to do is the best you can w/o getting upset..if you find yourself at the end of your rope..best to bite your lip and move on..after all fishing is suppose to be enjoyable and should'nt cause tension but releve it...


    ..and when you find yourself in a "tight" situation with 5 people on 500 yards of water think of this....


    IT COULD BE WORST..Ive seen and even had to fish worst than this...


    Theres at least room for a dozen more guys in that run :P . reminds me of Sockeye time on the fraser.



  12. Hi Colin


    I haven't build any rods in a couple of years, but I usually ordered my supplies from Andy Snedden in Victoria. Great guy and a good selection of stuff. I found him great at matching up components and free with his advice.




    Regards Mike

    Thanks, I use Andy for a lot of my supplies, he is able to ship same day on most orders so I usually get them the next day.


    I still like to touch and see product before I buy though so it is always nice when a shop has stuff on hand (blanks,guides ect.)



  13. With my imminent move to Calgary (Aug. 1st), I was wonder who on the forum builds? I have a feeling that it will be a good winter for me as I will be able to focus on rod building and fly tying for the first time in many years (no darn steelhead to chase!!). I know Don Andersen does some incredible things with cane, but anyone else playing with graphite or cane. I've had a chance to check out a few shops in town and it seems that Fish tales is pretty much the only shop carrying any supplies, does anyone know of any other sops with rod building supplies?




  14. When I was a kid living in Lake Bonavista in the early 70's we used to ride our bikes down to Fish Creek (Burns Ranch at that time) we always used to come across rotting cattle carcases in the creek, not a very pleasant thing to stumble across, guess they tried to cross the creek when it was high and would get swept away. Then again theres nothing worse than the smell of thousands of rotting salmon carcases that build up along the streams around here in the fall but its free fertilizer for the streams and surrounding riparian zone.



  15. Welcome lff and CDone...look forward to seeing you guys out on the Bow. What type of line system are you using, long line, skaggit, scando heads, all of the above?


    I'm tossing Hardy Mach2 salmon line (65ft head) on my 2 hander (Greys GreyFlex M2 13' 9wt) and on my Beulah Switch (10'6" 7/8wt) a Mach2 for spey casts and a Rio Outbound 10wt for overhead.



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