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Posts posted by CDone

  1. Hey Al, let me know where you're gonna be, I might be able to drop by for a bit. Weather wise Friday looks promising. I've got a sparkly new Beulah 12'7 7/8 coming off the wrapper this week so I might have to test it before it goes to the customer.




  2. I did a couple of these for silent auction prizes, pretty easy to put together, frames from Micheals, ceramic tile cut for the back, and a peice of driftwood from the river. have also done a few with river rocks glued in a pile and the flies (mostly steelhead patterns) mounted on the rocks.





  3. Cdone, Taupo is the destination on the N island. I will be guided there by Craig Farrar, and also fish myself there for a few days. I can hardly wait.


    Esleech, bacon tastes waaaaaaaay better when a nice girl prepares it for you.....strore bought or otherwise! ( I can't shoot stuff - 'cept targets)


    Colin, no nets for me man! Just kidding, it's cool knowing you've been there & I am so stoked to get there too. I hope the board members don't mind an exhaustive post once I return. I hope to have lots of pics & info to share, so anyone from the board who wants to go will have a good base of info to start with for their trip of a lifetime.



    Thanks, I'd forgotten how good the bacon was in NZ, now I'm gonna have dreams about it.


    Glen, my brother in-law is a Kiwi and he has family that run an avocado farm on Matakana Island, we we're lucky enough to get to visit, as you can see from the picture of the beach there wasn't a soul except for a couple guys that we're netting these mackerel like fish only 10 or 15 feet from the shore, sure wish I had a rod with me that day.


    Taupo was great, unfortunately the weather didn't co-operate and the rivers we're blown for the week we were there, only got out on the Waitahanu River (20 minutes south of Taupo) a couple times.


  4. a 'Cackeyed' Double Spey (thats what Simon Gawesworth would call it) or a Snakeroll. Snap 'T' or 'C' would also be an alternative cast as well. Something that I spent almost a whole winter season on was learning to cast with my off hand, (for you that would be top hand right, bottom left) it has allowed me to be much more versatile with my casts, also frees up both sides of the river equally.



  5. Have in the past done a lot of practice casting (spey) on closed waters on Vancouver Island. We always used yarn without hooks or at least with the bend of the hook cut off and never had a problem with the CO's. I think that if you are not trying to hide anything and are upfront if approached you shouldn't have a problem. Most poachers try to hide what they are doing.



  6. Owch. Maybe you should tell her that you can cook & see what happens.

    Always wait til the second date before you tell them you can cook. 25 years ago when I first started in the business I never told anyone I cooked, now with The Food Network its cool to be a chef, who'd a thunk?

    Another lesson learned over the years never base a relationship on fly fishing sooner or later she will become better than you, make you look bad in front of all your friends, buy her own (better) gear, meet some guide dump you and move on (just because he knows all the good steelhead runs on the Kispiox). No I'm not bitter, I've moved on, really I have. :P



  7. Similar to what Simon Gawesworth refers to as a 'Turbo Spey cast' with a singlehand rod. He's basically doing a 'Snakeroll' (whether it be a single, double or triple) with a haul at the end. On the first cast in the video he is allowing the line to touch the water to load the cast before shooting. There are a lot of 2 handed casts that can be applied to singlehand casting, it is all practice, practice, practice. I use 'snakerolls', single spey, snap-t, circle-c, double spey casts all the time when fishing with my singlehand rods, I'll admit i don't try to be as 'fancy' as the gentleman on the video, but the casts do work well in different situations.



  8. PM me if you want it done, its a good opportunity to do something custom to the grip, feather inlay, inscription, ect. SilverDoctor is correct though it would involve stripping down that section and rebuilding.





    I've got a pretty full build schedule for the next month or so but would have time in late Oct.




  9. Was out at Policemans this afternoon, decided to bring the 13' 8wt to give the shoulder a bit of a work out, had some vicious strikes on a olive deer hair bugger. Managed to keep one nice brown on, lost plenty to LDR's. Got a couple on my switch rod, #18 beadhead nymph under a foam cricket.



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