I understand this. What it is that I am trying to convey is that rainbow trout are destroying the genetics far worse in our streams compared to the so-called evil fish, the brook trout. Why is it that no one is putting out the recommendation of massive bag limits for rainbows in our mountain streams as opposed to ONLY brook trout? Here' s a quick test to see which species has had more of an impact: in the last 5 years, how many "cuttbows" has everyone caught as opposed to the "brookbulls"? Just curious; and Taco, maybe you should change your signature to include rainbows if you feel that passionately about your headwater streams.
To harps; I found Smitty's comments brash as he "rejected my thesis outright" on the basis that I was pandering "fear-mongering". Read back and you will see that that was the exact opposite that I was trying to convey. All I was trying to get across is that any opinion, whether in favor of natives, non-natives, environmentalist, etc., has to take in all perspectives and not just lay their convictions on a one-way street. If one is adamant about ridding brook trout because they cause overcrowding and genetic dilution, then they best be prepared to go the same route with the rainbow. You can't have your cake and eat it too.