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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. I think it's that expensive because it's the compact version (no air... easier to move)
  2. #565 - It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission... especially when it comes to flyrods that cost hundreds of dollars.
  3. Tip #38 Always bring a rod sock for your 4 piece rod if you're going to be pushing through thick bush... best way to keep it from becoming a 3 piece rod.
  4. I agree wholeheartedly, BUT it is really hard to develop those relationships if I only get the chance to darken the door once or twice a year. For a new guy, I find the elitist attitude in some of these fly shops a wee bit intimidating. I prefer Bass Pro, simply because I don't expect amazing service when I go in there, I just expect an amazing store!
  5. I hate to say it, but I have to disagree about the service at Fishtales. I am a newbie flyfisherman, do not live in Calgary, and I only get there a couple of times a year. Last summer I was in Calgary for one day, and went into Fishtales to pick up a dozen or so flies and find out a little about the Bow River. Feeling a little overwhelmed by the trays of flies laid out before me, I asked the guy behind the counter (who appeared irritated by being torn away from his magazine), "wow! How does a person choose from all these flies??" His response was, "pretty much any one of those is working right now." (back to the magazine.) Me: "so where would you send a newbie who is just in town for the day and has a few hours to fish?" Him: "just go anywhere on the river and you should do fine." "Really? Anywhere?" "Yup. That'll be $24 for the flies." (Back to the magazine) So I went down to the dog park at the end of Southland, walked to the river, and got yelled at by a dog owner for fishing where there could be dogs swimming. I don't want to know his secret spots, but he at least could have lied to me and given me directions to some place under some bridge somewhere, so I would leave the store with a good taste. I like to test a store for their customer service with a small purchase. When it comes time for a larger purchase, Fishtales will not be an option for me. :derby racer:
  6. you could do like I do... barge through the front door demanding a bacon double cheeseburger and screaming about the worms that invade your room every night. Oop's... wrong forum. I think you would be best off just giving them a phonecall. They really are nice people.
  7. AAAAHHHH.... My eyes!!! I think I just burnt my eyes!!!
  8. Thanks Don... I'll keep that in mind. I have to admit, I do spend a lot of time looking at new rods. Sometimes it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission, huh? You bunch of brainwashers almost have me convinced to go out and buy a 10 footer...
  9. Ouch... my lemonade came out my nose!!
  10. Wow!! how many rods do you people have?? I'm guessing most of you aren't married? How many do you really need? Can somebody send me a template I could use to set up a business case for the purchase of hundreds of dollars worth of flyrods? I will have to present this to my wife, the Chartered Accountant...
  11. I installed one of those solatubes a couple of years ago. Absolutely love it!
  12. I agree with DF. We in Alberta actually live in the land of milk and honey. I would fully support a sales tax in this province IF a portion of it was earmarked for the environment. For too long, Albertans (myself included) have taken advantage of the wonderful outdoor playgrounds available to us, assuming they will always be there for us for free. Our population is going to continue to rise as long as we are digging oil out of the ground, and with that, higher usage of our environmental and natural resources. I am very saddened to hear about what is happening on the Bow in Cochrane. I grew up in Ranchlands and Silver Springs, and weekend trips to the Bow just east of Cochrane were a regular occurance. I haven't been there in over 20 years...
  13. I have a relative who buries her dog's poo because she doesn't want to wast plastic bags...
  14. Thanks for the feedback! I have actually booked a weekend with the Mclennans, and am incredibly excited about it!!
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