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Posts posted by jasonvilly

  1. Hey


    I am in a snowboarding blackberry messenger group. Whenever someone wants to go, offering a ride, or needs partners they post to the BB group. You can also upload pictures, calendars events etc.


    Just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in a flyfishing around Calgary one.


    Unfortunately it would be exclusionary because you need to have a blackberry and messenger.


    If there is some interest shown here after a couple of days I will create the group. You would just have to PM your BB pin so I could add you.




  2. I think you made your point extremely well. Referencing the illegal squatters and how you took the responsible route was a nice touch.


    It will be interesting to see what if any response you get.


    Btw I love that campground. Found it last year when I was exploring the area with my rod, stayed 3 days and was planning on more this summer.


    Good luck hopefully your letter changes their mind.

  3. Hey


    So I am headed to Oahu at the end of March and thought I would do a day of guided fly fishing and possibly some beach casting.


    Seeing as I have never used a guide before or fished in the ocean (I have only been fly fishing for a year on the bow) I am a little worried about the experience.


    I bought a new rod and reel (9ft ticr and reddington delta reel) and have been out practicing casting. I am hoping that I can put a fly in the right spot to get a chance at some bones or other fish.


    Anyhow I have some questions


    1) How good at casting should I be before I go. I think that I am okay on the bow, but being on the ocean with the wind and distances has me nervous now.

    2) I did not purchase flies or tippet because I thought that he will be the expert in this area so I would wait to see. Will they provide this or should I go to a shop early and pick up some stuff?

    3) Do you pay before or after the day? Do you tip? How much and why? Seems like $450 is a lot for a full day already but I don't want to be cheap.

    4) Should I only expect that we will target 1 type of fish (bones) or if bone fishing isn't so good is it fair to ask to target some other species.

    5) I realize that guiding is very different from teaching, but I imagine I am going to have a ton of questions since I have never done this before. Is it out of the question to expect that he be as good as a teacher as he is a guide?


    I guess that is it for now, but I am sure more questions might come up.

  4. From the Edmonton journal




    These two clowns who were responsible were already fined under the water act, the judge only fined them $200,000 instead of the maximum $1,000,000.


    If they have already been caught then why not fine them the full amount if they should have known better. How did the crown come up with the $200,000 amount they recommended?


    What do you all think?

  5. I think his actions warrant a call to the police...for the following reasons.


    1) He did physically assault you, if he did it this time chances are he would do it again. What would be the outcome the next time in different circumstances. Someone older who falls or is seriously injured (not saying you aren't) He needs his eyes opened by the fuzz.

    2) You say he almost collided with you. What if he did? What would have been the outcome then? Even at 30km/h hitting a power pole could have had drastic effects on you. Again he needs to be taught that this is not an appropriate response.


    Hopefully in the end he learns a valuable lesson.

  6. So the million dollar question...can we ever get back to the past historic populations of fish including larger sizes or do we remain satisfied with having 5% of what the streams or rivers could sustain and grow?



    This question reminds me a lot of the film I saw at Back Cast on the weekend...Rivers of the Lost Coast.... A very sad situation where a resource was exhausted to the point of extinction coupled with many different environmental factors (damming and irrigation) The areas the movie covered have not recovered and there is significant speculation that they will never be the way they were in the 50-70's let alone reach a suitable standard to make them quality fisheries.


    I am all for doing whatever it takes to help our rivers, but it needs to be done carefully and with some fore thought. Not, lets dump in some fertilizer in and see what happens. I would like to see a combination of the many ideas presented here with all the stakeholders involved (Biologist, SRD, users etc...)


    -regeneration of habitat

    -possible addition of fertilizer to increase diminishing biomass

    - and if it comes to it, no fish zones for a time to enhance these rivers



  7. Maybe it is just this particular store in Edmonton....


    Case in point every time I have gone into the fly shop at the Calgary location I have been asked if I need help (which I usually do). The last time in particular (Ken I believe) spent an hour with me helping me pick out a new rod and reel for Oahu and Steelheading. I thought he was extremely helpful and was very appreciative of his advice.


    So maybe it is just the management at this particular store which has let customer service standards slip.

  8. If you like the Z-Axis 5100 but you dont want to break the bank look at the 1054 CPX from Redington. Lifetime warranty, and the 10' CPXs are cannons. I fish the Z-axis 10's but I just ordered a 6wt 10' CPX, I was ultra amazed at how well that stick cast.




    Doesnt redington cpx use the sage launch blanks? I believe I was told this somewhere?

  9. Hey


    Just bought a set up today for when I go to oahu. Would it hurt my fly line if I practiced casting in the gym where I teach? Would like to get some practice before tossing line to bones.



  10. I recently picked up Netflix on my Ipad to watch some movies.


    Heck I thought $8 for unlimited movies sounded pretty good. So far I am not super impressed with their selection but, they do have quite a few older movies that I like. From what I hear when Netflix first launched in the States it was the same way and over time when more people subscribed they were able to offer more recent movies and a better selection. So I think I will keep with it for now.


    Anyhow I just thought I would start a thread to find out what other peoples favorite movies are.....maybe I am missing out on some gems.


    Also what are your favorite fly fishing films?


    Fishing Films


    - A River Runs through it. (not much fishing but the actual plot line is pretty good.)


    All time Favourites

    1. Shawshank Redemption (epic movie)

    2. Fifth Element (Favorite sci fi film)

    3. Super Troopers (damn I still use the 1 liners from this one)

    4. Shaun of the Dead (british humour at its best)

    5. 300 (best graphic novel adaptation I have seen in awhile, you should read the graphic novel if you haven't)

    6. Any Given Sunday (Al Pacino has the best speech ever in this movie, life is about inches)


    So many others but Ill stop here.


    And for FUN- Worst movies I have seen

    1. Druids (Christopher Lambert should have never left the Highlander series

    2. Battlefield Earth (my god this one was a stinker


  11. :$*%&:

    Not only that, did you look at the temps? Way warmer than here. -12 at Louise, -8 at Pano. Castle got 17 cm, but is a brisk -19.


    My sister in law is on her way to Pano now. 20 cm so far last 24 hrs, more to come. Oh well, have to satisfy myself with a Louise trip on Saturday. Sure wish I could go tomorrow.........



    I just booked. Trip for revel stoke February 28-30. Hard to pass up 100cm in 7days.

  12. 2 pork tenderloins butterflied

    rub garlic, rosemary and some kosher salt over the meat.

    Place some goat cheese on the one side of tenderloin and cover with other side of meat.

    wrap prosciutto, capicola or pancetta around the entire thing.

    Tie it together with some string

    put on BBQ for 45 minutes





  13. 1. Catch my first Bully

    2. Fish the Ram River Area

    3. Learn to fish with streamers

    4. Catch more fish on the dry (started my fly fishing addiction a little late in the season)

    5. Head back to Montana for a week and hit as many rivers as possible.

    6. Try salt water flat fishing when I am in Oahu (I should probably get a guide but would like to try it out for myself)

    7. Fish at least 60 days in 2011


    Stretch dream

    Be good enough to pay and fish the paradise valley and catch their picky trout.

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