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Posts posted by jasonvilly

  1. I tweeted Nenshi, he is pretty johnny on the spot for answering tweets, I will see what he has to say, and I will email a couple of people I know in the city.



    Nenshi responded and said he had no idea why there is a gate. He gave me his email and he will have someone from the city look into it.

  2. If the Fire Department or City didnt put up the gate then who did? Seems to me that the city should have this information. I am sure that some type of permit would need be attained for something like this.


    I tweeted Nenshi, he is pretty johnny on the spot for answering tweets, I will see what he has to say, and I will email a couple of people I know in the city.

  3. All this comes down to the purpose of these boards. To me, the purpose is to share information and help people learn how to fish with a fly rod. If we are successful in sharing the information then more people who try the sport will stick to it, and in some cases it may mean more people on "your" river. Good, I say. I can't think of a better thing that could be said of someone than he introduced xx people to fishing. I hope I have a lot of xxx's in my life. Some will be people I took out personally, and I can only hope some will be because of something I said on this board.



    I agree with Rick, and would also like to point out, that hopefully, when you take these people out that respect for the fish and environment are equally taught.

  4. It seems to me that the common rationale for getting rid of the fishing reports is that they want to protect our river ecosystems. I would back that sentiment 100%.


    I am hoping that this isnt coming from a selfish place, where I don't want to share my sport, my spot or my fish with someone else because our rivers are already too busy.


    If it is truly conservation that you are concerned with, then simply removing fishing reports will not come close to achieving your goal. People will still get the information via PM or some other site.


    There are much better ways to be a steward for your favourite piece of water.

  5. Couple of online magazines I like. More picture orientated but there are a few articles. No how to articles.


    Catch magazine

    This is fly


    I have the last couple fly fusion mags if you would like them to see if they are your cup of tea. PM me to set up a handover if you want them.

  6. Never heard of dutch oven for cooking, I do know the old lady gets mad at the other type.


    Might have to look into one for the upcoming camping season. Looks like even an aluminium be would be too heavy for backpacking, but other types it would be okay.



    Looked up some recipes, how do you tell how hot it is inside the dutch oven? The models I looked at didnt have a temperature gauge.

  7. Fishing the Skeena in late August


    Catch a few steelhead

    Mostly Coho


    Ugly Freschi (hahaha not the host cant remember his name) loses two fly lines becasue he was only using 20lb backing. I would have switched backing after losing one. When you probably get them for free from sponsors I guess it doesnt matter.

  8. Taco, easy there big guy this feller has 8 posts 4 of which he is trying to "prove" he's the tough guy. He obviously has not spent a lot of time in the woods like you or I have. Bears are not something to be afraid of or something to be gunning down if they look at you or your kids funny. Be smart and be bear aware and you will NOT get into that predicament often, and if and when you do, bear spray is more than enough and more effective than trying to hit 800lbs of raging grizzly.


    When Brian told me there were bears when we were fishing the crow this summer I was more than happy to let him lead.....hahahahaha

  9. I fished the elbow in redwood meadows last year, however I was with a friend who lived there. They are not native, and they said they see lots if fishermen there.


    Never even thought we would need to get permission. Not sure what would happen if you were to just drive there and fish.


    Maybe call into the band office and ask?

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