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Posts posted by jasonvilly

  1. Went out to K country and area this past weekend.


    We caught a couple of these guys all about the same size.


    The picture with my blackberry is a little deceiving, they look much darker, in real life they were really lightly colored with a lot less intense spotting. I initially thought it was a bull trout but was later corrected by FNG and Birchy that they were Lake Trout.


    Pretty cool to catch from shore and they put a pretty good fight for such cold water.




  2. Qualified answer: Daughter gets to take highly trained and skilled attack doberman that only responds to her voice commands on said date. (Don't take offense Matt, same would go for all guys...)








    I would bring some benzodiazepine and t-bone steak, 5 minutes that puppy will be asleep....

  3. Who does this crap?


    Honestly it takes some pretty hefty and heavy snips to get through barbed wire, and this is not something I would consider as an essential item in my goin' fish'n kit.


    Probably the same people who think leaving garbage behind is okay and that throwing out your cigarette butts on the ground is okay.


    It only takes 1 to ruin it for all.

  4. WOW...just shy of 4000 perch. Yikes there were lots of big ones also. Biggest though was 32 cm. Lots in the 20-28 cm range.


    Looks like more netting to come for this year.


    Thanks to those that came out today. I won't expect any posts until the perch are filleted. Should be finished around...mid Sept.


    Hopefully they haven't mutated into their cousin the Nile perch....you could be in for a fish that fights back.

  5. Question:


    Bought a set up awhile ago for bone fishing. It is the avid series saltwater line.


    I am thinking about heading out pike fishing and was wondering if the saltwater line would be okay to use?


    I assume it won't float as well but should work, it shouldn't hurt the line I don't think. It would be nice to not have to buy something new for only a couple of excursions this spring.

  6. Plan on using it for a Steelheading trip in late august.


    I like the idea of the kit, but I have not even picked up a spey rod let alone try to cast one. I would have no idea about whether something is right or not. I just wanted to get something that would be workable for the time being so that I can practice before heading out to BC

  7. So I won the auction for the 14ft 9wt TFO rod.


    Been doing some research and I think I have come up with two choices that would work. Or I could be totally wrong. :huh:


    Let me know either way. Need a line before I attempt to learn.



    I contacted TFO and they recommended 550 grain short belly



    Rio skagit multi tip 550 grain. $174


    Option 2

    SA Mastery Series Spey Shorthead Multi Tip. On sale for $90 regular $174. They don't have the grain weight of 550 but call it a 9wt line. Is this the same as 550 grain? Google wouldn't tell me. I like this deal just for the price, but ultimately will pick what will work best with the rod.


    If my research is right I think these lines would work? Am I correct or totally wrong?


    I truly know nothing yet....but it will come.

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