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Everything posted by Tadpole

  1. Tadpole


    dutchie, thanks a lot. I would love to stop by sometime at take a look at what you've got. For me right now, i am not planning on it becoming a career. I am rather wanting to build my first rod to prove to myself i can do it. And like you said, nothing beats a cane rod with silk line and a dry. I love the concept of a nostalgic rod that i created. If you could point me in the right direction to some of these builders and get togethers i would be estatic. So far i have not found much outside of this board in terms of guidance so anything would be of great value. I am very delighted to say however, the response from people on this board has amazed me. so i thank everyone for their input.
  2. ahh, you made my day. Thank you. Well if trucks have two trannies and halogen fluid then its not a joke.
  3. Tadpole


    once i get started i will for sure. I appreciate the willing help. i am taking my time and gathering equipment and tools as of now, and doing all my research. Thanks a lot.
  4. Tadpole


    yes, sorry if you took it the wrong way. did not mean it like that. just nice to see someone with answers. sorry for confusion
  5. Tadpole


    thanks a lot. your just full of all the answers arent you.
  6. Tadpole


    does anyone know of where i can go to obtain some tonkin cane? does anyone have some scraps by chance? i am looking to aquire all of the necessary stuff to hopefully within a year build my first. any help would be much appreciated.
  7. that was one nice brookie. nice pics. keep em coming
  8. nice. love that lake
  9. sorry meant to say park permit. Went through bc first. good eye.
  10. i found frenchmans creek once. i was driving along and made a quick stop to fill up my halogen fluid, when i noticed i lost my transmission. good thing that truck had two of em. i drove over to the closest garage and he told me my tranlipital spanner was shot and i would need a new fufu valve and gigling pin as well. so he said it would take about 2 hours so i saw a little creek in the back and decided to hit it up while my truck was getting fixed. what a beautiful creek. it was maybey 5ft wide non stop pool after pool and browns were all at least 20 30inches long. every cast yeilded trout after trout on high floating dries. what a day. sorry for the hijack.
  11. I already checked into it. found it the company switched to 3 pc rods for that model instead of the 2 pc. It is an ll bean rod. Normally I would throw it out but it was given to me by my father and it is about 35 years old and has some sentimental value to me.
  12. i have a rod that my brother in law decided to shut the car door on and broke several pieces off the tip section. I do not know if it is glass or graphite (how do you tell?) Is this repairable? I believe i still have the pieces as well.
  13. i have a rod that my brother in law decided to shut the car door on and broke several pieces off the tip section. I do not know if it is glass or graphite (how do you tell?) Is this repairable? I believe i still have the pieces as well.
  14. Tadpole


    nice job. keep posting!
  15. nope, ive been busy
  16. hey thanks for all the great info. much appreciated. The reason i say my rods are on their last legs is because first off they are both just cheapies (you get what you pay for) and all the guids are actually worn to the point it is scraping my line up. and a couple guids are worn just about all the way through. that said you can obviously see they have lived their life so it is time for me to upgrade.
  17. i just used aqua seal. been holdong 3 years now
  18. oh if only my wife knew how much i cost. she doesnt spend a fraction of what i do on hobbies. and i have more shoes than her. only have one pair of running shoes but i have motocross boots, wading boots, climbing shoes etc. i think i may have a problem
  19. i knew someone had to say it. That was what i told her as well. thanks for the input. i have been really torn on the small rod, which to go for. i like my 3wt but usually have my 5 with me on lakes just for what you said about the wind. to me though a 4wt for a place like dog or stauffer in my opinion would be too big. Now i am saying that withought trying it so i may just be flapping my gums. i can understand it more on a place like liv. i find stauffer little red and dog etc. are covered enough that there is little wind.
  20. I agree with you on that one for the nymphing rig. took some experimenting for me to get mine down there. they seemed to get pushed around with any current below the surface. all i did to correct this was made the leader taper down much sooner so the mass majority of the leader was quite thin. and used waxed thread as small of size as possible. 6/0 or smaller. i also ran the furreled pard a little shorter and a little longer tippet.
  21. i had a blast last year hiking from upper k lake to palliser river(need bc liscence) hike was gorgeous and stopped at maude lake for some cutties and turbine canyon is stunning. the palliser is relatively untouched here and was chock full of cutts and bulls. I had a blast. I will post some pics as soon as i get a chance.
  22. my wife is only letting me get 2 rods my other ones are on teir last legs. Like any calgarian i am on the ow frequently and also get into the high mountain streams. I do like smaller water. so for a reglar schmo like me what size rods do you guys suggest. for the bow i am currently sing a 5wt and some days i think it is too small. for the high country i use a 3wt. i fish a lot of water like dogpound, liv, stauffer, and some alpine lakes. i wouldlike an all round rod for that stuff. do you suggest a 2 or 3wt. and for the bow type waters, i range from oldman, to bow, to again some lakes and such. i would also like to get into some pike and bullies. like i said i have a 5wt for that and it has treated me well. I do not want to break the bank either.
  23. pfft. What a wuss. He left the rink. What does a cowboy do after he falls off a horse? He jumps right back on up. So whats his problem?
  24. That is awsome. They dont get any better than that.
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