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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. well I guess if no one wants to drop the arguement part this will just be another thread where you have to read through pages of BS penile augmentation to find the snippets of good info..... Shame as I feel I have a lot to learn about locating big fish on the lower bow..... which if I remember correctly was the original topic.

    I'm just a hack but heres a few more specific questions that I feel, if answered, could help me and potentially others catch more big fish on the lower bow.... especially when answered in regards to this particular part of the season


    What sort of features both shoreline, subsurface, and surface might be indicative of a good lie?


    My own answer though maybe incomplete would be for shorelines- cutbanks. Outcropings, curves and shoreline obstacles that create an amount of slack or slower current beside or below them. And a presonal favorite though maybe not for the lower bow- Logjams


    Subsurface- Fish size and bigger current breakers like boulders, logs, and other objects. Holding spots like troughs (sp?)and ledges,


    Surface- riffles- may be indicative of structure capable of shielding a trout, also often indicative of a food supply do to the fact that these riffles are usually a good sign of oxygenated water that bugs like to develop in. I could use help identifying the more productive areas in a large riffle section.


    Swells- may also be indicative of a large subsurface object.... might mean there is some slack water directly behind the object creating the swell..... these are often tough to fish in my opinion.


    I have to go to work but maybe somebody can answer these questions that might have some relevance in the current lower bow timeframe


    whats a good way/rig to fish emerging BWOs?


    The same question with october caddis? Do october caddis create a case, or are they free living on the lower bow, is there a specific size that they usually come in or do they vary a lot?


    What are some of the baitfish species most common on the lower bow and of most interest to the trout? Are some of them moving to spawn? Are some of them moving to find wintering water?


    I have a lot more but I am now late for work so I gotta run


    PS MTB your rundown of streamer fishing techniques was great thanks for that.

  2. I just want to say that I agree with steelhead when he says that streamers are a good way to catch BIG fish....... I have no interest in the rest of the hot air but streamers do catch big fish. But they may not always be the best way to fish.... that depends on what your goal is...... but if you wanna hammer something today pushing 24 or 30 inchs cover a lot of water with a BIG streamer and it could very well happen..... Its a pretty lofty goal and more likely to end in a skunking perhaps. Also fishing a streamer incorrectly can be very very unproductive. I am very interested in hearing his methods of fishing streamers.

  3. for 28 bucks..... it can't be a terrible idea. You will be looking at a significantly higher number for your tools and whatnot though. That and you should likely not expect this kit to tie dozens and dozens of flys. best case scenario it will likely let you have a few shots at a bunch of different flys and then you will be shopping again. But this is good cause the materials in there will let you tie a few of a number of different flys then you can decide which materials and flys you like and buy those products in bulk. However you could just pick say a list of the top 10 drys, streamers, nymphs grab all your tools and just google the recipes and start working through these lists.... tie a half dozen or a dozen of each and pick up the materials for the next fly. Finish all 40 and start back at the begining in a different hook size..... or you could just tie 1 pattern in all different sizes prior to moving on..... after the first few recipes your costs will go down as you will find many patterns use some of the same materials...... Its not a cheap hobby really but tying flies is fun (to me anyhow).


    ps these are links to the top 10s..... I would agree with their lists for the most part but if you are not sure if a pattern is gonna be usefull to you just ask on here






  4. I think 99% of the reels out there are overkill for alberta trout fishing......


    esleech that medalist looks like an excellent choice it may not stand as much abuse as some more expensive reels but I am sure it would suit most fishing needs

  5. I use 2 a decent pedestal (don't know the brand buts its decent) and a cheapo table mount..... I prefer the table mount but its not a rotary and that annoys me sometimes. Next vise will be a nor...... no doubt. I have been hmmming and hawwwing about it for some time now as they are not cheap but I want one. But until time allows me to tie a lot more I think I will make do with the cheapies..... they work.

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