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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. Just thought I bump the recipe up so maxwell might see


    Hook - Daiichi 1250 # 12

    Thread - Red

    Tail- pheasant tail

    Dubbing - Black Peacock Icedub

    Body lateral lines - glow in the dark mylar motion creamy white (I can officially no longer tie this fly Thanks LS :D

    Wing Case - Partridge, tied 1/3 up the body and folded to the front.



    Maxwells adds the next material

  2. No worries its likely a discussion best left alone. But are they (the contests) gonna be a go on here? If so that would be really cool. Ladystrange your tying would be just fine. I'm a major hack and I even did ok in a few rounds last winter. That and the voting is not necisarily all based on realism but also on functionality, simplicity, performance ect. Unless of course the theme is realism :D

  3. I usually just pop my laptop on the table and play through my whole library. Sometime while doing flies that need drying time I will watch a movie as currently I only usually have 3 jawed apparatus's to hold the flies while they dry.

  4. yeah that was fun. We also did some simple 1 fly matches with themes like stonefly, caddis was one, midge was one I think, then we did a fish species everybody tied a fly and provided a reasoning as to why that fly was for said species. I remember I did pike with a prince of tides variation. I seem to remember the last 4 round one saw some stiff competition. especially between hydro, DBT..... and..... sorry I can't remember if there was a third person in the final round..... I am game anytime

  5. LOL I can nary afford or justify the LAW but man thats a sweet looking piece of machinery. The nor on the other hand is in my price range and has mainly good reviews but also a frequent try before ya buy warning. The review I just read states that the automatic bobbin is basically a required addition. I will of course get one but I was curious as to why its a required addition?

  6. Looks like a unique fishing experience. Thanks for the pics.... So if someone from Canada wanted to fish there would it be possible? and if so what sorta costs would one be looking at. I only ask because the UK is often refered to as a difficult place to access fishing waters..... Though that may be more for flowing waters then still waters.

  7. nice shots man. looks like a chilly day out there but a pretty nice setting by the looks of it. Do you get cell reception there do you know? Do to new work restrictions I have to be cell accessible for the next few weeks which massacres the idea of fishing most of my late fall haunts.

  8. well I could definately say that talking about doing it being a gag but to actually do it. He must have some hopes of it actually working..... Maybe Rickr will explain the presidential process to me or someone else familiar with the system..... I do know that it basically comes down to 2 guys in the big vote but what is the process to weed out the others? And can a candidate actually make it through with only running in one state?

  9. So did anyone here hear that Stephen Colbert of the Colbert report is running for president? I guess he is only running in North Carolina? I dunno how that works as I am not overly familiar with the system but does this mean he is running with no hope of winning the prez? Or is it possible? Is it all a complete joke, or just pretty much a joke? In any rate I find him pretty funny but I just don't know what the logistics behind this is..... Figured I'd bring it up as maybe some of you watch his show.



  10. Sure..... if of course the Tax man leaves 170 bucks..... You might just get stuck with a dragonfly rod and a pair of waders with a somewhat checkered history...... and a leaky crotch. You'll love that feature in August..... not so much in February.

  11. Best bet is to just swear a bit a throw your bobbin at your vise go for a smoke and try again when you get back..... if you can find your bobbin..... if not just head for the closest liquor store. Works everytime..... well maybe I don't quite remember I still can't find most of those bobbins. BUT my beer bottle collection is HUGE


    But in all seriousness I think that fly came out pretty neat. If thats the first prototype then I think you are well on your way to a kickass fly.

  12. Plus Glen is quittin' knitten'....... But he is smitten wit' kittens, and if you feed him wool he will be shitten mittens :rolleyes:


    In all fairness I quite like this site as it give me an outlet for the BS fishing stuff that runs through my mind. I haven't met that many people off the site but the ones I have have been as crazy as me which is good.

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