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Posts posted by lonefisher

  1. I can't say i understand the power snap...... checked it out on sexloops so maybe their defination and description is just tough to understand..... but the diagram makes no sense for a overhand cast but maybe for a roll sorta cast......


    The dynamic roll and the switch are pretty much the same thing..... all though SL says that that with the switch the fly doesn't kiss the water...... not sure what that means as any cast called a switch cast I have seen is just a jump roll fly touchs down and loads rod and forms D.... but I might have an idea what they are talking about have to try it out first.


    Tip kicks are pretty cool and super easy with a bit of practice. Though I find the practical aspect is fairly minimal.


    Snake roll is a cool cast and I find its just as easy as a roll cast and easy modifiable to different situations great cast and no problem on most single hand rods above a 5 or 6 wt


    http://www.sexyloops.com/flycasting/dudewithhat.shtml Thats a switch cast vid

  2. just lost about a full page on distance casting and double hauling sorry guys but I don't have time to redo it at the moment...... was just about post it as well and the computer shut off...... there is literally steam spewing from my ears right now.

    anyways I am not a pro or an instructor of any sort but if anyone wants to go out and do some casting and hauling drop me a PM the price is free but its gotta fit around my work schedule. But the best thing would be to have a proper intructor take you out. I will try and get my post back or redo it. Biggest thing to remember is that anything that takes 2 seconds to do like a double haul is likely pretty simple to do..... People just seem to get it in their heads that a double haul is really tough its actually a very fluid simple manuever when you stop thinking to hard about it.....

  3. I would say that you can go out right now and spey cast with whatever rod/rig you are using. From there its just like regular casting you purchase to suit your demands. But I would say that you might as well practice some single hand spey stuff as thats gonna give you some ideas on line dynamics and the actual workings of a spey cast..... then you might be able to tell whether you want to get into the 2 handed stuff more or push the limits of the single hand stuff or both. Look for some vids of spey casting (online) and you should be able to find some examples of both single and double handed casts. I found that this can help you see the timing and the technique..... Once you are into it the ideal setups are going to heavily depend on what you want to do..... seems there is no perfect all around spey setup. On one of the spey forums (a great resource) there was a thread about # of spey rods owned and most of these guys had dozens of setups as different rods work better with different lines and different lines suit different conditions..... it all seems pretty complicated but..... thats spey I guess..... My first setup which I feel will suit most of my needs when the line is available is the G loomis metolius 5/6 trout spey 13'4" with a airflo skagit at 420 grains...... NOW if I could just get some time to set the rod up and actually get out casting......

  4. well I kinda wonder what they were doing right 20 years ago that we are doing wrong now..... I wasn't around when some of those records were caught but I would hazard a guess that increased stocking numbers and reduced harvest have maybe increased numbers but decreased size. My gut instinct sorta tells that with reduced stocking and maybe a short term higher harvest on overpopulated waters followed by continued lower stocking levels and C&R or delayed harvest regs would perhaps see better fisheries..... But I'm not positive that some of those records were caught according to regulations in place today........any of those caught on bait in places that no longer allow it? Fish education as a result of higher pressure might play a factor as well. But like MTB it would be nice to have a wider selection of lakes producing those big 18-24 fish.


    In a perfect world I would have to say that any quality fishery would produce some caught fish every year that would come close too or break the previous record and regular fish that would make 50-75% of the record.... In a perfect world.

  5. Yeah thanks.... I kinda still have some confusion with some of the techniques used for the floss and tinsel work as well as cheeking material ect. I may bug you with some questions some time as I have a pak or size 1 partridge of redditch bartleet traditional SF Hooks that have been haunting me all summer. No time for that kinda tying. But not now i'll quit poachin this thread

  6. I think its a sound idea and a fun game. Looks like it might progress slowly though...... Maybe we should make a time limit and rechoose the next material adder if the one called doesn't show up..... Can't blame them as they might be fishin or something but it might keep things flowing better.

  7. Busted....... LOL actually thats my roommates room I swear..... not that i have anything against puppies

    Anyhow my point was with a bit of time and work I'm sure you can make a great gift for your family.

    heres a couple better pics.




    This one here was my favorite of the bunch but I never really managed to get a great pic of it.


  8. Sweet mounts SJW those are killer



    The were my first 6 attempts (one is not visable) at the whole salmon flyish thing. They turned out pretty well so I added them to gifts for my family. I came up with the plate mount idea when I discovered i was not gonna be able to find shadow boxes in time. I actually really liked the way they turned out. They were pretty well recieved but then again my family have not seen flys of Daves caliber. My only regret is that I did not have any JC...... man do I like that look.



  9. I wouldn't they could likely argue that you just snapped the fly off when you seen em coming. I say why tempt fate.... I once wondered whether or not it was called fishing if you used a fly with no hook on closed waters. I determined after mulling it over that it probably would not be allowed regardless of whether your rig was capable of actually hooking a fish..... but I could be wrong.....

  10. should have been a middle option. I have my moments and certain patterns I can tie dozens of... but usually I just like creating stuff. In the summer I rarely tie more then a couple of a pattern at a time. Like Don said though I think you have to tie hundreds before you can really know how a pattern goes together best. My biggest problem is materials as I prefer to buy in a shop but not all materials are available here to me all the time. When I do go into the city I usually end up halfway home with all the materials I need and then I remember I forgot something crucial like the right hook.

  11. Hey easy on the zoot guys :( ..... JK yeah I'm game you'd just have to let me know the date and the dress code. Suit I got Tux I rent, jeans I hope :lol:




    A whipped up jitterbuggin' brown eyed man

    A stray cat frontin' up an eight-piece band

    Cut me Sammy and you'll understand

    In my veins hot music ran


    You got me in a sway

    and I want to swing you done

    Now you sailors know

    Where your women come for love


    Zoot suit riot


    Throw back a bottle of beer

    Zoot suit riot


    Pull a comb through your coal black hair

  12. Not a member as its a bit of a trip for me from Canmore although I have been thinking about it..... Is there a minimum amount of sessions you have to attend in a season? I just ask because its more then likely that if weather and schedule are bad I would miss quite a few. Also what night do you usually meet on? Always Wednesdays?


    Oh and Ladystrange if you get stuck for a date call me I will save you the social ackwardness of being dateless at the Ball..... And instead supplement it with the awkwardness of me stepping on your toes all night(read pray for no dancing)..... Let me know whether to press the white or the black Tux ;) Zoot suits are still cool right? http://www.suavecito.com/Zoots.htm

    This would be me by the way http://www.suavecito.com/images/Suits/Pink_Zoot_Suit.jpg

  13. LOL yeah those flys were winners fer sure...... I'm sure you'll come up with some more good ones when put on the spot ;)

    Yeah and I gotta say DBT did a hell of a job last year. Its weird all winter I was lookin forward to the fishing and all summer I have been looking forward to the tying comps.......

  14. don't worry wes I think I got bumped out the next round.... and if I remember you had a good tie and a bad pic. Anyhow it was a short lived victory. I actually wish we had pics of all the flies from those contests.

    Still got my october caddis pupa and my greendrake cripple





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