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SteveM last won the day on November 2 2015

SteveM had the most liked content!

About SteveM

  • Birthday 08/01/1964

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    The thick end of a TFO...

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SteveM's Achievements

Brown Trout

Brown Trout (8/10)



  1. Lots of awesomeness in your 2015, GingerWhiskers! Thanks for that!
  2. Sure was! Let's not wait 'til next summer to get out again; we'll go harass some Bow River fish during the fall/winter!
  3. Murray ended the day with a brookie, making 4 trout species between us. Last fish of the season from the creek was a decent brown who ate a big foam hopper right up against a beaver lodge; great way to end the year- can't wait to see what next year brings!
  4. It's that time of year again. Lots of good water closed until mid-June. Murray & I headed to one of those creeks for the last day of the season. We caught a few fish, I took some pics... Even got some looking up... Murray hooked up with a cutty... I got this cutty with a pretty serious heron divot in his back...
  5. Might have to go try for another meeting on Saturday, if the weather is decent. I love this place...
  6. ...we've already had our third date!
  7. I had my fishing gear in the trunk of my car yesterday. Was thinking about hitting the Bow when I got off work at 3pm. Drove to the river, listened to the game on the way. Decided to go home & watch the game instead. Sure glad I did. It was epic in so many ways. Even the idiot "fans" couldn't ruin it...
  8. C'mon, Pete; you know it's not polite to stare at another man's Busch...
  9. Incredible tanks! Amazing, good sir!
  10. Nice! Looks like a hella fine 4-day weekend, dude! Hardcore!
  11. Believe it or not, a most excellent fellow brought that net all the way from new Zealand for me; got me a heckuva deal on it, too. I don't want to embarrass him by going on & on about what a phenomenal dude he is, so I won't say who it was; I'll just say that it was a Flyfishcalgary member. ...and, I quoted him in this comment. ...and, he's not dirty. You forgot about the knife blades on the cheeks. First one I ever caught sliced me open pretty good. he was delicious!
  12. Thanks lots!
  13. Thanks, guys; glad y'all enjoy the pics; it's been a fun summer!
  14. Not sure if I've had any repeat customers??? Been getting 'em from different spots every time out.
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