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About dennyd

  • Birthday 09/01/1976

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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. My buddy Drew and I fish pretty much weekly year round and have had a great spring so far and thought I d post a few pics and see how everyone else is making out. We caught these fish about 10 days ago and the brown Drew is holding measured 24inches, also the others caught that day were a 19 inch Bow and also a 21 (taped)inch Brown and about 15 other smaller fish. But those were the welcome surprises.
  2. Always neat to learn more!!
  3. After loosing my first pair of Mj's almost 5 years ago(Fell off the top of my head an into the Clearwater) and gone forever, I never purchased another pair due to the cost.....until now. Jan2010 BUT Bought a $30 pair of polarized amber lenses strictly for fishing! Why I need a $309 pair of glasses is beyond me, BUT dam do I lov'em!
  4. LOL. Wecome to the future!! But I am content in the now.
  5. Yup I agree, looks good. But was VERY surprised by Iggy. Must have ate his wheaties for breakfast!!LOL
  6. Wow, crazy. Speedy recovery, but the sad thing is Calgary in becoming very violent. Sad.
  7. LOL that one always makes me laugh!!
  8. dennyd

    Winter Rainbow

    Yea thats a nice fish!! Love those winter fish.
  9. O man, am I in withdrawl!! Haven't been out in a week and ...nope..only been 4 days but those pictures help. Thanks guys!! That should help hold me over til spring/summer!
  10. Those are great eating fish but uglier than than a 2 rearended dog! LOL caught a nice one at Ghost about 4years ago. Right off the beach with boats cruising by, black leach.
  11. When the fish are that big I don't care where I catch them! They could be swiming in the kitchen sink and I'd be in the livingroom tossing line!! LOL Great fish!
  12. Thats awesome. Funny how something can take you back to being a kid just like that!
  13. It's funny how a day on the water can make the world seem so simplistic. Glad you guys had a great day. All the best in the future. I know that nothing(well almost nothing) makes me smile like a day out on the water, good or bad.
  14. Those are some great shots! And it just reinforces why we endure the wet, cold beautiful days on the river.
  15. Yea those are some nice Pics there ole boy. Is that big ole whitefish the one Steph caught when she was out with us? I like the picture of me on the little red. Good one.
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