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Everything posted by speyghillie

  1. Hi All, Just a heads up to the latest double handed rod to hit the market, and something we have been working on at Mackenzie DTX for around 18 months, after the award winning Atlas and G2 ranges, this will be a real game changer, so far everybody that has tried the rod has been blown away with the rod. Hopefully i will get a chance later in the year to bring a few to Calgary for a wee Spey thingy. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-36333474 Cheers Gordon. DTX Pro Staff.
  2. Thanks Keith, Max had sent me some detail, i do that drive each year and it always looks a great place to fish, river looks great and the scenery is stunning, maybe this year i will stop for a day and fish around there. Cheers Gordon. DTX Pro Staff.
  3. Good to hear Max, I take it the Bow river runs past Castle Mountain on the road out of town, so looking for some info on the river there and i know you fish out of town alot, is it possible to fish the river there ? is it any good, and can you fish it all year round ? Any help would be greatfully appreciated, as i will be over with a good friend and House of Hardy casting Instructor and it would be cool to stop for a day and fish that part of the river if possible. Cheers Gordon. DTX Pro Staff.
  4. Good to hear Max, While i have only fished the Bow i noticed a nice river on my way out of Cajgary heading to Vernon BC, its on the right when you get near Castle Mountain.... i think its called, always wanted to fish it, can anybody give me some detail on it and if its worth fishing, looks great in parts you see from the road. I will be flying back into Calgary later this year with a group of guys booked through House of Hardy, so will try and stop and fish for a day or two if i can. Cheers Guys, ...... the weather here has been crazy, almost 20 degrees and brilliant sunshine for the next 10 days... not sure if i am in the north of Scotland. Gordon DTX Pro Staff.
  5. Hi Silverdoctor, Might try and get back with a buddy casting Instructor from House of Hardy as we head trough to BC, long way off at the moment but hopefully we can catch up.......... i will find Toolman...... at the river most likely. The Brown Troot season has just opened on the River Spey, so a couple of warm nights when the clock goes forward and thats where i will be, some really nice streches on the Upper Spey for the Brownies, and it only costs $40.00 CND for the season, which is good for the Spey, but its not as good as the Bow thats for sure Cheers Gordon.
  6. Hi All, Good to hear the Speycasting thingy is still going strong in Calgary, the more the better i say. 420FLYFISHING....what weight line you lookin for ? , i'm sure some one must have a line kickin around they can let you use. SilverDoctor, good to see you are still swinging....... and not sitting at the vise all the time, where were you fishing Okanagan lake for the Carp, i have spent lots of time in Vernon and seen some good spots for Carp but never had time to fish for them ?, lots out westside road at head of the lake they say, but you need a boat. Hope your still using the Spey Staff, must try and get hold of Toolman, see how he's doing..... had some great times fishing with him on the Bow, hopefully i will get back this year on my way through to BC. Cheers Gordon. DTX Pro Staff.
  7. Hi Rightyeegs, If you get the chance, please read what i said........... it seems quiet on the Speycasting FORUMS, not the rivers, anybody will tell you that the Speycasting section on this site was much busier not so long ago.......... might be time of year, weather or guys are just busy. Gordon. DTX Pro Staff.
  8. Hi Guys, Good to hear there are Speycasters on the Bow, it just seems very quiet on all the Canadian and US forums i have a look at, i remember years ago it seemed to becoming hugely popular in the US, but then levelled off, its difficult to tell at times . So many of the big Speycasting UK and euroland companies will not even look for a north americian distributor because they feel there is no market there, others have dipped there toe in to the market.......... and pulled out pretty quick. Here's a wee clip of Dec, fishing the Yokanga......... my trip for next year, turn up the volume and hopefully enjoy, Thanks Gordon. DTX Pro Staff.
  9. Hi All. I have a wee look at this forum and a few other forums in Canada and the US, and there seems to be very little going on, so here's a couple of questions for ya. 1 is speycasting growing in popularity in North America or is it really just the same guys ? 2 how would you make it more popular ? In the UK most of the rivers are fly only, and Speycasting demo's are at every show in the UK, so lets here how its going and any ideas you guys have. Thanks All. Gordon. DTX Pro Staff.
  10. Fishin the Yokanga for Atlantic's If you have trouble viewing try this one. http://vimeo.com/32918805 Cheers Gordon. DTX Pro Staff. www.mackenzieflyfishing.com Crank up the volume.
  11. Had a couple of requests for the details of the new G2 DTX Shooting head lines that are just out in the UK. I will post the spec of the new G2 Spey lines in a couple of days. G2 SHOOTING HEADS 679gr 44g - 10/11 -13.5m Floating 679gr 44g- 10/11 -13.5m Floating / Inter-Sinking Tip 679gr 44g- 10/11 - 13m Intermediate 679gr 44g- 10/11 - 13.5m Floating / Headline System 679gr 44g- 10/11 - 13m Intermediate / Headline System 679gr 44g- 10/11 - 12.5m Sink 2/3 Head 679gr 44g- 10/11 - 12.5m Sink 3/4 Head 648gr 42g - 9/10 - 12.5m Floating Head 648gr 42g - 9/10 - 12.5m Floating / Inter-Sinking Tip 648gr 42g - 9/10 - 12m Intermediate Head 648gr 42g - 9/10 - 11.5m Sink 2/3 Head 586gr 38g - 8/9 - 12m Floating Head 586gr 38g- 8/9 - 12m Floating / Inter-Sinking Tip 493gr 32g - 7/8 - 11m Floating Head Shooting heads only....$80.00 CND ....... NO Tax, FREE Shipping. Please PM me if you would like to be the FIRST to have a brand new DTX G2 Shooting head line HOT off the press, ONLY 15 available on this offer. More detail on the NEW G2 Lines can be found here. http://www.mackenzieflyfishing.com/s...ing-head-lines I will have the first of these lines available in North America ready for shipping on the 18th Oct. Thanks Gordon. DTX Pro Staff www.mackenzieflyfishing.com
  12. Hey lethfisher, It was me, ......... no it wasn't, i check in to see whats shakin in the Speyworld of Calgary and seems like not much, where are all the Speycasters and give us some reports of what ya fishing or what ya catching........... fly into Coo Toon next month and hope to have a couple of hrs fishin before i head to BC . Cheers Gordon. Scott Mackenzie DTX Pro Staff.
  13. Been watching Otters at a Trout fishery i manage for over a year now and have found them to be very selective in their hunting, most of the year they seem to hunt Frogs and eels, and when taking trout they take one per night, i have a holding area with Hundreds of Rainbows which the otter could easily kill 20 a night............... but doesn't, i have much more fish damage from Herons and sawbills. Gordon.
  14. Scott Mackenzie DTX one month special offer. As we come towards the end of the Salmon season here in Scotland, Scott Mackenzie DTX is running a one month special offer on all this years products, which i have extended to the US and Canada. Buy any new DTX rod and receive 1 new shooting head line and one new spey line to match the rod FREE OF CHARGE , a saving of $150.00 CND. Every rod in the range will be tested by Scott personally on the river Ness before shipping from Scotland, Every rod comes with a 10 yr original owner Warranty. These rods have won many awards in the UK, and for two years have been voted BEST Spey rod range by Professional Speycasting Instructors. There are only 10 rods available on this offer and the offer will close on the 16th Oct. www.mackenzieflyfishing.com Please contact me for more info at Speycaster1@hotmail.co.uk or send a PM as this offer is only available from me. Thanks. Gordon Macleod. Scott Mackenzie DTX Pro Staff. North America.
  15. Hey U. Give him his rod back lol Couple of clips of Tak casting the DTX 15 with the DTX 58ft head line to match, Same rod but with the 68FT Head DTX Line Always liked his style. Gordo. DTX Pro Staff.
  16. The DTX S shooting head rods have been getting a good work out from some small Trout. Gordo. DTX Pro Staff.
  17. The new DTX Shooting head rods getting tested in da factory. Gordon.
  18. Hey Brad, Dont knock it til you tried it, trouble is they all look the same.baaaaaa, i saw on south park the kids were asked to think of something about Canada, after a long pause one of them said 000000000000000 my head hurts. lol I know what pic you are taking about, thankfully you aint got any of me downtown saturday night in my fancy dress. Hopefully i will get over this year and show you guys how to catch Trout on the fly. Cheers Gordo. DTX Pro Staff/
  19. Hey Silverdoctor, Beautiful pic's, thanks, looks like the Bow is in good strip and fishing well, hopefully i will be there fishing for a few days, got a buddy that has just taken a Job with one of the Oil companies in Calgary. I will post some Pic's of the river Spey as its getting near Sea-Trout time, we start fishing at 9pm and finish around 3am, just the best time on the Spey. What are you swinging at this time of year ? great time of year here of tadpole patterns in the Loch's for Rainbows and big Browns. Thanks For posting the Pic's Cheers Gordo. DTX Pro Staff.
  20. Well i thought Brad would have been on my case by now , no more Speycasting reports ? Gordo.
  21. Well i thought Brad would have been on my case by now , no more Speycasting reports ? Gordo.
  22. Hey Mr C. Yes thats the one, i see you been fishing my little buddies rod, or is that her fish ? hope all is well on da Island and tell Mrs C i was asking for her,................................ and give her... her rod back, get your own. Gordo. DTX Pro something.
  23. Hey Toolman, Hope all is well and i see your still catching cracking fish from the Bow, thats not snow in the background is it ? I did a check to make sure you guys didn't use Photo shop on those fish........... but i know its only Brad that uses that. Good stuff and hopefully i will be able to stop by on my way Steelheadin in BC this year. Cheers Gordo. DTX Pro Staff .
  24. Ok guys, Doesn't seem to be much happin in Cow Town spey world , so come on lets hear what going on ... on the Bow, what ya fishin, what ya catching, or not hows the weather and the fishing ? Geeeeeez i look and all i see is my post from a while ago.......... its ok for you guys, but i cant see the Bow from here For me ,the Upper Spey should start to fish well this next few weeks, and the Sea-troot will be coming into the river anytime now, weather here has been really warm for the last 3 weeks, so the fish are a wee bit slow, got to be early morning or late evening for a Spring Salmon. Gordo. DTX Pro Staff.
  25. O and this one.
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