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    Frenchman's Creek

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. $200 on Red Deer float.
  2. Are the float trips for 2 people?
  3. This is really sad news indeed. Jeff was a lovely guy, great fishing buddy, and a wonderful steward of the waters he cared about. Innis & Gunn is never gonna taste the same. Will miss you, Jeff...rest in peace.
  4. $100 on Item 4, please Rick.
  5. Thanks, guys. Much appreciated! Cheers, Ben
  6. During the WCFFE I picked up a motor mount bracket for my Hyde pro series low profile and now I'm looking to buy the motor itself so I can putt around lakes. I've done plenty of research on motors and batteries but the one thing that I'm still struggling with is the shaft length. Can anybody that's running a trolling motor on a drift boat provide any guidance? Thanks, PMD
  7. $25 on #27, please. Cheers, Ben
  8. Maybe he's not too concerned about the fee because he's one of those annoying high income earners that's going to haggle them down to $5.25?
  9. I never book a hotel in NY without checking the registry first: BedBugRegistry.Com Cheers, PMD
  10. This is really a 10 year ~$100M contract and I doubt either Kovalchuk or NJD expect him to be playing beyond 2020. The last five years or so of the contract are for chump change (by NHL standards). The 17 years is just manipulation by Lamoriello to keep the cap hit down to a more manageable number. Hopefully the next CBA will address these types of contracts as it's something of a loophole. That aside, I'm still not sold that this isn't a contract that NJD will regret down the road. Cheers, Ben
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