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Everything posted by fliesbymike

  1. Awesome pictures, sounds like a great trip. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  2. I think it is slowing down on e-bay, I sold several saddles awhile ago for a great profit on that site, prices are slowly dropping.
  3. I also work in the retail industry, I think it makes them feel better if they can cause an argument with you and in turn ruin your day. If at the end of the conversation if they are still mad i always smile at them and tell them to have a great day. This seems to agitate them even more as they stomp off!!!!!
  4. Awesome post, myself i tie my own flies and yes i have random fly boxes full of flies all over my house. I even find plastic 35mm film containers with my first tied flies in them hidden in my cupboards. Now I am also starting to accumulate the gear.
  5. ``Holy Crap `` that is awesome!!!!
  6. Awesome pics , Thanks for sharing.
  7. I had to replace the air valve on one of the pontoons on my pontoon boat but it is leaking air around the seam ( not the valve itself) . Is there a good product , sealant to use to fix this problem ?
  8. A Metz #2 Cream saddle just went on E-bay for $300.00 U.S. Absolutely crazy prices!!!
  9. I also just recently purchased a Cliff Outdoors bugger barn, I agree it is a bit bulky but works great.
  10. Wow. Sounds like a great trip gone bad for sure.Sorry to hear it went the way it did.Great pics as usual, Thanks for sharing.
  11. Thanks for posting Jeff. Was going to take a trip out that way to see what it looked like. Hopefully the weather smartens up soon!!!
  12. Fantastic pics !
  13. In the long run I think you do . It is definately more of a thrill to catch them on what you tie.
  14. Looks like it was a fantastic trip, Thanks for sharing the with us.
  15. Great pics Thanks for sharing.
  16. Has anybody used Aleenes fabric fusion for Double bunny flies. It has a pen tip applicator which is a bonus. I have heard that Spped Sew is usually used.
  17. They are all awesome pics , Thanks for sharing
  18. Fantastic pics, glad to hear it all worked out in the end, Thanks for sharing
  19. Fantastic pics Thanks for sharing
  20. Please note that the brassies and chironomids are all tied with tungsten beads.
  21. Check out Howards Hackle, there capes and saddles are awesome + they are in Alberta
  22. If I bought flies, which fortunately I do not, and they were tied by a local tyer using quality materials I may go upwards of $3.00 a piece. Looking at some of the flies I have seen in fly shops I would be hard pressed to pay 99 cents a piece.
  23. For sure, want the kids to get some, seems like it would be a great place for the family for the day!!!!!!
  24. Does anybody know if repairs are completed at Spruce Coulee Reservoir, would like to take the kids fishing there but not sure if it is worth the trip Thanks for any info.
  25. Nice pics, Thanks for sharing!!
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