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Everything posted by bbhill

  1. Sorry not the one I found
  2. Worth a shot but definitely not yours. Thanks for asking. It’s a really nice net so I’d like to get it back to whoever lost it
  3. I floated the bow Tuesday afternoon and found a net along the bank either left behind or washed up. If you lost a net pm me with a description as I’d like to get it back to the owner.
  4. Topic should be Pike or Trout.
  5. I'm looking to do one last fishing day of the year this next weekend and wondering if it'd be best to float police to mac or if there'd be any pike still in the shallow water. I've fished Clear lake before and was thinking maybe of trying it again but not sure if they'd be feeding in shallower water right now. I don't get the chance to get out fishing much so wanted to make the most of my day and any advice would be appreciated.
  6. As a chiropractor I see and treat many people with wrist, elbow and shoulder problems and use different techniques like ART, Graston, and Kinesio taping. For the shoulder, a big aspect of those problems is due to weak posture. I utilize a posture shirt called IntelliSkin that helps cue proper posture in your back which makes a big difference in how you hold your shoulder, and people have reported awesome results and avoided shoulder surgery using it. You can check out this link to learn more about it. https://www.intelliskin.net
  7. Thanks for the info Vagabond. I agree it is usually not the safest time but thought with the little snowfall, warmer temperatures and little rain we've received that runoff may be minimal and early this year.
  8. I'm also curious about float times as I'm looking to take a group of 14-15yr old scouts down the bow river in canoes. I was wondering about times that would be fun but still safe and amount of time expected between put in and take out. Times that I was hoping for was June 26th and 27th, but not sure how big runoff will be this year and if it would be safe at that time? We plan to camp one night too and thought we could put in at Glenmore and take out at Carseland. Any advice and estimation on float times would be much appreciated.
  9. DonAnderson, can you buy a 20' leader or do you just add tippet material to the end of a 9 or 12' leader?
  10. Thanks jpinkster. That is great advice as I've listen to the Orvis podcasts on streamer fishing especially for Pike and wasn't sure on the retrieve I sho use. I was also thinking of using some poppers and divers that I used for bass fishing in Texas and wondered if by chance they would work for any top water action for pike?
  11. Thanks for the great advice and resources to look at. bcube thanks for the heads up about the free class I think that would be great to attend. Screaminreal, does Lees lake have camping as I would plan to take my family there if so? Also how long of a leader should I be using if I'm fishing with an indicator and chronomids versus how long should I have a leader for pike fishing? I'm sure this may be in the videos and books you guys have mentioned with Chan and Rowley but if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. Thanks again for the help.
  12. Hi everyone, I'm no expert fly fisherman by any means but have only fished River systems before and am looking to try some Stillwater fishing this year but am not sure where to start or what set up I should look at? I did do some pike fishing last year one day on Clear lake and had a lot of fun but was curious about when they start to get active again, feeding in the shallows sometime after ice off and summer when the whether warms up from what I under but when is that typically? When and where would be a good place to start looking to catch trout as well and should I start with chronomids under an indicator or use a streamer? I have a 9' pontoon boat and got a 34lb trolling motor for Christmas that I'm excited to try out so any advice, tips, and suggestions for where and how to get started would be great and much appreciated.
  13. The water wasn't too bad and with the sun shining it felt nice for a tiny bit. Thanks everyone for the advice and those who pm'd me about getting rid of theirs'.
  14. So I caught my first pike on the weekend and tested out my pontoon boat. It was a blast, but there's only one problem, I want to go lake fishing more now, so I have to buy a trolling motor for my pontoon. Just curious if there was any advice as to make/models and size anyone would recommend or if anyone has one sitting around they'd like to get rid of? I have a 9' pontoon boat with motor mount plate. Not looking for anything too special just solid quality. Thanks!
  15. Haha... Nice. That was good. No I'm a chiropractor though.
  16. Thanks for the advice and extra tips. I want to fly fish for pike this year and I'm a little cautious about releasing them as this is my first time catching pike let alone first time catching fish out of a pontoon boat. I was thinking of using those Lindy fishing gloves to protect my hand and some long needle-nose pliers. My hands are very important for my work. Any other suggestions.
  17. I've read different things in this forum about anchor systems and ideas with mixed views. I have a discovery 9ir pontoon and am new to using a pontoon and want to hook up an anchor system to it. I plan to do a little lake and bow river fishing with the boat and was told to get a 10-12 lbs anchor but reading the past posts seems like most people use a 20 or 30 lb. I don't know if that's mor for drift boats or if I should look at getting more weight? Also, I picked up a bowl type anchor at wholesale sports but am thinking a dumbbell or pyramid anchor is a better choice. I also read on here that used climbing rope is the way to go and thought that was a good idea but how much rope do I need and wats a good way to keep it organized? Lastly, and sorry for so many questions, does anyone recommend an electric air pump for filling the bladders quickly without overfilling and does anyone use a pressure gauge to avoid overfilling? Thanks for any help and suggestions. The people on this forum are great.
  18. Thanks for all the advice and although I did not get a scadden (I'm sure they're great but out of my price range) I did get a great deal on a discovery 9ir. I finally got it out on a lake the other night and loved it as I haven't done much lake fishing and found it so much more enjoyable from a boat. I did find my feet were dragging a bit while on the foot pegs. I think I needed to fill the toons up a little more but I'm afraid of overfilling. Any advice on how to gage it as it gives a psi to fill to but my pump doesn't have a gage? Also, I think I needed to set the frame back a bit more to balance it out better. Also, I'm now in the market for an anchor and rope as it was a pain to try and fish while floating into shore every two casts. I'd like a trolling motor too but not sure it's in the budget right now, but are there any specific things I should look for in getting a motor for that size of pontoon? Thanks
  19. I appreciate all the comments and advice as well. We have a 4yr, 2yr, and 9 month twins. It's been the craziest year of our lives and not that I got out a ton before but I manage an hour here and there after kids are in bed and a day trip to the mountain streams once in the summer. I took my 4 yr old to the community ponds while we lived in Texas last yr and he loved it even if it was only a half hr or so. He always wants to go fishing now. My wife was great and we even went down to the bow one day and took turns carrying our first child when he was a baby and she caught her first fish on the bow even though she wasn't a huge fan of fishing she still tried to spend time together, so be sure to do the same for her. It's hard to understand until you have one of your own but they are the most amazing thing in the world, even though it can be hard at times. Remember, your wife is amazing and try doing what she does for a whole day and then imagine doing it day in and day out, you realize they have a special gift so be sure to work at it together. Enjoy.
  20. Thanks for the suggestions. I am considering buying an 8' fish cat cougar which sits much lower in the water and would allow some control with fins. The other boat would be a fish cat 9 ir. It would be my first pontoon and boat to float the bow so I wanted to make sure I had a safe, stable boat that I could control well. I've heard great things about those scadden boats but its a bit above my price I think.
  21. So I've heard mixed things about what size of pontoon boat you want/need for the bow river. I've read that at least a 9' is necessary and also heard that a 7 or 8 foot pontoon doesn't sacrifice stability or maneuverability. I thought I'd ask what the general consensus is and what the experts say?
  22. I was thinking the same thing Dust1n since I'm looking to buy a new 6wt real and the Guru looked like a good affordable option. I don't want to spend over $200, but nobody mentions about the Lamson reels?
  23. Awesome, I love fly fishing because there is always something new to learn and accomplish. I look forward to catching my first pike on the fly as well. Congrats.
  24. I hadn't thought of all those options. Are they standard brand names and what is the extra price point I'm looking at. I mainly plan to fish the bow on 1/2 and full day trips, would like to do do a 2 day island stay but probably not in the near future. My experience with lake fishing is very limited but would like the option to expand into fishing lakes more in the future. 420FLYFISHIN, are you referring to the Fish Cat 9 model?
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