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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. I have the map book for the area, you can borrow it.
  2. Here's my best recipe for duck Breast: Pan fry skin down in real butter with salt pepper on medium heat for a very short time less than a minute per side, then remove let set for five minutes, then thinly slice the breast and enjoy. The problem most have is over cooking wild game never overcook it, should always be med rare.
  3. The Birds do put on a small, quant, Fly Fishing Show but I think its because we don't have the same scale/interest as our friends down south in Denver put on. A new venue might be in order, just suggesting that maybe its time to have the IF4 at the same location during the show?
  4. Be right behind you,coming up to skeena on sunday the 14th for the week, too bad i missed the opportunity to test a BM on the river next week but another time.
  5. Does anyone still demo spey rods in the calgary area?
  6. Does anyone have drift boat plans that they would be willing to share? Or tell me about your building experience?ETC...
  7. Going to Cambellville, kinda central in the state. I hear the cumberland is the river to fish for rainbow and browns. But there's stripped bass all over.
  8. Anyone done any fly-fishing in the blue grass state?
  9. Try Hawkins taxidermist in Winnipeg, hands down the best in the county for fish mounts. http://www.mytaxidermy.com/gallery_fish.html
  10. Lunch yes, and you provide your own flys..
  11. Very expensive if you ask me. It's probably a better idea to get a guide because at least you don't have to row then. Try dutchie he's got great rates and a very knowledgeable guide.
  12. Very important to us all and i too have written my MP about the subject. Get on board and make a change
  13. Are you serious, the Hydros hands down, match it with the LA Battenkill.
  14. What do u think is the best 5wt reel under 300.00?
  15. Why does everything have to be in edmonton??? Shouldn't everyone have a voice??
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