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mickberry last won the day on January 22 2015

mickberry had the most liked content!

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    henry's fork

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Tie your own leaders. Chip in with some of your fishin buds and purchase some fluor in different sizes. Make tons of leaders and save $$. There are lots of recipes online, from czech set up to standard... find out what works for you and make your own custom leaders.
  2. now that's funny never had any issues with 4x on the bow, ...its all about the presentation.. i came from rivers that would require 5x thru 7x if you even wanted a chance. i do enjoy fishing dries with heavier tippet..get those fish in fast
  3. love poppin the cherry on a new rod. and nice fish to break er in
  4. lots of bears around red rock canyon in waterton too... hope everyone stays safe fishing those eastslopes this year
  5. hey pipestoneflyguy! when you are on your new jetboat be sure to use that fishfinder app to locate those big brownies.. it's how all the guides do it.
  6. this is good one
  7. BLADDER BUDDY! http://www.bladderbuddy.com/how_it_works.html
  8. how much does that outcast weigh?
  9. yeah i am working on a duckling pattern..should slay them
  10. how much again
  11. Grn D, interesting....never had any problems my sage reel seats (fingers crossed) and they don't just hang out in the closet either. busted an old rpl + twice (my fault) and each time and the discontinued model was repaired, cork sanded, and back in my hands in a month. anywho not trying to turn this into another rod pitching thread, just wondering why you are worried the reel seets? is it the look/feel of them or have they actually failed you?
  12. Sometimes you just have to go for it...or in this case..on it! http://vimeo.com/31796807
  13. Simm's guide boot gets my vote. By far the best support and durability. These boots travel on and off the beaten trail and hold up. I have one pair with studs for the trail/ice shelves/bow river marbles, and one pair without studs for the boat and other elements. If you decide to go with studs, try to avoid stepping on your line. Obviously not to good for it vs. the good old soft felt. I have owned and destroyed korkers, chota, and orvis boots. Though these companies offer great innovations/ideas such as boa lacing, interchange souls, quick lace,...they just don't seem to handle the wear. Hopefully they can catch up.
  14. Will you be showing us how to tie duckling patterns?
  15. No advertising intended. For viewing pleasure only. Mike Kemp shoots photography for lifestyle/outdoor magazines. You may recognize some of his work on Alberta 2011 hunting regs. He made his way up to Alberta last year and spent a week fishing the bow, and other southern Alberta rivers. Though an outdoors man, Mike was not to familiar with the fly fishing game. The best part of the trip was teaching Mike how to cast, nymph, and catch fish. He caught the fever and once he was hooked it was a tough choice whether to pick up the fly rod or the camera. I respect professional photographers/artists who make a living capturing these moments. They are always at the mercy of mother nature, and have small windows to capture that "hero" shot. We were up at 5:00 am daily to catch the morning light stayed past dark for those twilight hours. I guess in a way we, photographer and fly fisherman, are similar creatures. We are both willing to go to extreme measures to take pictures and catch fish. Please do not use photos without consent. Enjoy, Mike's work on 2011 Alberta Hunting Regs. One of Mike's Bow River bows A few of the fish we caught The Duck Hunt J
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