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Everything posted by dryfly

  1. Cheeler, Thanks for this. Great news. I think this encouragement will make me switch. As it turns out this problem "went away" after many hours and much embarrassment. A techy friend wrote last night, "I think it is not at your end I think it is at your providers end. This issue will most likely clear up in a day or 2. " He was correct. I retested last last night (after wasting many hours), and it was fine again. Retested this morning with many of the same attachments as used yesterday and all good. I will have a spare day next week and may be able to jump over. I MUST clean up the folder before doing so..that will take a few hours...have 10,832 emails in many folders. 90 percent can be deleted. Thanks again for the link. (I searched and could not find anything this good.) Clive
  2. Maybe some of you techy types can save my sanity!! (And it is already in the brink! ) Background Been using OE6 for a few years. I send and rec dozens of emails daily. Send lots of emails with PDF, Word doc and jpg attachments. Generally things have gone well. The odd glitch with this and that ... usually "operator error." The problem Today I sent an email with two jpgs and one PDF attachment. An "error sending" box popped up and the message was still in the "outbox" and not in the "sent items" box. It turns out that the message was indeed sent and since it was still in the "outbox" it kept sending and sending. Searching the internet, I determined that this is documented by others. See here. The general solution is to first delete any remaining emails in the outbox, close OE and then do a search for "outbox.dbx" folder (now empty) and delete it. There are several references to it being corrupted. Upon restarting OE, it automatically makes a new outbox folder. GREAT! It all worked again. Well not exactly. I can send emails with no attachments and it is fine, but the moment I attach any type of file (large or small ... PDF, jpg, Word.doc ... no matter), the email hangs in the outbox and the error message pops up (BTW the error message box is blank). If the attachment is a small doc file (say a 10KB doc file which sends in a second) the recipient (my wife's computer for the tests) gets several copies of the email and this continues until I manually delete the email in the outbox folder. Ugh! So I went around a few times and deleted the "outbox.dbx" folder and it all works fine until I send an attachment. (I've been sending attachments for years...nothing unusual with the current attachments.) I read somewhere about reinstalling OE .. which I will never do. If I change it won't be OE. I'd really just like to fix this. I MUST fix this. I might be interested in using something other than an MS email system. Fine, BUT I have over 10,000 emails in assorted folders. Ugh (Again! ) I don't think OE folders can be exported to Thunderbird. Any one know if that is possible? Your suggestions are appreciated. Thanks! Clive
  3. How's that drought thing doing so far? Yup, the sky sure is falling, eh?
  4. Hey BBT ... If Buckshot reruns become popular, you'll have to dump yer avatar!
  5. Anglers' Ridge B&B .. 200 to 300 m from the river. Well done facilities. Will hold many people. Call Malcolm Bennett or Wendy. Mike Lamb's Riverside Lodging. Mike has an awesome cabin 200 m from the river at the TU Burmis lease. Will sleep quite a few people. Kitchen..two bathrooms...two bedrooms...VERY well appointed. Both of these people are active TU members. Mike manages the TU Hillcrest lease and Malcolm manages the TU Burmis lease. (I have no financial interest in these businesses.)
  6. You are strongly advised to not even consider animal furs and feathers, packaged or otherwise. All you need is one cranky customs officer and you will either pay or have them confiscated. It is not worth the effort and risk. As others have suggested, buy materials or flies down under. Do you even know exactly what materials you'll need? No matter what you take, bet a dollar you'll end up buying something like "urine stained koala bear ear hairs" or some "must have" Oz material. My wife's small bag of trail mix (dried peanuts and raisins) cost us $210 going into Chile last year. Harden criminals we are. Trail mix.
  7. Anyone taking that baby to Bullshead would be up for a Darwin.
  8. No. Assuming the plants are robust and growing well you can leave the flowers alone. If the plants were weak and not doing well you may want to remove the first flower cluster. You will need to know if it is an indeterminate variety (staking) or determinate type (bush) to see how to prune it. If a bush type, then leave it alone. If it is a staking type then the "shoots" at the axils will have to be pruned away. See here. Clive
  9. It sure as hell would cut down on repeat offenders, eh? Why waste a dinghy though?
  10. Chain Lakes (west of Nanton) is not on the list. here. (Thanks to BBT for pointing out the difference.) The closures or reduced services are unfortunate. Electricity was added at Cottonwood two years ago and use was way up last year. (Casual observation.) Three years ago they could not get a private operator there, and that may explain why it is being reduced to a day-use area...which is nonsense as there already is a a large day-use area there. Looking at the dense clusters of campgrounds in SW Alberta I can't see how this will make random camping worse. Random camping already out of control and the MLAs and ministers simply will do nothing. Please write your MLA and Mel Knight and tell them what you think. Not enough people are letting their MLAs and the minister know how they feel! Don't post here ... write a letter instead! Here is the contact info for the SRD minister. Here is how to contact your MLA. According to MLA, Evan Berger, (letter to me April 8, 2010), there is a new Public Lands Act which will make it easier to enforce land use regs. However, until there is real change in random camping enforcement (specifically, adherence to the 14-day rule) I don't believe it. Just more verbal bullshit. See here... random camping webpage made in 2002. The same goddamn cookhouse was still up in 2008!! It simply has been moved. If you want a copy of the letter I recently rec'd from Evan Berger (MLA Livingstone-McLeod) and email letter I sent to him, send me an email. The reply is mostly just blah blah blah. CLIVES AT SHAW DOT CA I also sent Morton a long letter and "report" on random camping in late 2008 .. I can send that to you as well. His reply was worse than Berger's reply! Clive
  11. Don, I've seen your travel kit ... more stuff than some fly shops. I've been using one of these Planos for years when I haul tying stuff to the trailer....four drawers for hooks, threads, stuff and more stuff. And a larger top compartment for the vice and assorted gear ad supplies. This holds all of the essential trout-fly supplies and gear. Been very handy for me. Clive
  12. Well Chris THAT certainly brings new meaning to the phrase, "pecker head." I vote you are best moderator of the year. PS: I am suing the cartoonist who stole my identity.
  13. Tough crowd. I remember that day Terry. Was fun. But your have now bastardized the thread by showing a CNR trout. rickr ... " A true beast!" Apparently yer referring to what is between my legs? :P
  14. Hey thanks riverview. Have you put the sheep on high ground for tonight's storm? This whole thread is a wee bit spooky. Regarding that fish in the net picture. We had a rather decent day for late-ish October and I was reading a Patrick McManus book at the time, The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw. I must have felt like a hot shot because I had a good afternoon...not many fish but they were mostly decent and FAT. I was reading that night and scribbled this (below) in the back of that book. (Why the heck I remember, I'll never know.) Here are those scribblings as written down that night. Was October 22, 1994. And, yes, the word "taped" is as written 16 years ago. Anyway, it was a great afternoon with John. Sorry for the hijack. Let's see some more beeg fish.
  15. Brian, Like I said, "And I know Hawgstoppah's fish are for sure." Honkin' huge bulls. WTF happened to Jokey? I sent him an email about 2 or 3 years ago and never heard back. He he. I also remember the Photoshop hack job of one of your kid's faces I stuck on that bull trout picture. Clive
  16. rickr ... The fish had scales. In the space-time continuum its size would be affected by all that stuff Einstein said about relativity. And since this was so long back in time, and the light waves are still bouncing around the universe somewhere, after 16 years this trout is probably several feet long by now. Me? I got wider and shorter and grayer.
  17. This was probably my longest and heaviest Bow rainbow. 23 ½ as I recall. We weighed a similar rainbow that day at 5½ pounds. These were fat, as is apparent in the picture. Gettin' old. This was 1994 down by Gleichen.
  18. All seriously cosmic fish guys. And I know Hawgstoppah's fish are for sure. This picture of for a joke ... in response to TerryH's comment! :P
  19. Jeffro wins. The text posted was updated to modern language. The original text (some of it below) was written in 1817!! Unfortunately the Royal Society is sucked up in this nonsense, of AGW. Ref. President of the Royal Society, London, to the Admiralty, 20th November, 1817, Minutes of Council, Volume 8. pp.149-153, Royal Society, London. 20th November, 1817. There is a nice "Arctic ice" summary here. There are many good source about historical global ice ... particularly Arctic ice. It comes it goes. The current alarmism is based mainly on a mere 30 years of satellite data. This is perhaps the most sensible review you can read. This chap is one of the world's leading atmospheric physicists. FROM THE MINUTES, 1817 “It will without doubt have come to your Lordship’s knowledge that a considerable change of climate, inexplicable at present to us, must have taken place in the Circumpolar Regions, by which the severity of the cold that has for centuries past enclosed the seas in the high northern latitudes in an impenetrable barrier of ice has been during the last two years, greatly abated…. ….. this affords ample proof that new sources of warmth have been opened and give us leave to hope that the Arctic Seas may at this time be more accessible than they have been for centuries past, and that discoveries may now be made in them not only interesting to the advancement of science but also to the future intercourse of mankind and the commerce of distant nations.” ”Mr. Scoresby, a very intelligent young man who commands a whaling vessel from Whitby observed last year that 2000 square leagues (a league is 3 miles) of ice with which the Greenland Seas between the latitudes of 74° and 80°N have been hitherto covered, has in the last two years entirely disappeared. The same person who has never been before able to penetrate to the westward of the Meridian of Greenwich in these latitudes was this year able to proceed to 10°, 30′W where he saw the coast of East Greenland and entertained no doubt of being able to reach the land had not his duty to his employers made it necessary for him to abandon the undertaking. This, with information of a similar nature derived from other sources; the unusual abundance of ice islands that have during the last two summers been brought by currents from Davies Streights (sic) into the Atlantic. The ice which has this year surrounded the northern coast of Ireland ( see footnotes1) in unusual quantity and remained there unthawed till the middle of August, with the floods which have during the whole summer inundated all those parts of Germany where rivers have their sources in snowy mountains.”
  20. I am not even going to get going on this ... other than to toss out this ditty. A report about the Arctic. THE ARCTIC IS MELTING You are likely aware that a considerable change of climate has taken place in the Arctic. The severity of the cold that has for the past few centuries enclosed the seas in the high northern latitudes with an impenetrable barrier of ice has greatly abated in the last two years. This is ample proof that new sources of warmth have caused the Arctic seas to open and may make the Arctic more accessible to shipping than for centuries. Scoresby (research boat commander) observed last year that some 50,000 km of ice that once covered the Greenland Seas (between the latitudes of 74° and 80°N), has entirely disappeared in the past two years. He has never been before able to penetrate to the west in these latitudes and this year was able to proceed much farther to the west than in previous years. This is totally true and it and it comes from a supposedly credible source. Pretty shocking stuff. Anyone care to tell us the source? Any takers?
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