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    Southern Alberta

strand's Achievements

Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. HUMBLE.....YEAH HUMBLE!!!!!!!
  2. once youve decided what your gonna wade in, make sure to do up your wading belt nice n tight and get ready to berg surf! now im a profesional bow river berg surfer and have been for years, this requires great skill and usually a few doobs. break off the largest piece of berg you can, if your a fatty no problemo but i usually have a friend help me bust it off. stay away from deep pools and current, as the berg will melt faster the further out you go. a buddy and i once rode a berg right under the pedestrian bridge near bankside. all the drifters know the east side of the river gets rather deep there and we had to jump off into waist deep water. the thing was the size of a small island! now im sure theres a few other pro bow river berg surfers out there and props to them! of course we only do this on a skunk day, or if the whities wont leave us alone. good luck and remember...STAY SHALLOW!!!
  3. you dont need neops. if your legs are cold its cause your fishing in the same spot too long. bare blackwater waders, expensive but worth it. m.e.c. jonnies and polar fleece a good pair of wool socks and a couple upper layers. wear silk or a variation of, theres no need for neops. men dont belong in them.
  4. the olympus has been good to me. great picture nice video and yeah the shock thing saved my ass a few times. however, if you like shooting vids, the olympus lacks the zoom while you record function. something ive seen on other cameras, but not this one. in hind sight i would have dug deeper to find one that can. do any u/w cameras have this function?????
  5. hum...must be racehorse, yeah racehorse!! no wait....is it the upper stretch of fish creek? must be cause i think i can see a teepee in the background. "HI-HOW-ARE-YA"
  6. yeah me too!! i love the livingstone in the fall!!
  7. did freddy mercury start the whole "rod in mouth," picture thing....or was it sombody on this site? no more gay fish porn pics!!!
  8. "on" ...its "the light goes on." the bomb goes off.
  9. some people are taking these posts way to seriously. i have lots of respect for the comp angler. and i believe wisdom is an asset on the river. i dont doubt that anyone reading this could win. but those waters will reward anyone who tosses a fly in them. we live in the greatest place for beginners and intermediate anglers, because our fish take to the fly quite often twice in an hour. yeah catching lots of fish is fun, but dont tell me this determines the champ!!! ive taken many newbies out to these places and shown them plenty of fish. my girl outfishes me most the time and she just started. aside from technique, she stands just as good of chance catching bigger fish as any of us. dont get me wrong, im grateful to live so close to these waters, but lets all remember the dude with a beer gut and lawn chair with a can of worms catches the same fish we do. fishing is allot easier than some of you think! ok...lets have the retalliation replies.
  10. national champ???? bahahahahahaaa. yeah its real hard to catch a cuttie in fernie. not to mention the oh so elusive bull trout. gimme a break, my grandma fishes those waters. maybe she should enter. poor, poor location. national champ.....wow! just bring a white feather tied to a large hook and youll be the next champ!!
  11. sheep too! just as bad, everyone should go to the st marys!!! hahaha!!
  12. i see those guys every time i go to the bow.
  13. i ran outta 6 lb and peacock hurl late last night.
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