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Everything posted by creekside

  1. Found this on the net. Very interesting design. http://www.deneki.com/2013/09/tying-sculpins-with-trevor-covich/
  2. best tutorial by the master himself.
  3. Photo bucket worked great. Check out my report on acklins.
  4. That photo of the boat hpuse must have been tacken last fall. 2 1/2 months to go and the ice should be off.. Thanks all for the tip.
  5. Yah I know that this has been covered before but would someone please tell me how to post images as part of a report. Tried all kinds of ways and nothing seems to work. If I use the attach file my images are to big even when i reduce the size still doesn't work.
  6. Hey Bud. As mentioned before Eluthera Bahamas - Rainbow inn. Best beaches, lots of DIY flats with beaches, neat towns and the people and food are awsome. Spent three weeks in Roatan + Utila. West Bay lodge real nice about a block from the beach ecellent snorkling. Fosters has a tree house and more normal accomadations and a good bar and resturant. Short beach walk to West End (night life). Didn't stay in West End to busy and the beach kind of sucks. Utila is an interesting diving town worth a couple of nights. Everyones last name is Morgan (after the pirate) he was apperently pretty busy at night. unsure if directly flights are available. Lots to explore and gettting around is real easy by bus or taxi, wouldn't advice renting a scooter, local seem to realy hate them. Belize is cool but it's been many years but get out of belize city as fast as you can, sketchy at best. Cayo Caulker and San pedro are nice with easy acces to fishing. I've got a spare saltwater line you can have, and have allot of flies you can have. See you on the weekend.
  7. was that way a few weeks back and the south ram bridge was still closed. Call the service station in Nordegg they ought to know.
  8. another option. http://www.codella.com/
  9. PS if you want to try a DB on Maligne send me a note.
  10. Have spent many many hours in a scott on Maligne (home of all things freighter), it's a great boat but when it came to replacing my 16' catraft (horrible on lakes) with something that would do it all I purchased a Hyde low pro. It now on it third season on Maligne and I have to say it as good as a scott, borrowed a buddies Minkotta 101 to see how it would compare to the 18' scott rigged with the same motor. Was at 5 mile a good 10 minute faster than the scott. Checked our battries for power used and both were about the same. I have to admit it kind of slappy in any form of chop but but not much worse than a jon boat. Like GrnDrake I do not troll while fishing and the stabilty and able to stand up and cast is the biggest advange over any freighter. Good luck finding your perfect boat. Ray
  11. yup should be fine for brookies but the maligne is stuffed with spawners. I'll send you a report on Monday. Give me a call when you come up. Maybe do a little chronie fishing instead of trolling.
  12. http://www.flyfishfood.com/search?q=Fly+Tyin%27+with+Uncle+Ken
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  13. funny stuff http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-bT8MFX_lEt0OY1sPI6sYQ
  14. hardy har har har!!!!!!
  15. Heard elk bugling early in the morning near Jensen's. Is their a ranch near by or are they wild?
  16. All you need to know is on this link. Have the seller email or fax all the paper work before heading south. I got stung on the trailers tires when inspected at Canadian tire, they weren't trailer rated. You should also get a In-transit permit from the border to home, call your local Registration Office for what paper work you'll need. http://www.bcfishingreports.com/forums/arc...php/t-3085.html
  17. Good morning all. Just ordered some 2" x 6" x 12' vertical grain Sitka spruce and have some VG fir for the outside of the blades. Now all I need is some plans. Have looked all over the net and not much to be found. Plan to laminate the shafts to increase the strength. Would appreciate any help or advice, if you have a set of sawyer’s or premiers a rough sketch with dimensions would be awesome. Also will need the rope size for the oar lock wraps.
  18. Just picked up a pair of simms G3 convertable for $300.00 @ Yellowstone anglers. A little over a week and they were at my door. Excellent product so far, will see how the hold up.
  19. Hello all. Boat arrived on Good Friday, couldn't have been a better day to pick it up, nice and warm and a beautiful drive from Jasper to Cow town but no time to fish. Boat was exactly as described no surprises and basically nicer than what I expected, new paint job inside in out, bottom was flawless and chine’s were rebuilt. Jim and crew @ Hyde were excellent to deal even though I was pain with all the phone calls and asking for more photos. All in all if anyone was to ask if I’d recommend buying a used boat from Hyde it would be a resounding YES. Now if I could sit in it having a cold beverage other than parked in my driveway it would be grand but my time will come soon enough hopefully for a two night camping trip in early May. Later Ray
  20. Thank all for all of the advice. It's a done deal and boat will be delivered to Calgary in the next couple of weeks. I was a little nervous at first but after seeing all the pictures (before and after reconditioning) and making sure that I didn't have to pay up front before inspecting the boat on delivery. Was going to go the sweetwater route but for the extra couple of hundred $ it worked out cheaper than having to drive from Jasper all the way to the border. Has anyone have any idea when the boat access will be open @ Mac.
  21. Things are changing in the Parks. Last time I got involved in a debate on Parks policy I was burnt pretty badly so I'm not getting involved in this debate, but please read the attached link. May shed some light or really get things heated up. http://www.faqs.org/periodicals/201005/2143150471.html
  22. Looking at purchasing a used reconditioned LP Hyde from the factory. Anyone purchased a used boat from them. Going to be closing the deal this week but it's a little spooky buy a boat unseen. Ray
  23. Been looking around for a new boat and have checked out the Adipose website and they look like to the perfect boat for my uses. Not being able to attend the show to have a good look at one I’m hoping someone with allot of boat experience might provide their thoughts and comments on these boats. Boat will be used with both electric and outboard motor on rivers and lakes, has to have enough room for all the gear for multi night trips with only two in the boat. New company so I'm a little worried about long term durability and possible warranty issues. All that being said can a standard 16’ hyde or clack hold enough gear for three night camping trip and still row well? Thanks in advance Ray
  24. http://www.torqeedo.com/en/hn/products/travel-503-1003.html. Buddy who's a real electrical nut found these on the net. Unsure if avaible in Canada. Specs looks awsome. No more busting your back hauling deep cycles.
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